Cough tablets "Bromhexine" is a drug with a powerful mucolytic effect. This drug improves the motility of the bronchial glands and develops its own secret in the lungs, which helps to reduce the viscosity of sputum that clogs the space of the lower respiratory organs. The drug has a pronounced expectorant effect, promotes the removal of mucus and the transition of cough into a productive form.
"Bromhexine" has a low degree of toxicity, which allows it to be well absorbed by the body, both children and adults. In addition, it has virtually no effect on the circulatory system of the respiratory system and has a small number of possible adverse reactions.
Cough tablets "Bromhexine" are inexpensive drugs. On average, the cost of one package for 10 pieces is 50 rubles. The tablets are coated with a soluble coating, which increases the effectiveness of the drug. Its splitting takes place inintestines, which allows the active components to enter in large quantities into the systemic circulation, and then into the lung tissue. Bromhexine is dispensed without a prescription from a doctor and is available for purchase at almost any pharmacy.
According to the instructions for use, Bromhexine cough tablets are prescribed for the treatment of an ailment of an intense, unproductive nature, both colds and infectious genesis. The drug does its job very well. It converts the cough from dry to productive, which is due to its ability to thin sputum and provoke its free exit from the lungs. "Bromhexine" expands the space of the bronchi, cleansing and facilitating breathing, improving the process of gas exchange and saturating the bloodstream with more oxygen. It is this process that contributes to an increase in the immune qualities and resistance of the body to the effects of infectious pathogens.

Bromhexine cough tablets are prescribed by a pulmonologist for the treatment of patients with the following lung pathologies:
- Acute or chronic bronchitis caused by a cold or infectious disease, accompanied by an exacerbation of fever and increased cough.
- Pneumonia caused by extensive local inflammatory processes provoked by pneumococcal infection. This is the case in medical practice when Bromhexine cough tablets are used.
- Inflammation of the lower or upper respiratory tract vir altype.
- Bronchoectatic disease, accompanied by the formation of purulent sputum in the sacs of the bronchi. If the lungs are covered with ulcers and infiltrative tissue damage occurs, it is not advisable to use the drug.
- Asthma of the bronchial type, accompanied by copious accumulation of thick sputum.
A specialist can prescribe Bromhexine cough tablets as an independent remedy, and also includes the drug as part of a complex treatment, which allows you to achieve the maximum therapeutic effect in a short time.

As the instructions for use indicate, Bromhexine cough tablets have practically no restrictions for taking. The drug is well accepted by the body and does not provoke the development of adverse reactions. However, experts identify a number of conditions in which you should stop taking the drug:
- First trimester of pregnancy. During this period, the formation of all vital organs and systems of the unborn child begins. "Bromhexine" enters the bloodstream and is able to have a teratogenic effect on a developing organism. In particular, taking the drug at the beginning of pregnancy may adversely affect the respiratory system of the fetus.
- Peptic ulcer. The components of "Bromhexine" are able to increase the acidity of the juice in the stomach. For this reason, with a tendency to form ulcers in the stomach, as well as inflammatory processes in the organs of the digestive system, do not take the drug.recommended. Taking medication against the background of an exacerbation of gastric ulcer can lead to serious complications for the patient's he alth and require hospitalization.
- Allergic reaction. The tendency to develop an allergy to the components in the composition of "Bromhexine" is also a contraindication for taking tablets. A negative reaction to the drug can manifest itself in the form of itching on the skin, urticaria, a rash in the abdomen and chest, as well as on the neck and arms. In especially severe forms of the disease, bronchospasm and swelling of the mucous membrane are possible.
- Breastfeeding. It is not recommended to breast-feed a child simultaneously with Bromhexine treatment. This is due to the ability of the active components of the drug to penetrate into the mother's milk and be transmitted to the child. The reaction of the body of a newborn can be unpredictable, including severe allergies.
- Bleeding in the stomach. In some people, weakness of the capillary vessels in the stomach is congenital. In this case, patients experience periodic spotting in the cavity of the digestive organs. "Bromhexine" can provoke an increase in the intensity of blood secretion. Such a manifestation can dramatically reduce the pressure in the arteries and lead to the need for surgical intervention to eliminate bleeding.

The doctor examines the patient to identify contraindications for the use of the drug.
Before you start taking Bromhexine, you should consult a specialist. Usually,the dosage is selected individually, taking into account the patient's condition, his age and the presence of contraindications, as well as the established diagnosis. Standard drug regimens suggest the following:
Bromhexine cough tablets for children from one to two years old are taken 2 mg three times a day. At the age of two to six years, the dosage is increased to 4 mg with the same frequency of administration. A child over the age of six is prescribed 6-8 mg three times a day. From the age of ten, children are given the adult dosage of 8 mg in three divided doses per day.

Adult patients are prescribed 8-16 mg of the drug four times a day. This dosage is considered optimal to achieve a therapeutic effect. It is in this amount that the drug quickly and effectively eliminates the inflammatory process in the organs of the respiratory system, brings the secretory function of the bronchi into an active state and forces the discharge of liquefied sputum. The duration of the course of treatment is no more than two weeks.
Result of treatment
In many patients, positive dynamics from treatment with Bromhexine is observed already one week after taking it. In some cases, improvement occurs as early as the fourth day.
Prolonged Therapy
The doctor may decide on a longer course of treatment depending on the patient's condition. In addition, it is allowed to take "Bromhexine" for prophylactic purposes, for example, with congestion in the period after surgery, when the lungs andother respiratory organs were surgically manipulated.
Adverse reactions
In accordance with the instructions, Bromhexine cough tablets do not have a toxic effect on the body, however, they contain a number of possible side reactions.

So, the body can react to taking pills as follows:
- Violation of the gastrointestinal tract. The active components of "Bromhexine" can irritate the mucous membrane of the stomach or intestines, which leads to nausea, pain in the abdomen, a feeling of heaviness in the hypochondrium on the right, as well as a decrease in appetite. In addition, vomiting and diarrhea are possible, which can lead to dehydration.
- Dizziness. In fact, "Bromhexine" does not affect the circulatory system, however, against the background of weak cerebral vessels, pain in the head in the region of the temples and the back of the head may occur. If this side reaction is detected, it is better to refuse to take the drug and drink an anesthetic. In addition, you need to keep under control the pressure in the arteries. With even a slight increase, you should call an ambulance.
- Allergic reaction. It manifests itself in the form of a rash and itching, bronchospasm, swelling of the mucous membrane and urticaria.
The listed adverse reactions were recorded in patients taking Bromhexine during clinical trials. It is especially important to take into account the possibility of individualintolerance to the components of the drug.
Bromhexine tablets for dry cough have a number of analogues in composition and effect. There are also several generics that differ from the original only in name and manufacturer.
The most common option among analogues is Bromhexine Berlin-Chemie cough tablets, produced in Germany.
In addition to pills, many drugs are available in the form of solutions and syrups.

If "Bromhexine" was not found in any of the options in the pharmacy, you can take an analogue. The following drugs are identical in their effect:
- Cashnol. Produced in the form of a syrup, the average cost is 170 rubles per pack.
- "Ascoril". It is produced in tablet form, as well as in the form of syrup. The average cost is 300 rubles.
- Joset. The syrup is packaged in bottles of 100 and 200 ml. The price is approximately 250 rubles.
Cough tablets "Bromhexine" and "Bromhexine Berlin Chemi" are synthesized analogues of a substance that is extracted from a plant called "adatod". This component is included in such natural cough remedies as "Doctor Mom", "Travisil" and "Neotravisil".
Reviews on Bromhexine cough tablets
The drug is a medicine known to more than one generation. Many adults have known him since childhood. Patients invariably praise Bromhexine for its speed and effectiveness. manythe drug helps to get rid of even a prolonged cough.
Parents note that when using it in a child, after a few days of taking it, breathing ceases to be heavy and hoarse, sputum is separated much more easily and loses viscosity and density.
The drug is effective in the treatment of bronchitis, in addition, it is quite safe even for young children. Its use is especially relevant in case of intolerance to analogues. However, there are reviews in which the drug is described as ineffective. For some patients, it does not help even after a course of treatment.

Disadvantages of the drug according to patients
One of the disadvantages of Bromhexine is the need for a long, more than a week, intake. In addition, sometimes it caused adverse reactions in the form of dyspeptic disorders, especially in children.
In general, "Bromhexine" is considered a proven and effective remedy for eliminating dry coughs and alleviating bronchitis and colds. In addition to other advantages, the drug is affordable, which distinguishes it from similar medicines. However, even such a safe medicine is best taken after consulting a specialist.