Oflocaine ointment is produced by the company "Darnitsa" and is included in the group of antibiotics and chemotherapeutic agents for the treatment of skin diseases. The drug very quickly gained recognition among patients and doctors due to its high efficiency combined with affordable cost.

Let's consider in more detail the information about the remedy: its composition, indications and contraindications for use, possible side effects and so on. Special attention will be paid to drug reviews.
Basic information
"Oflokain-Darnitsa" (oflokain ointment) contains ofloxacin and lidocaine hydrochloride as the main active substances. Present in the tool and some auxiliary components, such as proxanol-268. macrogol-1500, macrogol-400, macrogol-6000, purified water, propylene glycol.
Offlocaine ointment is white and has a slight specific odor.
The drug goes on sale in tubes of 15 or 30 g. Instructions for use are additionally attached to each package, whichcontains all the necessary information.
The shelf life of the product is two years. It must be stored in its original packaging at a temperature of 8 to 26 degrees.
When applying a product with lidocaine and ofloxacin to he althy skin, its components practically do not enter the systemic circulation. In the presence of a violation of the barrier functions in the form of wounds (burns, cuts, and so on), about 3% of the used dose of the active substance enters the bloodstream. Its maximum concentration in the body is observed 3-4 hours after application. After 6 hours, ofloxacin is not detected in the blood.
Offlocaine ointment is distinguished by both antimicrobial and anesthetic action due to the presence of ofloxacin and lidocaine in its composition.

The first shows excellent efficiency in the fight against aerobic gram-negative microorganisms (one of them is Helicobacter pylori) and aerobic gram-positive bacteria (streptococci, staphylococci, and so on). However, there are some types of inflammatory pathogens that are completely insensitive to the action of ofloxacin. These include fungi, pallidum spirochete, viruses, anaerobic bacteria, and so on.
The anesthetic effect is achieved due to the properties of lidocaine. It prevents the conduction of impulses along nerve fibers by reducing the permeability of sodium ions and stabilizing the neuronal membrane. The substance is characterized by a short latent period and subsequent fairlylong duration of action, which is in the range from 1 to 3 hours. At the same time, the component does not irritate tissues and is able to dilate blood vessels.
The polymeric hypermolar base of the product ensures the movement of water in the wound towards the ointment. Due to this, there is a decrease in edema in the area of \u200b\u200bdamaged tissue and the removal of its purulent-necrotic contents.
Indications for use
When can oflocaine ointment be used? Its use is provided if the patient has:
- purulent-inflammatory skin diseases that were caused by bacteria;
- complicated infected wounds of the first phase of different locations and origins (wounds after surgical manipulations and treatments, trophic ulcers, amputation stumps of limbs, bedsores, phlegmon and abscesses of the maxillofacial region, postoperative fistulas and complicated wounds, and so on).

In addition, Oflokain-Darnitsa can be used to prevent and treat purulent complications and suppuration of wounds resulting from a burn.
Contraindications for use
There are some cases during which a remedy such as oflocaine ointment cannot be used for treatment. The instructions for the drug indicate that the ointment is strictly forbidden to be used if the patient has hypersensitivity to its components, as well as patients under the age of 15.

ExceptTherefore, the tool is not recommended for the treatment of pregnant and lactating women, as well as in the second phase of the wound process.
How to use
How should oflocaine ointment be used correctly? Instructions for use will answer this question.
It's worth starting with the fact that the product is intended exclusively for external use. It is used after carrying out all the necessary manipulations in the form of cleaning and processing the affected area.

The method of applying the drug depends on the type of wound. For example, when treating burns, the ointment should be applied directly to the affected area or a sterile gauze bandage, which then must be applied to the affected skin. At the same time, the frequency of application can be either daily or several times a week, depending on the amount of purulent discharge.
To get rid of purulent wounds, a tampon is pre-lubricated with ointment, and in case of damage to fistulous passages, special turundas should be used. In these cases, the remedy is applied once a day.
Total treatment time can only be determined by a doctor. He will take into account the dynamics of cleansing the wound from purulent secretions and the timing of the relief of the inflammatory process.
Oflocaine ointment can also be used to treat dermatological diseases. In this case, the product should be applied in a thin layer on the affected parts of the skin or use applications with gauze bandages 1-2 times a day. On average, this treatment takes up to two weeks.
Overdose and side effects
No cases of drug overdose have been identified.
Offlocaine ointment immediately after application to the affected surface may cause a slight burning sensation. If it disappears after a few minutes, there is no need to stop the drug.
A side effect from the use of the remedy can only manifest itself in the form of allergic reactions, which were caused by hypersensitivity and intolerance to its components.
Reviews about the drug
How effective is oflocaine ointment? Patient reviews about her are extremely positive!

One she helped to quickly cope with suppuration that appeared after infection of the wound, others used it to treat a burn, and still others used the remedy in the postoperative period. In all of the cases described above, oflocaine ointment showed its effectiveness and a quick method of action.
Summing up
So, we found out that the ointment "Oflokain-Darnitsa" has an excellent disinfecting and analgesic effect. All information in this article has been provided for informational purposes only. The use of any medication should be agreed with your doctor in advance.
Don't self-medicate and stay he althy!