Homeopathy, "Podophyllum" (drug): instructions, indications for use and reviews

Homeopathy, "Podophyllum" (drug): instructions, indications for use and reviews
Homeopathy, "Podophyllum" (drug): instructions, indications for use and reviews

Let's consider the preparation of homeopathy "Podophyllum". The plant on the basis of which the remedy is made is also called the thyroid nail leaf (barberry family) in a different way. To prepare a tincture from it, you need to take the fresh roots of the plant, and dried roots are useful for rubbing.

Homeopathy and remedy

Alternative medicine is a huge section that includes many different techniques and methods of treating people.

homeopathy indications for use
homeopathy indications for use

One of the most famous is homeopathy. Many people have heard about it, but not everyone is able to clearly explain what it is.

For the first time, Samuel Hahnemann began to practice homeopathic therapy. After he learned the basics of traditional medicine, he had doubts about the effectiveness of its methods.

Gradually, the basic principles thatregulate the use of homeopathy:

  • use of drugs in small doses;
  • testing (clinical experiments on volunteers);
  • select one drug;
  • implementation of dynamic observation;
  • dynamization (the process of preparing medicines - dilution and rubbing);
  • rejection of local treatment.

In homeopathy, the law of similarity is mandatory. This suggests that the active components of such drugs cause symptoms in the patient that are similar to the manifestations of the disease. Thus, what causes the pathology also cures it.

homeopathy podophyllum
homeopathy podophyllum

Is this way of healing outdated or not?

On the other hand, for many, homeopathy is an outdated folk way of healing. There are those who confuse it with herbal medicine. And some religious denominations even equate homeopathy with extrasensory perception. Thus, it is simply impossible to say in one word what homeopathy is. Everyone thinks differently. One of the popular homeopathic remedies is Podophyllum, which will be discussed later.


In excess, the drug causes people to have diarrhea and vomit. In addition, intense hyperemia of the small intestines can be observed. In addition, with an overdose, people sometimes observe a strong rush of blood to the liver area. Now let's move on to the indications and find out when it is recommended to use this medicine.


Homeopathic remedy "Podophyllum", which is madebased on the podophyllum plant, it is recommended to take in the presence of diseases of the digestive system. In general, it is advisable to use this homeopathic remedy in the presence of diarrhea caused by inflammation of the intestines. It is worth emphasizing that with the development of dysentery, the medicine "Podophyllum" does not help patients. The presented homeopathic remedy gives only relief in case of rectal prolapse and liver pathologies (such ailments are detected by the yellow tint of the patient's skin and dizziness). In addition, this medicine is very useful in the presence of acute hemorrhoids caused by a rush of blood to the abdominal organs.

homeopathic medicine podophyllum
homeopathic medicine podophyllum

Indications for "Podophyllum" (homeopathy) do not end there.

The next group of diseases that this remedy can easily cope with are the pathologies of the female reproductive system. For example, it is an excellent remedy suitable for healing uterine prolapse, and, in addition, it is used for pain in the ovaries. Homeopathic preparations made on the basis of the podophyllum plant are very good in the presence of various kinds of headaches and feverish cough, which gives pain to the liver. Finally, you can use preparations from this plant in case of fever or, more simply, when chills appear with excessive sweating.

Indications for the use of "Podophyllum" (homeopathy) must be strictly observed.

Who is the remedy for?

Homeopaths recommend the use of medicines frompodophyllum plants for people with a heavy temperament, who get angry and nervous a lot in life, especially over trifles. The constitutional type of medicine involves its use by patients suffering from problems with the intestines and liver. People who are suitable for this homeopathic remedy for treatment may often complain of diseases of the digestive system, which are accompanied by colic and vomiting. This remedy is also great for those who have painless watery stools.

Women who are recommended to use Podophyllum homeopathy can often experience certain difficulties during pregnancy, and immediately after childbirth they cannot restore their previous forms for a long time. The medicine belongs in homeopathy to choleretic and choleretic remedies, since the main direction of its action is to heal coughs and all kinds of liver problems.

The use of "Podophyllum" (homeopathy) should be cautious.

podophyllum homeopathy indications
podophyllum homeopathy indications

For what symptoms should this medicine be used?

The medicine in question should be taken if the patient develops the following symptoms:

  • A common symptom for which Podophyllum can help is sudden twitching pain.
  • In case of ailments of the nervous system, the medication is also suitable. It is especially worth using it if a person has dizziness along with bags under the eyes and headaches with drowsiness in the morning. acceptit is also a remedy for pains in the forehead and in the temples, accompanied by a flushed face. Also, the remedy is used for pulling pain in the temples and with sensations as if the eyes were crossing each other. When there is a shooting pain in the forehead, forcing the patient to close his eyes. In case of a stunning headache through the temples, which is relieved by pressure.
podophyllum homeopathy indications for use
podophyllum homeopathy indications for use

Among other things, the homeopathic preparation "Podophyllum" is also used in a number of the following cases:

  • If the patient's head sweats a lot, and, in addition, when the outer covers are cold.
  • During the teething period of capricious children.
  • When headache occurs alternately with diarrhea.
  • After a sudden pain in the forehead with the appearance of sore throat in the evenings.
  • In low spirits and hypochondria from a liver disorder.
  • In the event that a person's face is covered with cold sweat and becomes pale, like a dead man.
  • When patients have soft, loose and pale yellow skin.
  • In case of burning or pulling pain accompanied by headache.
  • Against the background of heaviness in the eyes with pain in the top of the head.
  • When there is pain in the eyeballs, and in addition, in the temples, which is accompanied by fever and the beating of the arteries.
  • If the patient has sunken eyes and inflammation in the morning.
  • When a person has bad breath and profuse saliva.
  • In caseacid in the mouth upon waking up.
  • When there is a putrid taste.
  • In case of white coating on the tongue.
  • In situations where the gums and inside of the cheeks are ulcerated and inflamed, and the tongue is dry, swollen or cracked.
  • For thrush in infants.
homeopathy podophyllum description
homeopathy podophyllum description

Let's learn how to use this drug.


The presented homeopathic medicine is recommended to be taken by patients in the third dilution in case of underlying pathologies. If we are talking about childhood ailments, then doctors advise using the twelfth dilution for treatment.

Reviews about "Podophyllum" (homeopathy)

Reviews of people about this drug are the most controversial. Some patients are confident in its effectiveness, but many also consider the Podophyllum drug to be an ordinary pacifier that does not bring any benefit.

Those who praise this medicine write that it is excellent for patients with diseases of the digestive system. It is generally considered appropriate to use it in the presence of diarrhea, which is caused by intestinal inflammation.

homeopathy podophyllum reviews
homeopathy podophyllum reviews

It is also noted that this medicine has a very large list of indications, due to which it, as a universal remedy, can be used for various ailments.

The article described "Podophyllum" (homeopathy).
