"Propranolol" is a medicine that belongs to the group of selective blockers. The drug has antianginal action, antiarrhythmic and hypotensive. The drug is prescribed for the treatment of coronary artery disease, thyrotoxicosis, hypertension. The drug is effective for neurocirculatory dystonia, migraine. It is used in the implementation of therapy for heart failure, angina pectoris. The drug benefits the body in myocardial infarction. They are treated with arrhythmia and hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. When "Propranolol" is not suitable for the patient, analogues are considered by a specialist, a medication is prescribed that is optimal for the patient.

Issue form
You can purchase two types of drug - the drug "Propranolol" and the drug "Propranolol Nycomed". These are the same drugs that are produced by different manufacturers in tablets.
Drug ingredients
The drug is made on the basis of the active substance propranolol. The dose of the main component can be different - 10,40, 80, 160 mg per tablet.
Auxiliary ingredients in the production of tablets are different and depend on manufacturers. To know exactly what the medicine consists of, you must read the instructions before using it.
Therapeutic effect of the drug
Displays the ability to block beta-adrenergic receptors means "Propranolol" instructions for use. Analogues have a similar effect on the body. The tablets affect the vascular wall receptors beta 1 and 2. An inhibitory effect on these receptors leads to relaxation of the walls of the vessels, which eliminates many problems - high blood pressure, increased heart demand for oxygen, poor supply of nutrients and oxygen to tissues and organs.
The antiarrhythmic effect of the drug contributes to the appearance of positive changes in the body, such as the normalization of the automatism of the sinus node, the decrease in the conductivity of the atrioventricular node, the elimination of increased excitability of the cells that make up the myocardium. Thanks to Propranolol, normal heart function is restored, there is no reaction to external stimuli that can negatively affect its rhythm.

"Propranolol", analogues contribute to the development of an antianginal effect, which is manifested by an improvement in the condition of the heart muscle, a decrease in the amount of oxygen necessary for its work. This means that the heart needs less oxygen to contract, and the frequency of these contractions too.declining.
Hypotensive action is based on increasing the lumen of blood vessels and relaxing their walls. The use of a single dose of tablets leads to a decrease in blood pressure, the effect obtained lasts at least 20 hours, about a day. A persistent hypotensive effect is noted after two weeks of regular use of the tablets. The drug is not suitable for the relief of conditions accompanied by a sharp increase in pressure, it is indicated for long-term therapy for hypertension.
Prolonged use of the drug leads to the development of a cardioprotective effect. They indicate a decrease in the likelihood of recurrence of myocardial infarction after such therapy with Propranolol, reviews, instructions. The risk of sudden death is also significantly reduced. It is known that the drug has a positive effect on increased intraocular pressure.
After ingestion, the main part of the drug is absorbed (approximately 90%), while the bioavailability index is insignificant. Communication with proteins corresponds to 93%. From the body, the drug is removed with urine, into which metabolites enter. No more than one percent of the drug has an unchanged form.

"Propranolol", analogues of the instruction allows you to prescribe for the treatment of certain conditions and diseases. They are treated with portal and arterial hypertension, myocardial dystrophy, thyrotoxicosis. The medication helps to alleviate the condition with a narrowed lumen of the aorta,essential tremor, panic attacks, can be used as a prophylactic for migraine. Tablets are suitable for therapy with neurocircular dystonia, myocardial infarction, extrasystole. The drug is prescribed to patients with mitral valve prolapse. Indications include supraventricular tachycardia and sinus. The purpose of the drug is made with withdrawal symptoms, angina pectoris, akathisia resulting from the use of neuroleptics. The drug is prescribed to patients with pheochromocytoma for complex therapy. The drug is used for weakness of labor activity, after the onset of menopause to eliminate its negative manifestations.
There are some contraindications for Propranolol. Analogues can be selected in cases where this medicine is not suitable. Contraindications include:
- intolerance of the components of the product;
- cardiogenic shock;
- bradycardia, in which the number of heartbeats per minute is 55 bpm;
- metabolic acidosis;
- chronic or acute heart failure;
- vasomotor rhinitis;
- sinoatrial blockade, atrioventricular (2nd, 3rd degree);
- Prinzmetal's angina;
- low blood pressure;
- use of insulin;
- syndrome accompanied by weakness of the sinus node;
- the presence of a period during which there was a long fast;
- peripheral circulation problems(stage of decompensation);
- previous instructive diseases that affect the airways, asthma, the presence of bronchospasm.

There are also conditions in which caution is required. In the following cases, you can choose instead of the drug "Propranolol" analogues, synonyms:
- myasthenia gravis;
- diabetes mellitus (stages of decompensation, subcompensation);
- failure of the heart muscle (decompensated), liver, kidney;
- spastic colitis;
- depressive states;
- atrioventricular block (first degree);
- psoriasis;
- increased thyroid function;
- chronic bronchitis;
- low blood sugar;
- emphysema;
- old age;
- pregnancy, breastfeeding.
Drug treatment
Patients with hypertension should take the drug twice a day at a dose of 40 mg at a time. Its increase is possible within 14-28 days. If necessary, you can drink tablets daily at a dosage of 80 to 160 mg. The frequency of taking the funds is the same.

With tachyarrhythmia, adult patients drink three or four times daily from 10 to 30 mg for each dose of Propranolol. Analogues can be used if this drug is not suitable. Small patients with the same problem are prescribed a medicine in an amount of 0.2 to 0.4 mg per kilogram of weight. Frequencyapplication of the remedy - also three to four times a day.
For preventive purposes, patients who have been diagnosed with angina pectoris are prescribed four doses of this medicine daily. A single dose is 20 mg. Its increase is possible for seven days. 40 mg of the drug is taken with the same frequency, 80 mg - a little less often (twice).
After myocardial infarction, prevention is required. It can be done with Propranolol. The size of a suitable single dose is 40 mg, the drug should be taken three times a day. Increase the dose of the drug to a maximum of 80 mg.
For migraine, it is necessary to take preventive measures using 40 mg of medication twice a day. An increase in the dose to 80 mg is required, there may be two or three medications per day, and in children three or four. The calculation of the dose for small patients is carried out taking into account their weight, for each kilogram - from 1.5 to 2 mg.
Thyrotoxicosis is a disease in which the drug is prescribed from 10 mg, but not more than 40 to be taken three or four times a day.
If it is planned to perform pheochromocytoma therapy, the drug is combined with alpha-blockers.

Side effects
You should pay attention to what determines the side effects of the drug "Propranolol" instructions for use. Analogues, reviews are also no less important information that affects the choice of medicines for treatment. In order to minimize the risk of developing negative reactions of the body, it is necessary to carefullyread the instructions, it will be useful to read the reviews.
The drug, if used improperly, can harm the cardiovascular system, cause disturbances in the central nervous system, endocrine system. Negative manifestations from the digestive tract are possible, the condition of the mucous membranes and skin may be disturbed. Among the side effects indicated in the instructions are problems with the respiratory system. Other side effects may also occur.
Analogues, price
Before purchasing the drug "Propranolol", analogues, the price is often studied by patients. You can buy pills for 16-75 rubles. The price is determined by the number of tablets in the package. You can replace the drug with Propranobene, Obzidan or Anaprilin medicines. You can also treat with Inderal LA, Inderal.
When you get acquainted with the drug "Propranolol" instructions for use, price, analogues provide important information that allows you to make the most correct decision when choosing medicines and the method of treatment.

Reviews are mostly positive. They report that drug treatment is often effective. In addition, many are satisfied with the low price of the medicine. "Propranolol" manages to maintain blood pressure at a normal level, quickly get rid of palpitations. The drug reduces the manifestations of heart disease, relieves a person from excitement. People usually leave negative reviews because of serious side effects that can occur during therapy. Sometimessevere weakness, sleep problems, nightmares occur.