In the article we will consider the most popular pills for raising the mood. When people are constantly depressed and unable to cope, there is a need for the help that certain medications can provide, including over-the-counter antidepressants.
What is depression?
Every person experiences depression and stress in their own way. A depressed state may be accompanied by certain manifestations:
- loss of appetite;
- irritability;
- anxiety;
- sleep disorder;
- fear;
- apathy;
- tearfulness;
- skin rashes;
- longing;
- disruption of the functioning of the digestive system;
- allergy.

In addition, excessive sweating, shortness of breath and tachycardia may occur. If there are three or more symptoms,see a doctor who examines the person, finds out the circumstances and advises the most appropriate drug.
About drugs
Most of the psychoactive drugs are taken according to a special scheme, in strict accordance with the dosage. However, if you have only the first symptoms of the disease, over-the-counter antidepressants and weaker drugs with fewer side effects may be suitable. The main difference between the pills for raising the mood, freely sold in pharmacies, is that they can only be used for mild depression or sub-depression, that is, a short-term deterioration in mood.

List of drugs available for purchase without a prescription
The list of such drugs is quite extensive. Means that can lift a person’s mood, tone them up, reduce irritability, restore appetite and improve sleep, do not have to be powerful. It is possible to change the condition for the better with mild sedatives and plant-based antidepressants.
The list of the most popular mood-lifting pills is as follows: Deprim, Negrustin, Gelarium, Persen, Novo-Passit, Afobazol, etc.
This remedy is herbal, based on the extract of St. John's wort. Auxiliary substances - stabilizers. Fillers and preservatives are intended to create solid dosage forms. In addition, it contains calcium dihydrate and lactose.
Elevation drugmood and tone normalizes the functioning of the nervous system, stabilizes sleep thanks to the substances contained in the plant:
- Hyperforin, a fluroglucinol derivative, is a strong neurotransmitter inhibitor. It is a strong antidepressant and anxiolytic that activates the potential of ion channel receptors. In addition, the component has signs of an antibiotic, acts against staphylococcus strains that are resistant to methicillin. In addition, it can eliminate the inflammatory process.
- Hypericin is another substance that improves the activity of the nervous and autonomic systems. It acts on dopaminergic structures, transforming this hormone into norepinephrine. Thanks to the substance, moderate and mild depressions are cured well.

The essential advantage of Deprim mood and toning pills is a combination of significant efficiency and safety with low cost. One pack of medication, which contains two blisters of fifteen tablets, costs 250 rubles. It is assigned in the following cases:
- chronic fatigue;
- meteorological dependence;
- emotional exhaustion;
- mood swings during menopause;
- depression.
Composition is prescribed for oral use. The dosage ranges from one to three tablets three times a day, depending on age. The therapeutic effect is observed ten days after the start of use. General treatment course– month.
There are the following contraindications: the age of the child under six years old, intolerance to the composition, depression and suicidal tendencies. The drug is well tolerated in most cases, however, if the dose is exceeded, side effects may occur in the form of allergies and dyspeptic disorders.
Besides Deprim, such drugs as Gelarium, Negrustin, etc. are based on St.
What other mood boosters are there?
This mild antidepressant is included in the list of drugs that are especially often prescribed by psychiatrists. It contains extracts of the following plants: peppermint, valerian and lemon balm.
Produced in the form of tablets, it acts as an antispasmodic, soothes and eliminates irritability at a high speed. In addition, the product allows you to fully sleep without causing feelings of drowsiness during the day. The effectiveness of the medicinal composition is due to the valerian included in it. It contains essential oils and alkaloids. The plant eliminates vascular spasm and excitation of the nervous system.

Persen tablets to improve efficiency and mood are prescribed if there is no need to use strong drugs, it is recommended for the following conditions:
- stopping sedatives;
- neuroses;
- defects of the autonomic nervous system;
- disease prevention in people with reduced stress tolerance;
- climax.
The drug is well tolerated by patients with very few side effects. These include constipation and allergic reactions with prolonged use. Contraindicated in the following diseases and conditions:
- fructose and lactose intolerance;
- pregnancy;
- presence of stones in the kidneys and gallbladder;
- lactation period;
- low blood pressure.
In addition, it is not prescribed for patients under twelve years of age. Its dosage is 2-3 tablets per day in divided doses. For insomnia, you need to take the drug one hour before bedtime. The treatment course lasts no more than three months. The average price of a package is from 300 to 400 rubles (40 tablets).
These mood boosters are sold without a prescription.
This medication has a whole list of medicinal herbs:
- hawthorn;
- St.
- passiflora is a plant of the passion flower family containing amino acids, saccharides and glycosides;
- hops is one of the hemp flowering plants, it contains phenolcarboxylic acids, catechins and anthocyanins;
- medicinal herbal essential oil lemon balm - a natural anxiolytic and antidepressant;
- elderberry is a flowering plant from the Adox family.

In addition to plants, the preparation contains an active active ingredient - guaifenesin. This substance is a mucolytic, helping to eliminate the secret in pathologies of the respiratory organs. However, when combined with herbs, it has sedative properties, helping to eliminate depression and feelings of melancholy.
In what cases is it prescribed? When is it contraindicated?
Novo-Passit has the following indications for use:
- migraines;
- neurasthenia;
- syndromes during menopause;
- mental stress;
- sleep disorders;
- fatigue;
- functional defects in neuroendocrine regulation;
- decrease in attention and performance.
The list of contraindications is small. This is intolerance and myasthenia gravis of any of the elements of the drug. Also, it is not prescribed to patients under twelve years of age. Treatment should be carried out under control for serious diseases of the digestive system and alcoholism. It cannot be said that it is inexpensive, the price varies from 300 to 330 rubles for three hundred milliliters of syrup and from 170 to 200 rubles for ten tablets.
It is advisable to drink the drug three times a day, one tablet. In the form of a solution - every 4-6 hours from 5 to 10 milligrams.
Which mood booster pills to get for depression?
This remedy is rather one of the anxiolytics with a neuroprotective effect, and protects against cell damage. It has a double effect on the nervous system. In the same timerelieves depression and anxiety, stimulates motor skills, emotions and memory. Its functions are to prevent changes in receptors that occur during the activity of the inhibitory neurotransmitter - gamma-aminobutyric acid. As a result, a muscle relaxant and sedative effect will be provided. The drug is perfectly absorbed and distributed throughout the systems in which it binds to protein compounds. In addition, it is quickly excreted from the human body, which almost eliminates the occurrence of complications due to an overdose. Its price ranges from 350 to 400 rubles.

In what cases is it prescribed?
Afobazole has the following indications for use:
- anxious states of various origins;
- mental disorders;
- neuroses;
- premenstrual syndrome;
- menopausal period;
- irritability when quitting;
- alcoholism treatment.
The drug should not be used during breastfeeding and pregnancy. It is not prescribed for excessive susceptibility to the composition. Also, it cannot be given to children. All side effects associated with intolerance to the composition are manifested in the form of allergic reactions and dysfunctions of the digestive system.

The optimal amount is 10 to 30 milligrams per day, divided into three doses. The treatment course lasts four weeks, but sometimes the doctor can extend it up to three months. If necessary, taking the drugto cheer up while breastfeeding, you need to stop lactating.
The pharmaceutical industry has created a lot of effective drugs to combat depression. At the onset of depression, over-the-counter remedies based on herbal ingredients will help. However, even safe formulations can only be prescribed by a doctor, since they can cause side effects and have contraindications. Which mood booster pills to choose, the doctor will tell you.
Even with minor emotional disorders, the help of a psychiatrist or psychotherapist cannot be avoided. Without establishing the cause, the use of the most effective drugs will be useless, and possibly harmful.