Abortion pills: contraindications, benefits and reviews

Abortion pills: contraindications, benefits and reviews
Abortion pills: contraindications, benefits and reviews

According to doctors, the best option for terminating unwanted pregnancies are abortion pills. There are many similar products on the pharmaceutical market, which differ in price, quality and country of origin. An imported drug will cost 2-3 times more than domestic drugs, but its quality will also be noticeably higher. These pills are easy to get today.

Properties of pills

These funds are based on 2 active ingredients: mifepristone and misoprostol. Their actions complement each other. The first substance stimulates the work of the muscles of the uterus, and the second directly affects the fetus itself, causing it to be rejected. In total, for a medical abortion, you will need two pills, one of which is taken immediately, and the second only after 3 days.

Abortion pills

The gestational age at which it can be carried out should not exceed 7 weeks. Despite the simplicity and ease, this procedure cannot be performed independently, without a preliminary examination and consultation with a gynecologist. This is required to avoid unpleasantconsequences, sometimes very dangerous for the future reproductive function of a woman.

The drug "Mifegin"
The drug "Mifegin"

Usually it goes like this:

  • After consultation and testing, the doctor explains the advantages and disadvantages of abortion pills. Dates should not be postponed indefinitely.
  • If the woman agrees, she is given a date and goes to buy pills.
  • After a woman takes her first mifepristone pill, monitor symptoms closely and use antispasmodics if pain occurs.
  • After 3 days take the next misoprostol.
  • After 20 days, you should definitely see a gynecologist. During the examination, it is possible to detect remnants or blood clots, and then additional drugs will be needed to remove them.

It is impossible to take medicines containing acetylsalicylic acid during this period: Aspirin or Citramon. They discharge the blood and keep the bleeding from stopping in time.

Who is contraindicated

Despite the ease and safety of medical abortion, for some people it may be contraindicated. It is not recommended to carry out this procedure in the following cases:

  • For tumors and pathology of the development of the inner lining of the uterus.
  • Medicated abortion is not done during the treatment of inflammatory diseases.
  • Patients over 35 are not eligible for this procedure.
  • If an ectopic pregnancy is suspected.
  • Women who have had an intrauterine device 3 months prior to pregnancy are highly discouraged from medical abortion.
  • It is undesirable to carry out this procedure for liver and kidney failure, as well as for gastritis and stomach ulcers.
  • Cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure and epilepsy can also be reasons for not having an abortion.
  • If a woman has been taking cortisone or steroids for a long time, then mifepristone would be highly desirable.
How to get an abortion with pills
How to get an abortion with pills

And medical abortion is also contraindicated in case of individual intolerance to the components of the drugs used. In addition, there is a risk of psychological trauma, as a woman will have to walk with a dead fetus for about 5 days.

Consequences of medical abortion

Its consequences are not as dangerous for the body as a surgical operation. On the other hand, a huge dose of hormones adversely affects the female reproductive system. Problems faced by patients:

  • Difficulties in conceiving and bearing a child.
  • Frequent headaches.
  • Thrush.
  • Nausea and vomiting that occurs between pills. Most often, this symptom manifests itself during pregnancy at least 6 weeks.
  • Stool disorder and stomach discomfort.
  • Convulsive contractions in the lower abdomen are sometimes very painful, and women have todrink painkiller.
Side effects
Side effects

About an hour after taking misoprostol, abdominal discomfort occurs. Sometimes dull pain passes into an acute phase, and then you can not do without anti-inflammatory and painkillers. In case of intolerance to the components of the drug, an allergy may appear in the form of urticaria, accompanied by itching. The first abortion with pills goes well enough and completely preserves the woman's reproductive function.

How mifepristone and misoprostol work

After a woman has taken mifepristone, her uterus softens and gradually begins to open. At this moment, the fetus experiences a lack of nutrition and oxygen due to the inability to firmly attach to the mother's body and dies. A few days later, the patient takes misoprostol tablets. Under the influence of this drug, a rhythmic contraction of the uterus occurs, and it pushes out the remnants of the fetus. It is during this period that throbbing pain with convulsions, nausea and even vomiting may appear.

Tablets "Misoprostol"
Tablets "Misoprostol"

Sometimes these tools cannot fully perform their function and complete the job. In such cases, you have to resort to mechanical cleaning by a gynecologist. Usually, medical abortion proceeds without complications and according to a certain pattern.

What are the drugs?

Medicated abortion pills are different. They have a number of contraindications for use and limitations in terms of pregnancy:

  • "Mifeprex" can beuse only in the first 4 weeks of pregnancy. It is considered one of the safest drugs among such drugs. It is well tolerated and has virtually no contraindications.
  • In medical offices, Postinol pills for medical abortion are most often recommended. The package contains 2 essential drugs, which are taken one after the other.
  • If pregnancy reaches 7 weeks, then doctors may recommend the drug "Mifolian". This rather high-quality tool guarantees getting rid of unwanted pregnancy even at such a late date.
  • The remedy of French origin "Mifegin" has proven itself well. Many consider it the most reliable and effective.
How to use
How to use

Which abortion pills to choose, only the woman decides. The price of the drug will depend on the country of origin. For example, tablets made in China can be purchased for 3,000 rubles, and a French remedy of this kind will cost from 4 to 5 thousand.

Pills after the procedure

What pills are used after an abortion? After the procedure, further treatment is required. It usually consists of antibiotics, vitamins, and birth control pills. Abortion is always a risk, so it is extremely important to suppress disease-causing bacteria and prevent infection from manifesting itself. Contraceptives will restore the hormonal background of a woman and normalize her menstruation. Be sure to drink a vitamin complex of general strengthening action. It should include such wound-healing vitamins as A and E, andalso folic acid and trace element zinc. They are responsible for the normal functioning of the genital area.


After medical abortion, pills are started no later than 5 days later. Usually, the doctor recommends taking the first pill on the evening of the day the abortion was performed. It is enough to apply one plate with birth control pills to normalize the background. Thanks to them, menstruation will be painless, and the woman will feel both physically and psychologically much better.


In addition, birth control pills can prevent re-pregnancy, which sometimes happens quite quickly.

Antibiotics after an abortion

The doctor can prescribe any antibiotics depending on the specific case. Usually, drugs such as Amoxicillin or Netromycin are used. Antibiotics often neutralize the effect of contraceptives, which causes the onset of the next pregnancy. It is highly not recommended to prescribe drugs yourself, since many of these drugs have a number of contraindications. It is equally important to consume vitamins and minerals. Weakened immunity is often unable to resist various infections.

How to speed up recovery

Sometimes even such a gentle abortion can be a real stress for a woman. To do this, doctors have selected recommendations that will help you recover quickly:

  • From the daily menu should be excluded allfried and fatty foods. Food should be tasty, balanced and contain all the necessary nutrients.
  • In the first month after an abortion, it is highly recommended not to stay in the sauna, visit the pool or city beaches. At home, you can only take a warm shower, and you should refrain from taking a bath. Any high temperature can cause bleeding.
  • Do not abuse bad habits, especially alcohol and smoking. If it is not possible to completely abandon cigarettes, then their number is simply reduced.
  • Doctors do not advise lifting weights and doing heavy physical labor in the first month after an abortion.
Abortion at home
Abortion at home

And it is also desirable to monitor the stool, to prevent constipation. Perhaps, after a second examination by a doctor, additional treatment will be needed. It includes physiotherapy, ultrasound and the use of pills to normalize the microflora of the vagina after an abortion.

Patient testimonials

In their reviews, women note the effectiveness and efficiency of medical abortion. Before it is carried out, the doctor necessarily sends the patient to an ultrasound scan and only then prescribes drugs. The abortion itself is easy, without much bleeding and complications. After a delay, periods come early and usually proceed without any problems.

As women themselves admit, sometimes they buy drugs made in China. These funds can be ordered through the online store. The disadvantage of Chinese tablets is that they havethere is no instruction in Russian. This product has a rather unpleasant smell of acetone. Moreover, many women experienced a deterioration in well-being. Therefore, you should listen to the doctor's recommendations and carry out the procedure exclusively under his supervision.

Some women have already had medical abortion several times and consider it the most successful way to get rid of unwanted pregnancies. They recommend staying at home all day after taking the last pill, as fetal rejection can occur at any time.
