In the article, we will consider which antibiotics are the most effective for kidneys.
Inflammatory process in the kidneys is a very serious pathology that can be successfully treated with the right selection of medications. The main thing is not to start the disease and not allow it to turn into a chronic form from an acute one. In the inflammatory process, the entire organ is affected, which is manifested, first of all, by pain in the lower back, changes in the analysis of urine samples.
Very often, doctors prescribe antibiotics for the kidneys.

Use of antibacterial drugs
The process of inflammation in the kidneys can begin for many reasons, but it should be noted that the disease itself, as a rule, occurs against the background of reduced immunity. The most effective method of eliminating pathology is the use of antibiotic agents, the choice of which is quite extensive. Antibiotics for the kidneysare the most effective therapy.
During pregnancy
During the period of gestation, not all means can be used, and therefore, therapy for a pregnant woman should be prescribed by a specialist based on the patient's he alth status and only after a thorough study of the likely risks. The problem is that antibacterial drugs can adversely affect the growth and formation of the fetus. The danger of inflammatory processes in the kidneys lies in the risk of complications. Any disease can acquire a chronic form with improperly selected therapy. As a result, with an unfavorable course, there is a possibility of destruction of kidney tissue.
Description of pathology
Inflammation develops in the kidneys against the background of infection with staphylococci, enterococci that have penetrated into a weakened body. In more rare cases, other pathogens can provoke pathology.
Kidney inflammation is more common in women than in men. This is due to the specifics of the structure of the genitourinary system. However, there are no differences in the approach to treating kidney inflammation in patients of different sexes. It is important to note that tablet therapy does not provide the desired effect.
The process of inflammation in the kidneys, as a rule, is accompanied by such symptoms as a sharp rise in temperature, due to the active release of sweat. The patient develops chills. In addition, the disease can be manifested by difficulty urinating, general weakness, dizziness, bouts of nausea. Inflammationin the kidneys can also provoke a decrease in appetite, an increase in blood pressure. The most striking manifestation of inflammation in the kidneys is cloudy urine, the study of the sample of which reveals the presence of a large number of leukocytes and protein.

In the acute form of the disease
If the inflammation is acute, almost all symptoms are intense. The chronic form of the inflammatory process is characterized by the appearance of the same symptoms, however, the patient's temperature rises slightly. Patients suffering from a chronic form of inflammation in the kidneys have an earthy skin color.
The most common inflammation of the kidney on the right side, due to the anatomical location of the organ. Pathology therapy can be started only after an accurate diagnosis is made, and its confirmation is obtained through laboratory tests. Antibiotics for the kidneys should be selected after finding out the pathogen that provoked the disease. Only in this case it is possible to obtain maximum efficiency from their use, to suppress the growth and reproduction of bacterial agents. The dosage of any drug should be selected by a specialist based on the patient's condition. With intense inflammation, doctors recommend using drugs in injectable form.
Antibiotic groups
Most often, in the treatment of inflammatory processes in the kidneys, drugs of the aminopenicillin group are used. These funds show themselves well in the fight against enterococci, as well as ifinflammation is provoked by Escherichia coli. Aminopenicillins, in comparison with other antibiotics, are the least toxic, and therefore they can be used in the treatment of pregnant women. The use of drugs in this group is justified at the initial stages of the development of inflammation. Aminopenicillins include: "Amoxicillin", "Amoxiclav", "Penicillin".

The next most commonly used are cephalosporins. These antibiotics for pain in the kidneys also have a low level of toxicity. However, their use will be justified if there is a possibility of developing purulent inflammation in the kidneys. Positive dynamics in cephalosporin therapy can be observed three days after the start of use. The most popular are: Klaforan, Cefalotin, Zinnat.
For severe inflammation
If the inflammatory process in the kidneys becomes severe, experts recommend the use of antibiotics from the kidneys of the aminoglycoside group. These drugs are characterized by a high level of toxicity, so care must be taken when using them. For example, they are contraindicated in patients over 50 years of age, as well as in cases where the patient has already received aminoglycoside therapy. The most popular means of this group are: Netilmicin, Amikacin, Gentamicin.
Fluoroquinolone drugs also have low toxicity, but their use is contraindicated if long-term therapy is expected, for example, in the treatment of nephritis. To fluoroquinolonesinclude: Moxifloxacin, Nolicin, Levofloxacin.
Macrolides are broad-spectrum antibiotics for kidney treatment. They are effective against many pathogenic microorganisms. Macrolides are potent drugs, the most popular are Vilprafen and Sumamed.

In addition, in the treatment of nephritis, pyelonephritis, semi-synthetic antibiotic drugs such as Tamycin and Cefazolin are actively used. These products are low-toxic, and the result of their use can be observed after three days.
Selection of antibiotic preparation by seeding

The correct determination of the necessary antibiotic from the kidneys after sowing is only possible. This is such an analysis to identify a sterile culture. This method allows you to identify the type of microorganism that provoked the pathology, to clarify the degree of its sensitivity to the drugs of each group. Therapy of acute forms of the disease, exacerbations of chronic inflammation should be carried out in a hospital under the supervision of a doctor. Outpatient treatment is possible only if the exacerbation of chronic inflammation is mild.
In the absence of positive dynamics
In the absence of positive dynamics from the use of the prescribed drug for two days, it is necessary to cancel it and choose another one. In cases where the doctor does not have the ability to test sensitivitypathogen to medicines, you should choose the right remedy among drugs with a wide spectrum of effects.
Successful treatment is considered, the first stage of which combines the use of cephalosporin and ampicillin antibiotics. It is important to note that in the acute form of inflammation, injectable preparations should be preferred over tablets. Injections are considered more effective, as they allow you to get the maximum concentration of the active substance in the kidney tissue.
Under standard conditions, the therapeutic course with the use of antibiotics that treat the kidneys is about 2 weeks. The dosage of each medication should be calculated individually, taking into account the weight of the patient, his age. For example, penicillin antibiotics should not be taken once a day - the full daily dose should be divided into several applications.
Another likely scheme for the treatment of inflammatory processes in the kidneys is the use of Trifamox, or Amoxicillin, or Amoxiclav and Amoxicillin. Specialists prefer to prescribe penicillin antibiotics to patients, as they are well tolerated and provoke a small number of negative effects. It is important that these drugs have a low degree of toxicity. Along with allergic manifestations against the background of the use of drugs, dyspepsia from the gastrointestinal tract may occur.
How are antibiotics selected for kidney pyelonephritis in women?

Antibiotics for the treatment of nephritis
Whendiagnosing nephritis in a patient, he is prescribed a ten-day therapeutic course of "Benzylpenicillin". The dosage used is 1 million units. The drug should be injected every four hours.
How to treat kidneys with antibiotics, the doctor will tell.
In the case when the inflammatory process is provoked by Pseudomonas aeruginosa, the treatment regimen should be selected taking into account this fact. As a rule, the patient is shown the use of penicillins that are effective against this pathogen, for example, Securopena, Pipracil. If there is no effect from these drugs, it is necessary to replace them with Amikacin or Gentamicin.
If the patient has impaired renal function before the development of inflammation, it is necessary to give preference to "Ciprofloxacin". At the same time, it is important to monitor the biochemical composition of the blood.
Cephalosporin antibiotics are effective in the treatment of glomerulonephritis, pyelonephritis. The excretion of these substances is carried out by the liver, and therefore, they can be used for any renal pathologies.
It should also be borne in mind that therapy with most antibiotics involves a complete rejection of alcoholic beverages.

What can I do during pregnancy and lactation?
Separately, it should be noted drugs that are allowed in the lactation period and during pregnancy. Among them are macrolides, protected penicillins, cephalosporins. These drugs are effective against pathogens and, at the same time,low toxicity. In the lactation period, experts prescribe, most often, "Cefobide", "Cefoperazone", "Amoxicillin". The active components of these drugs are quickly excreted and do not accumulate in the body.
Judging by the reviews, the use of antibacterial agents has a positive effect on the course of the disease. Patients note that the symptoms recede already on the 3-4th day of taking the drug. Complete recovery occurs after the course, on the 10-14th day of therapy. The drugs of the aminoglycoside group are the most effective, but they have high toxicity and a large number of side effects. Patients often choose aminopenicillins, as they are not so harmful to the body, and with the right choice of the drug, they can quickly cope with pathogenic microorganisms.
We looked at antibiotics for kidney disease.