Muscle relaxants in ointments and creams: a review of drugs, composition, indications for use

Muscle relaxants in ointments and creams: a review of drugs, composition, indications for use
Muscle relaxants in ointments and creams: a review of drugs, composition, indications for use

Quite often, people who need to relax their muscles turn to medical specialists. In most cases, they are prescribed special medications - muscle relaxants. Once ingested, they block the myoneural synapse, resulting in relaxation of skeletal muscle tissue.

Such medicines have a wide scope of use: they are used not only in the implementation of surgical interventions, but also to eliminate cramps, before repositioning the joint, and in some cases to alleviate the condition of a patient suffering from osteochondrosis. What muscle relaxant ointments exist? Read more about it below.

pain in osteochondrosis
pain in osteochondrosis

Where are muscle relaxants used?

Currently, these drugs are used in various medical fields, which became possible due to their extensive effect on the body. As a rule, they are used in the following situations:

  1. As a remedy for eliminating neurological diseases that occur with increased tone.
  2. To neutralize pain in the lower back.
  3. Before the operation, muscle relaxants are injected into the abdominal cavity.
  4. For the treatment of certain diseases, drugs are used as a diagnostic tool.
  5. When performing electroconvulsive treatment.
  6. For the treatment of osteochondrosis.
  7. The doctor can prescribe these medicines for a herniated disc.

Although these medicines can be used for various purposes, you should not start therapy with them yourself. Be sure to consult a medical specialist before treatment.

sirdalud or midokalm which is better
sirdalud or midokalm which is better

Types of muscle relaxants

This group of drugs is usually divided into two types:

  1. Peripheral.
  2. Central.

The first disrupt the conduction of the signal from the nerve, through which impulses from the central nervous system arrive to the tissue, consisting of multinuclear muscle fibers. As a rule, these drugs are widely used in traumatology and surgery.

Central affect certain parts of the brain and spinal cord, which are responsible for muscle tone. Used for diseases that are associated with neurology. Depending on the composition, centrally acting medicines are divided into the following types:

  1. Glycerol derivatives - "Isoprotan", "Prenderol".
  2. Derivativesbenzimidazole - "Flexen".
  3. Combined drugs - Fenaglycodol, Baclofen.

Peripheral muscle relaxant drugs are divided as follows:

  1. Non-depolarizing - Diplacin, Melliktin, Pipecuronium.
  2. Depolarizing - "Ditilin".
  3. Mixed - "Dixony".
muscle relaxants drug list
muscle relaxants drug list

Issue form

These medicines are produced in the form of tablets and injection solutions. Injections are made with an acute course of the disease and only under the supervision of a medical specialist. For long-term therapy, tablets are used. Since these drugs affect the central nervous system and the conduction of nerve signals, muscle relaxants in creams and ointments to relieve muscle spasms are not used due to their low effectiveness.

Topical medications to relax muscles and relieve cramps, sometimes referred to as muscle relaxants, usually belong to other groups of drugs (analgesics, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs).

Therefore, muscle relaxant ointments do not exist. Muscle relaxants are used to neutralize muscle spasms in the back and neck when:

  1. Osteochondrosis (damage to the spine, which is characterized by degenerative and dystrophic disorders of the intervertebral discs, and then the tissues of the vertebrae themselves).
  2. Intercostal neuralgia (disease of peripheral nerves characterized by pain in the chest).
  3. Coxarthrosis (a chronic disease during which damage and destruction of the hip joint occurs).
  4. Pondilese (a chronic degenerative-dystrophic process that develops as a result of aging, overload or spinal injuries).
  5. Spasms of the muscles of the legs with sciatica (the collective name for intense pain along the sciatic nerve).

Side effects of muscle relaxants

Medicines may cause certain adverse reactions:

  1. Allergic reactions.
  2. Nausea.
  3. Sluggishness.
  4. Reduce blood pressure.
  5. Migraine.
  6. Stool disorders.
  7. Disorders of the kidneys with long-term use.

Poisoning from these drugs can lead to he alth hazards.

Miorelaxant Review: Drug List

Almost every person in their life has experienced pain in the lower back, and in rare situations it becomes simply excruciating. Such an unpleasant symptom can knock even the strongest person out of the normal rhythm of life.

Miorelaxants are drugs that have a strong effect on the human body. That is why self-medication with such medicines is contraindicated.

List of muscle relaxant drugs for pain relief:

  1. "Baclofen".
  2. "Sirdalud".
  3. "Mydocalm".

Which drug is suitable for a particular patient is determined by a medical specialist based on test results, as well as the frequency of seizures and generalstate of the body. These drugs will be discussed in more detail below.


The drug has an intense effect on the nerve and muscle transmission of impulses. The drug has a powerful sedative effect.

muscle relaxants for pain relief
muscle relaxants for pain relief

According to the instructions for use for "Baclofen", the drug suppresses certain reflexes of the spinal cord, and also greatly reduces muscle tone.

From the stomach and intestines, the drug is well absorbed. The maximum concentration after the use of "Baclofen" the active substance reaches two to three hours later. The drug is excreted from the body with urine. Baclofen is not a muscle relaxant ointment, it is only available in tablets.

The main indications for use are the following he alth problems:

  1. Multiple sclerosis (a chronic disease in which the myelin sheath of nerve fibers in the brain and spinal cord is disrupted).
  2. Cerebral palsy (a disorder of the musculoskeletal system characterized by abnormal motor function and postural tone acquired at an early age, even before birth).
  3. Paralytic syndromes (a state of total dementia, manifested by euphoria, complacency, a sharp decrease in criticism, dysmnestic disorders, an absurd delirium of grandeur and we alth, as well as a leveling of characterological personality traits).
  4. Brain lesions.
  5. Disorders of the spinal cord.
  6. Stroke (pathology,developing after a sudden disruption of the blood supply to nerve cells, which leads to their death).
  7. Infarction (a focus of ischemic necrosis of the heart muscle, which develops as a result of an acute violation of the coronary circulation).
  8. Spasms.
  9. Spinal cord injury, level unspecified.


The drug belongs to the group of muscle relaxants of central action.

ointment to relieve muscle spasms
ointment to relieve muscle spasms

Pills are recommended for patients in the following situations:

  1. Muscle spasms (involuntary spasmodic muscle contraction, usually accompanied by sharp and aching pain).
  2. Intervertebral hernia (a disease of the human musculoskeletal system associated with displacement of the nucleus pulposus of the intervertebral disc with rupture of the fibrous ring).
  3. Osteoarthritis of the hip joint (a destructive process that is localized in the joint, cartilage plates, which are its internal covering, suffer from pathology).
  4. Spastic muscle conditions (the state of muscle fibers when they are in an uncontrolled tone).

"Sirdalud" is not a muscle relaxant ointment, the drug is available only in the form of capsules.


Tablets belong to the clinical and pharmacological group of drugs "muscle relaxants of the central effect". Mydocalm leads to relaxation of spasmodic striated muscles and is used in pathological conditions that require a decrease in skeletal muscle tone.

muscle relaxant cream
muscle relaxant cream

The active ingredient of tolperisone tablets is considered to be a muscle relaxant of central influence. It has several biological effects:

  1. Has an analgesic effect.
  2. Slows down the conduction of impulses in centrifugal nerve fibers, which leads to blocking of spinal reflexes.
  3. Partially inhibits the release of neurotransmitters in synapses.

After taking the Mydocalma tablet orally, the active ingredient is well absorbed into the blood from the intestines. It evenly spreads through the tissues of the body, is exchanged in the liver and kidneys to inactive decay products that are excreted from the body with urine.

Which is better Sirdalud or Mydocalm? These drugs represent one group (muscle relaxants), but they have significant differences. "Mydocalm" has fewer contraindications for use, and is also characterized by a small number of negative reactions, but lidocaine is present in the injection medication.

When choosing the right medication, a number of factors are taken into account - this is the composition, form, dosage, contraindications and side effects. Pay attention to reviews, but drugs have a different effect on the human body with certain pathologies. If one drug helped, others have adverse reactions.

"Sirdalud" or "Mydocalm", which is better? The first drug causes a variety of negative effects, it is not used for a large number of pathologies. This medication has prohibitions on use in childhood and retirement age. It does not contain lidocaine, which in some situations is a plus.

Ointments that relieve muscle spasms

One of the most well-known dosage forms that are used to quickly relieve muscle cramps are ointments with a complex spectrum of action. It should be noted that most drugs contain painkillers and have anti-inflammatory effects.

From the most popular experts identify drugs that help not only neutralize muscle spasm, but also eliminate some of the ailments that caused their manifestation. The most common medications doctors prescribe to patients are:

  1. "Long".
  2. "Ketonal" ointment.
  3. "Fastum" gel.
  4. "Finalgon".
  5. "Capsicam".
muscle relaxants in ointments and creams
muscle relaxants in ointments and creams

The above muscle relaxant creams are not included, but they have a wide range of effects, are commercially available, but before use it is advisable to visit a medical specialist for a consultation to prescribe the right medication that will help most effectively neutralize pain and possible inflammation.
