Drugs 2024, October

"Amitrazine": instructions for use for cats and dogs

"Amitrazine": instructions for use for cats and dogs

Pets quite often suffer from ear diseases, which manifest themselves in the form of itching, crusting, accumulation of dirt. A cat or dog suffering from such an ailment will be helped by the modern drug "Amitrazin", the instructions for use of which take into account recommendations for these animals

"Otibiovet": instructions for use, composition, reviews

"Otibiovet": instructions for use, composition, reviews

For the treatment of the external auditory canal in cats and dogs, you can use the drug "Otibiovet". Ear drops have anti-inflammatory, antifungal, antiseptic effects, have a low cost

Tissue-based adhesive plaster: types, features, application

Tissue-based adhesive plaster: types, features, application

For dressing small wounds, fixing postoperative dressings or medical devices, tissue-based adhesive tape is widely used, which can be hypoallergenic, fixative, rolled

How does an ointment differ from cream and gel: comparative characteristics

How does an ointment differ from cream and gel: comparative characteristics

The same drug is often available in different soft forms: ointment, cream or gel. Each of them has its own characteristics, so when choosing a medicine, you need to know how the ointment differs from the cream or gel

"Glaucin hydrochloride": composition, instructions for use, analogues

"Glaucin hydrochloride": composition, instructions for use, analogues

Glaucin Hydrochloride, an herbal medicine taken for infections that affect the lungs or upper respiratory tract, helps soothe dry coughs and thin phlegm when wet

"Rotavit Calcium": instructions for use, description, analogues and reviews

"Rotavit Calcium": instructions for use, description, analogues and reviews

"Rotavit Calcium" - a dietary supplement used to prevent calcium deficiency in the body, with osteoporosis, fractures, is characterized by a balanced composition, efficiency, which is achieved if the drug is used correctly. "Rotavit calcium" has analogues similar to it in composition

Oxycort ointment: instructions, analogues and reviews

Oxycort ointment: instructions, analogues and reviews

Oxycort ointment is a combined drug intended for external use. This tool includes several active components at once: glucocorticosteroid hydrocortisone and an antibiotic - oxytetracycline. The name of the drug is formed from parts of the names of the substances that are part of it

Interaction of drugs with other drugs

Interaction of drugs with other drugs

How do drug interactions occur? What is this process? You will find answers to these and other questions in the article. The interaction of medications is a qualitative or quantitative transformation of the effects caused by the sequential or joint use of two or more medications. Consider drug interactions in more detail below

The best broad-spectrum antihelminthic drugs: list, reviews

The best broad-spectrum antihelminthic drugs: list, reviews

Broad-spectrum antihelminthic drugs, which are intended for the treatment of people, are quite effective in combating parasitic microorganisms, unicellular organisms and worms. What is the principle of action of drugs of this type? What effective antihelminthic drugs are considered the best? What are the contraindications for their use?

Anthelmintic drugs for humans with a broad spectrum of action

Anthelmintic drugs for humans with a broad spectrum of action

Infection with a nasty infectious agent can lead to the most severe consequences. Having barely learned about parasites in his body, any modern person immediately begins to look for information about what the action of anthelmintic drugs is, how these drugs will help in his case. If you choose the right drug, you can quickly get rid of the harmful agent without causing too serious damage to your he alth

"Ascoril": reviews of doctors and patients, instructions and contraindications

"Ascoril": reviews of doctors and patients, instructions and contraindications

It is a combination medicine that is used to increase and facilitate sputum discharge in diseases of the respiratory tract. Instructions for use recommends taking syrup and tablets of this medication in the presence of a dry cough in children and adults. Reviews about "Ascoril" abound

Drugs to increase potency in men

Drugs to increase potency in men

Drugs to increase potency are used in all countries of the world. Thanks to these drugs, many men suffering from erectile dysfunction can afford to return to a normal life

Mexidol drug: analogues, release forms

Mexidol drug: analogues, release forms

"Mexidol" is a drug that interrupts the destructive processes in the body, reanimates tissues, nourishing them with useful microelements. According to its pharmaceutical properties, it belongs to antioxidant medicines

Preparations containing iron: list, composition, instructions for use

Preparations containing iron: list, composition, instructions for use

Anemia caused by iron deficiency is one of the most common pathologies among children and adults. The disease can develop due to a variety of reasons

Electrophoresis with lidase: technique and scope

Electrophoresis with lidase: technique and scope

Electrophoresis is a common physiotherapy technique. The article describes the electrophoretic administration of lidase, the indications for this procedure, the features of its implementation

"Sildenafil-C3" ("Northern Star"): reviews of men, instructions for use, composition and analogues

"Sildenafil-C3" ("Northern Star"): reviews of men, instructions for use, composition and analogues

The article will tell about the reviews of men on "Sildenafil-C3" ("Northern Star"). The drug is inexpensive, but is it effective?

Balm "Chaga": description, instructions, reviews

Balm "Chaga": description, instructions, reviews

Balm with chaga acts as a natural food supplement, which is used to prevent and treat diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and the musculoskeletal system, normalize metabolic processes, restore the body's defenses. The composition of the drug contains only natural ingredients that have unique properties. But the most important component is chaga - birch mushroom. It has unique properties

"Mexifin": instructions for use, indications, release form, composition, analogues, reviews

"Mexifin": instructions for use, indications, release form, composition, analogues, reviews

The drug has an antioxidant effect. "Mexifin" is used to correct disorders in the body with alcoholism and drug addiction, as well as to eliminate various diseases of the central nervous system

Effective ointments for gout

Effective ointments for gout

The main symptom of gout is severe joint pain, which is inflammatory in nature and provoked by the deposition of uric acid s alts. Often, the treatment of this disease takes a long and painful period for the patient. In order to eliminate pain symptoms quickly and effectively, it is recommended to use an ointment for gout

"Mountain celandine": properties, indications, reviews

"Mountain celandine": properties, indications, reviews

From ancient times, people have learned to use celandine to treat many skin diseases, ailments of internal organs. The juice of this medicinal plant can very quickly relieve you of warts, papillomas, hard calluses

Iris in homeopathy: instructions and indications for use

Iris in homeopathy: instructions and indications for use

Description of the use in homeopathy of the plant iris versicolor (iris versicolor). What is this plant, who introduced it into homeopathic practice, when it is prescribed to patients and the rules for instilling its use - everyone can learn about this from this article

Glycine in VVD: treatment features, instructions for use, reviews of doctors and patients

Glycine in VVD: treatment features, instructions for use, reviews of doctors and patients

The most common diagnosis, which is increasingly heard by patients at the doctor's office - vegetative-vascular dystonia. Currently, about 80% of able-bodied residents suffer from this disease. At the same time, according to official data, vegetative-vascular dystonia is not recognized as a disease

Drugs for shortness of breath: purpose, features of administration, dosage, composition, indications and contraindications

Drugs for shortness of breath: purpose, features of administration, dosage, composition, indications and contraindications

Shortness of breath is considered one of the most pronounced signs of heart disease. And also a similar condition can occur with diseases of the respiratory organs and disorders of the thyroid gland. Today, there are a huge number of medicines for shortness of breath, which help to effectively bring breathing back to normal. What drugs are considered the best?

Medication "Suprastinex". Instructions for use

Medication "Suprastinex". Instructions for use

The instruction recommends the Suprastinex remedy for the symptomatic treatment of seasonal and year-round allergic rhinitis. The drug is effective for eliminating such manifestations of pathologies as itching, conjunctival hyperemia, lacrimation, rhinorrhea, sneezing

"Suprastin" for children: dosage and instructions for use, analogues and reviews

"Suprastin" for children: dosage and instructions for use, analogues and reviews

Negative symptoms can be triggered not only by new products, but even by an insect bite. On the pharmaceutical market, there are enough special products shown to children. "Suprastin" is one of the most popular drugs that has been tested by time. Being a first generation drug, it still remains in good standing in pediatrics

Sleeping pills with alcohol: compatibility, harmful effects on the body and the disadvantages of such mixing

Sleeping pills with alcohol: compatibility, harmful effects on the body and the disadvantages of such mixing

Many people choose a sedative drug themselves, and begin to drink it without consulting a doctor. Often, sedatives are combined with alcohol. At the same time, few people think about the consequences. Is it possible to take sleeping pills with alcohol - this question should be of interest to everyone who dared to take pills for insomnia

Simanovsky's ointment from sinusitis: instructions, composition and reviews

Simanovsky's ointment from sinusitis: instructions, composition and reviews

Sinusitis most often develops as a complication of viral and catarrhal pathologies. Various medications help to cope with the inflammatory process. Most of them can be freely purchased at the pharmacy, but some drugs are made only by prescription

Digitalis preparations: indications and action in cardiac diseases

Digitalis preparations: indications and action in cardiac diseases

The cardiotropic properties of this flower have long been known. In the first half of the 18th century, it began to be grown in Russia in apothecary gardens, and since 1775, when the works of the British physician Whithering were published, digitalis preparations have firmly taken their place in the practice of treating heart ailments

Fluticasone furoate: instructions for use, analogues and reviews

Fluticasone furoate: instructions for use, analogues and reviews

Allergic rhinitis, bronchial asthma and obstructive pulmonary disease are ailments that significantly impair a person's quality of life. Flucatisone furotate is a drug that helps to cope with the symptoms of these diseases and return to a full life

Drops from barley on the eye: choosing the right drug, instructions

Drops from barley on the eye: choosing the right drug, instructions

Stye on the eyelid is considered a common pathological phenomenon. Most people do not see the danger in such an ailment and do not pay due attention to it

Pills for gastritis. What pills to treat gastritis?

Pills for gastritis. What pills to treat gastritis?

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract cannot be cured without special medicines. Tablets from gastritis must be selected in accordance with several conditions. Do you want to know which ones?

"Irunin": analogues. How much is "Irunin". The best substitute for "Irunin"

"Irunin": analogues. How much is "Irunin". The best substitute for "Irunin"

Fungal diseases are not life-threatening, but significantly worsen its quality. That is why pharmacists offer a modern antifungal agent - "Irunin", as well as a number of similar drugs

"Discus compositum": instructions for use, reviews

"Discus compositum": instructions for use, reviews

In order for existing diseases, as well as only developing deviations, to be tolerated more easily and have fewer negative consequences, specialists prescribe complex treatment, including analgesics, vitamin complexes, NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs). In addition, doctors prescribe drugs to restore cartilage, one of which is "Discus compositum"

"Potassium orotate" - analogue, instructions, features

"Potassium orotate" - analogue, instructions, features

The drug "Potassium orotate" belongs to the group of natural non-steroidal anabolics. He got there because of the specific effect on the cells of living organisms, provoking their renewal and growth. The drug itself is used to accelerate protein-lipid metabolism in the human body

"Erespal" 80 mg (tablets): instructions for use, composition, analogues and reviews

"Erespal" 80 mg (tablets): instructions for use, composition, analogues and reviews

The main feature of the drug is that it has a complex effect, thanks to its active ingredient - fenspiridine. It is anti-inflammatory, decongestant and antitussive

Gel "Vidisik": instructions for use, indications, composition, analogues, reviews

Gel "Vidisik": instructions for use, indications, composition, analogues, reviews

In the era of progress, when almost every workplace has a computer, and at home there are TVs in all rooms, the eyes are under enormous strain. Constant tension and continuous contact with a bright screen leads to drying of the mucous membrane of the eye. The main symptom of a violation of the secretion of the lacrimal glands is a burning sensation, a feeling of sand under the eyelids

"Panangin" or "Asparkam": which is better, reviews, features and composition

"Panangin" or "Asparkam": which is better, reviews, features and composition

As a rule, the complex therapy of cardiovascular diseases includes nitrates (to stop ischemia attacks), vasodilators, vitamin preparations. Not the last place in this list is occupied by preparations of potassium and magnesium s alts, "Asparkam" or "Panangin". So which is better? And what's the difference?

Russian equivalent of Vagotil

Russian equivalent of Vagotil

The main feature of "Vagotil", its analogues, is the interaction with other solutions and preparations, the pH of which is alkaline. When interacting, they can enhance the properties of the drug, thereby increasing the possibility of a strong chemical burn of the mucosa

ZPHC: reviews, products

ZPHC: reviews, products

Zhengzhou Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd is a relatively young and almost unknown company to the general public. In a narrow circle, it is considered an excellent manufacturer of special drugs at an affordable price. A Chinese pharmaceutical company entered the big market twenty years ago

"Arimidex" - instructions for use and reviews

"Arimidex" - instructions for use and reviews

The instructions for Arimidex tablets clearly state that they can only be used to treat normal (advanced) breast cancer in postmenopausal women. It is also used as a replacement drug for women who have been treated with Tamoxifen for at least three years