All of us have had a headache at least once in our lives. Sometimes this is a fleeting condition, but in some cases it is a harbinger of serious he alth problems. Which drug to choose for a quick and safe headache relief?
What can trigger a headache attack?
The most common causes of migraine attacks in men, women and children:
- impaired circulation of the brain;
- traumatic brain injury;
- certain phases of the moon;
- atmospheric pressure changes;
- anxiety and neuroticism;
- periods of premenstrual syndrome in girls;
- some mental illness;
- hangover;
- vegetative-vascular dystonia;
- food poisoning;
- hypothermia or, conversely, overheating;
- colds.
In some cases, a headache can signal serious brain diseases, circulatory disorders, pathologies of the cervical spine. Migraine and headache pills can effectively stop short-termattack without serious side effects. However, if the pain recurs again and again, you should consult a doctor to find out the cause of this condition.

How to cure migraine: drug therapy
There are two treatments for migraine:
- Non-specific direction of therapy. In this case, ordinary anesthetic drugs are used. Non-specific drugs include analgesics, combined analgesics and opioids. These drugs block the pain impulse and suppress the synthesis of the pain modulator.
- A specific direction of therapy involves the use of modern medications, the action of which is aimed at eliminating the cause of pain in order to avoid its subsequent occurrence.
The pharmaceutical industry has not yet invented such a migraine pill that could once and for all save the patient from headache attacks. A migraine medicine is effective if:
- pain does not return for several days after taking the pill;
- relief comes after a short period of time;
- the drug has a minimum of side effects and does not cause other problems, relieving headaches;
- the drug simultaneously relieves the patient not only of headaches, but also of tremors, fever and other associated symptoms.
In what form of release can migraine remedies be? Tablets, capsules, ampoules for intravenousintroductions. The most important thing is that they be effective for a particular patient, taking into account all his individual characteristics.

What to look for in treatment
What is important to consider when prescribing migraine pills? General he alth, sex, weight of the patient. For example, antispasmodics are more effective for women. And people with impaired liver function should avoid taking drugs based on paracetamol. Men are more likely to resort to simple old-generation analgesics: Citramon, Analgin, Paracetamol.
It is important that migraine pills not only eliminate pain, but also relieve common symptoms such as nausea, dizziness, tremors. Such a complex effect is necessary for the well-being of the patient. It is necessary to choose an effective remedy in accordance with the symptoms. Migraine tablets should have a minimum of contraindications and side effects in case the patient has frequent headache attacks.
Despite the fact that these drugs are often sold without a prescription and are cheap, it is necessary to coordinate their dosage and frequency of use with your doctor.
Effective migraine pills with powerful pain relief:
- "Analgin" begins to act quickly and reduces the severity of headaches ten minutes after ingestion. Has antipyretic properties. Not recommended for people with liver failure.
- "Citramon" -cheap and decades-old pills for headaches and migraines. People with high blood pressure should take into account that the drug contains caffeine. In some cases, this component can invigorate, and sometimes it makes you feel unwell due to hypertension.
- "Paracetamol" has a powerful analgesic and antipyretic effect. It helps not only with migraines, but also with flu, colds, tonsillitis, bronchitis and some infectious diseases. It has many contraindications and is toxic to the liver and kidneys.
- "Ibuprofen" belongs to the class of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Contraindicated for people with peptic ulcer of the stomach or intestines. May cause irritation of the esophageal mucosa. Approved for use by children - there is a special "Nurofen for children" on sale, these drugs have a common active ingredient and one principle of influencing receptors.

Triptans for headache relief
If migraine pills from the list of effective remedies above do not help, you have to look for other methods of pain relief. Drugs and new developments of the pharmacological industry come to the rescue. Triptans do not muffle pain, but stop inflammation in the nerve center, normalize the state of blood vessels. Here are some of them:
- "Sumamigren" is effective for regular migraines with pronounced side symptoms (dizziness, nausea, loss of consciousness, vomiting, tremor). Forbidden touse by persons under the age of 18.
- "Relpax" quickly and effectively relieves headaches for a long time. Not for use by children, adolescents, or stroke survivors.
- "Zomig" and "Amigrenin" are not suitable for everyone. But if all other medications were powerless, then you can try these triptans.

Combination drugs for migraine
It often happens that one-component painkillers cease to be effective. Combination pills for migraine are worth trying.
List of effective combined action agents:
- "Solpadeine" is a powerful prescription pain reliever. In case of overdose, it causes drowsiness and in some cases is the cause of auditory hallucinations. It is not recommended to use it on your own. Not to be taken by persons under the age of eighteen.
- "Spazgan" relieves not only a headache, but also any other. A very powerful pain reliever. To date, it is classified as a class of drugs for the purchase of which a prescription from a doctor is required.
- "Pentalgin" has not only an analgesic effect, but also a noticeable sedative effect. After taking the pill, he begins to feel sleepy, so it is better to take it at home. Do not drive and do responsible work, as the ability to concentrate is reduced.
- "Askofen" has not only an anesthetic, but alsoantiviral effect. Effective for headaches caused by flu and colds. It also helps with sore throat and nasopharynx, rheumatoid arthritis.

Medicines with sedative and antiemetic effects
Here is a list of migraine pills that not only relieve pain, but also have anti-anxiety, sedative, antiemetic effects:
- "Aminazin".
- "Diprazine".
- "Mexidol".
- "Meterazine".
Because of their addictive potential, these drugs are sold strictly by prescription. For him, you can contact a neurologist, therapist or psychiatrist.
These pills are necessary for those people whose migraine is caused by psychosomatic causes, excessive excitement, suspiciousness and anxiety. They are often prescribed to older people suffering from hypochondriacal disorders. The sedative effect ensures the normalization of sleep, stimulates the blood circulation of the brain, and has a beneficial effect on blood vessels.

Migraine Blockers
It often happens that a headache is just an additional symptom of an underlying disease. Medicines in this case must be taken daily. Migraine blockers normalize vascular tone, constrict them, and have a beneficial effect on the heart muscle.
This is "Inderal" (normalizes blood pressure, prevents the development of angina pectoris), "Diltiazem","Nifedipine". they are not used independently, but in the complex therapy of the underlying disease. Before using them, you need to visit your doctor to clarify the required dosage and duration of treatment.
Can bee products and honey be effective for headaches?
Many patients are prejudiced against migraine pills. Especially the elderly. They fear the development of side effects and the toxic effects of drugs on internal organs.
There is an opinion that if natural honey is included in the daily diet, then the tone of the cerebral vessels improves, and the migraine goes away. This statement is only partly true: honey does have healing properties, but if the migraine is caused by heart disease or osteochondrosis, then bee products will be powerless.
There are biologically active additives based on honey, which have anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects. They can reduce migraine symptoms. But you can’t buy them in a pharmacy, these are network marketing products.
Other ways to get rid of headaches
Treatment of migraine pills is effective, but it is worth trying some simple physiological therapies. Perhaps many patients will like them:
- massage of temples with fingertips, alternating pressure force;
- contrast shower;
- massage of the cervical-collar area;
- acupuncture;
- long sleep;
- walking in cool air.
These ways canact both on its own and in combination with taking migraine pills.

Doctor's advice on preventing migraine attacks
No matter how harmless the use of "Citramon" or "Paracetamol" may seem to us, you should consider the following tips for the safe use of any pills:
- never combine medication with alcohol;
- after taking the medicine, you should lie down and try to sleep, so the headache will recede faster;
- if after taking one pill the effect does not occur, you can not immediately take the second one (this will increase the toxic effect of the medication);
- it is undesirable to self-prescribe migraine medications, their dosage and duration of treatment should be agreed with your doctor.
Following these tips in conjunction with taking medication will definitely give a positive result.