In the article, we will consider instructions and reviews for the Cyclodinone preparation.
It is a herbal remedy that regulates the menstrual cycle, eliminates tension in the chest, pain, reduces the symptoms of menopause. It is made in Germany. It is used by patients of different age categories with defects in the female cycle, early menopause and amenorrhea. The phytopreparation helps to restore the hormonal background, thereby smoothing out the signs of menopause, the process becomes less noticeable. Thanks to him, the production of prolactin is reduced, early aging is prevented, and the activity of the ovaries is coordinated. Reviews of "Cyclodynon" abound.

This medication is used to eliminate premenstrual symptoms, pain during the menstrual cycle, tension in the mammary glands.
Thisthe drug belongs to the number of herbal medicines, since it contains only natural ingredients. This drug has a beneficial effect on the state of the whole body of a woman by normalizing the degree of production of hormonal substances that have a gonadotropic effect. In addition, there is a balanced effect on the formation of the second stage of the menstrual cycle. Among other things, "Cyclodinone", according to women, is one of the most effective drugs that fight depression, especially during menopause.
The main active ingredient of this drug is the extract of the common prune, which helps to reduce the degree of production of prolactins. Since their high concentration leads to a decrease in the formation of gonadotropes, this causes hormonal imbalance during menopause.

Many doctors consider this drug to be one of the universal drugs for hot flashes and other pathological changes in the body of a woman during menopause.
Cyclodinone has no contraindications as such. The exceptions are women who are carrying children, breastfeeding, young mothers and young girls under the age of twenty. In addition, individual sensitivity to certain substances of this drug is not excluded.
The use of "Cyclodynon" in menopause helps to eliminate the following symptoms:
- excessivebody temperature;
- blood pressure jumps;
- defects in the psycho-emotional state, high irritability;
- excessive sweating;
- stool defects and constipation;
- insomnia;
- all characteristic signs of developing uterine fibroids.
Issue form
Cyclodinone is produced in the form of tablets. Each package contains 30 or 60 pieces. Tablets of greenish color, round shape.
Drops - yellowish-brown transparent, 50 milliliters, have a specific aroma of prutnyak. If left idle for a long time, a small sediment appears at the bottom, which is not an indicator of a spoiled or poor-quality product.

Prescribing medication in menopause
This medication is designed to help in the regulation processes that are aimed at the state of the female hormonal background. In addition, it is taken to have a positive effect on the well-being of the patient during the natural onset of the menopause period and early menopause.
Often, the drug is used either when amenorrhea occurs, or at the beginning of the menopause. These pathological conditions are caused by an excessive degree of secretion and content of prolactins. The drug "Cyclodinone" in such conditions helps to reduce the production of prolactin and normalize the activity of the ovaries. As a result, the woman's normal cycle is restored, and prematurebeginning of menopause.
When menopause begins before the due time, up to 40-45 years, one therapeutic course is enough. With the active development of symptoms, two courses may be required. Thanks to this, the hormonal background is restored in the female body, menstrual function is normalized, and the fertile period is extended. This is confirmed by reviews of "Cyclodinone". After 40 years, the remedy is prescribed very often.
Among other things, the drug is desirable to take with mastopathy. The drug affects the activity of prolactin hormones, which stabilizes the growth of connective tissue in the mammary gland.

In mastopathy, an increased degree of concentration of prolactins leads to an increase in lactation ducts, which occurs due to the growth of connective tissue at the cell level.
The use of this agent leads to a decrease in the degree of prolactin content, which leads to the normalization of the activity of the proliferation of connective cells. Thanks to the use of "Cyclodinone", according to reviews, the development of mastopathy stops, painful sensations are eliminated, and the intensity of the manifestation of menopause symptoms decreases.
Instructions for using the drug
Medication "Cyclodinone" is used for therapeutic purposes to eliminate various kinds of pathological conditions in the same amount. If in the form of drops, then 40 pieces once a day at one time. In the tablet form of the drugtaken one piece once a day, preferably in the morning.
The therapeutic course of this drug lasts at least three months, excluding even small breaks between use.
In general, doctors advise using this drug before the condition as a whole normalizes and painful symptoms are completely excluded. When there are noticeable improvements in women's well-being, it is recommended to continue taking the drug for another five weeks in order to increase the period of stability of the achieved state and avoid the recurrence of the pathology process.

The drug does not affect the ability to drive a vehicle or mechanical devices, in addition, it does not affect the nature of the patient's natural reactions and concentration.
Reviews of Cyclodinone tablets confirm this.
Tablet form recommended for oral use, no need to chew, just drink plenty of water.

Changes in the menstrual cycle
The drug allows you to normalize the hormonal level in the female body. Some changes in the menstrual cycle may occur while using this drug. If the critical days do not return to normal after three months of the therapeutic course, you need to consult a doctor with such a problem. In addition, in the absence of positive results of treatment andprogression of the disease, deterioration of the general condition, it is necessary to stop using the drug and go to a medical institution where they will provide appropriate assistance and prescribe another drug with a similar spectrum of influence.
Side effects
According to reviews of "Cyclodinone", with the use of this drug in a woman's body, the following side effects may appear:
- feeling sore in the head;
- nausea feeling;
- attacks of slight dizziness;
- appearance of pain symptoms in the abdomen, mainly in its lower part;
- occurrence of hallucinations;
- allergic manifestations in the form of skin rashes.
If these symptoms appear, you need to see a doctor and choose another drug with a similar spectrum of influence.
The drug has analogues that have a similar therapeutic effect. These include Mastodinon, Remens, Klimadinon, Cleverol.
Reviews about "Cyclodynon"
This drug is a good alternative to the use of hormones. This is a completely natural remedy of plant origin, which is based on the rod. Improvements are seen after three weeks of use. In some patients, cysts disappeared after three months. From this we can conclude about the real effect of the drug.

There are also negative reviews about"Cyclodinone", which talk about the lack of effectiveness: prolactin became even higher, the cycle did not recover, the same violations remained. In this case, it can be assumed that the pills did not suit the patient, and therefore it is necessary to choose an analogue together with the doctor.
We reviewed the instructions for use and reviews for the Cyclodinone medication.