In the article, let's see if "Glycine" is possible for a nursing mother.
Many postpartum women experience feelings of anxiety and anxiety. Someone manages to cope with such symptoms on their own, and they gradually disappear. And some have to resort to the use of various medical means, since it is not possible to eliminate tension on their own, and this negatively affects not only the general condition, but also the psychological well-being of the baby.
In this case, you will need to take medications with a calming effect, the most famous and common of which is currently considered to be "Glycine". It contributes to the body's resistance to the influence of stressful situations.
So, let's find out if "Glycine" is possible for a nursing mother?

Composition of the drug
The main active element in this medicalThe drug is an amino acid that has a beneficial effect on the human body. It helps regulate metabolic processes in the brain, promotes the penetration of oxygen into the structures of nerve cells and helps prevent restless conditions.
Due to the minimum concentration of the active substance, this pharmacological preparation has a gentle and mild effect. Due to the breakdown of the amino acid, when it enters the blood, carbon dioxide and water are formed, as a result of which the active substance in the body does not linger and does not provoke addiction. However, a one-time intake of this medication will not allow you to achieve a positive result, you should use the Glycine remedy in courses.
The question is "can Glycine be given to a nursing mother?" interested in many.
The effect of the drug during lactation
Drug during lactation has a beneficial effect on the processes occurring in the body of nursing mothers. Among such influences are the following:
- normalization of metabolism;
- decrease in psycho-emotional stress and overwork;
- preventing overexcitation and the development of neurosis;
- increasing mental performance;
- regulating the rhythms of sleep and rest.
Manufacturers do not provide additional data on specific scientific studies that provide permission for the use of "Glycine" tablets in nursing mothers. According to the annotation, a medication during breastfeeding can only provoke allergicreactions with intolerance to one of the components.

If a nursing mother has low blood pressure, then taking the medicine is contraindicated for her.
Therefore, is it possible to drink "Glycine" for nursing mothers, it is better to find out in advance.
Signs of lack of glycine in the body
Glycine is an amino acid necessary for every person, on the basis of which a drug of the same name is produced.
It is impossible to identify specific clinical symptoms that indicate that the cause of the difficult psychological state of a nursing woman can be considered a lack of this amino acid in her body.
However, during the lactation period, an unbalanced diet and frequent stress can become a factor in the development of glycine deficiency, as evidenced by the following indirect signs:
- excessive fatigue, weakness;
- loss of appetite;
- decrease in blood hemoglobin levels;
- excessive nervous excitability and psycho-emotional exhaustion;
- sleep disorders;
- deterioration of the condition of the skin.

And yet, is it possible or not for "Glycine" in tablets to nursing mothers?
Is it allowed to take the drug during lactation?
To the question "is it possible to take the drug "Glycine" during breastfeeding?" most pediatricians answer in the affirmative. Since thisthe medicine has a mild effect on the female body. For its production, raw materials of exclusively vegetable origin are used.
Medical agent in small volumes penetrates into the child's body through breast milk. However, this fact should not cause concern, since the concentration of the amino acid in mother's milk is so low that it cannot harm the development and well-being of the child.
The drug "Glycine" during breastfeeding allows a woman to remain calm, contributes to her normal response to difficult situations in life. This is especially important in the postpartum period. Also, the amino acid normalizes heart rhythms in a newborn baby, helps to eliminate excitability and increased tone.
However, before using this drug, you should always consult your doctor. Only a professional doctor can establish the correct regimen for taking this medication and exercise proper control over the consequences of therapeutic measures.
In some cases, a specialist allows a woman during breastfeeding to take various herbal teas from medicinal herbs with a sedative effect instead of Glycine. Before a nursing mother takes the first tablet of this drug, the cause of her nervous tension should be established. In some cases, inner harmony cannot be achieved with pills.

Dosage and administration rulesmedication
Whether it is possible to use the medicine for a nursing mother, the doctor conducting the observation should decide. Only a specialist can determine the correct dosage of the drug and the timing of its use.
As a rule, a woman during lactation is prescribed the following dosage: 2-3 times a day, one tablet. The medication is recommended to be placed under the tongue, holding until it is completely dissolved. The duration of the therapeutic course ranges from 14 days to a month. Instructions for using the drug says that you can re-take the drug only after a month.
With low blood pressure, taking the remedy "Glycine", it is necessary to constantly monitor the pressure with a tonometer. In case of a pronounced decrease in indicators, you should stop taking this medication.
But is it always possible to take Glycine for a nursing mother?

Despite the fact that the drug "Glycine" is a safe pharmacological drug that has a calming effect, it should be used with some caution during lactation. A variety of adverse reactions can occur in a breastfeeding mother and infant.
The reasons why you should stop treatment with the Glycine medical agent during the lactation period may be:
- allergic reactions that occur in both mother and baby;
- baby refusing to breastfeed, drowsy and lethargic state of the baby;
- excessive excitement of the baby,incessant crying and sleep disturbances.
In case of such symptoms, you should consult a specialist who will help you choose another sedative drug.
So, we found out if Glycine tablets can be given to nursing mothers.

Doses and method of administration
During the process of lactation, the doctor should prescribe the medication "Glycine", who without fail assesses the likelihood of side effects in the woman and the baby and draws conclusions about the advisability of prescribing this drug to the patient. He sets the individual dosage and timing of the medication.
Usually, the drug "Glycine" is prescribed to lactating women at a dose of 1 tablet two (three) times a day. The therapeutic course lasts from 14 days to 1 month, it can be repeated after another month.
When the pressure drops, the medication is taken under daily control. If during therapy the pressure is very low, then the drug is canceled.
Now let's find out if "Glycine" is possible for a nursing mother according to doctors' reviews?
Opinion of specialists and patients
The drug has been popular with people suffering from nervous disorders for many years. At the same time, breastfeeding women are a separate category of such patients. It is known that many pharmacological drugs are contraindicated for them, so the drug "Glycine" is an excellent remedy for nursing mothers, since lactation is not included in the list of contraindications touse of this medication.

Reviews of doctors contain information that this medicine is indicated for everyone who has mental disorders, who has anxiety and excessive excitement in stressful situations, especially for nursing women, whose psychological state is transmitted to infants. Doctors note that "Glycine" during lactation helps to get rid of such problems, but it is not recommended to take it on your own, without consulting a specialist.
Feeding women who have been prescribed this medication report its average effectiveness, they say that this remedy does not help to cope with severe stress, but it significantly alleviates the condition with passive nervous disorders, for example, depression, depressed mood, increased anxiety. Patients have not seen side effects of this drug and report that it is well tolerated.
So, in the article we examined whether Glycine can be given to a nursing mother.