The drug "Konvalis", the price of which is from 400 rubles, is characterized as an anticonvulsant medication. The active substance is gabapentin. After oral administration, the drug reaches its maximum concentration after no more than three hours. The drug is not metabolized, it is excreted only by the kidneys unchanged.

The drug "Konvalis" (instructions for use contains such information) is recommended for epilepsy in patients aged 12 years and older. The drug is used to eliminate partial seizures, accompanied by secondary generalization, including as monotherapy or in combination with other drugs. The drug is also prescribed for adults to treat neuropathic pain.
Dosing regimen

Means "Konvalis" instructions for use recommends drinking regardless of food. Wash down the drug with a sufficient amount of liquid. As monotherapy, 300 mg once a day is prescribed. During treatment, the dosage is gradually increased to 900 mg according to the scheme 300 mg 1 r / d - on the first day, 300 mg 2 r / d - duringthe second, 300 mg 3 r / d - in the third. A further increase in the amount of funds is allowed. The average dosage of the drug "Konvalis" (instructions for use confirms this) is 900-1200 mg per day. The maximum amount of the drug is 3600 mg, divided into three identical doses with an interval of 8 hours. The interval between applications is no more than 12 hours to prevent seizures. With neuropathic pain for adults, the dosage is from 300 mg, followed by its increase. The maximum amount per day is 3600 mg.
Adverse reactions

When using the drug "Konvalis" (reviews of experts confirm this) at a dosage of 3600 mg, ataxia, dizziness, nystagmus, paresthesia are noted. These effects are dose-dependent and decrease when the dosage regimen is adjusted. In the treatment of pain of a neuropathic nature, there may be a disorder in the gastrointestinal tract, pain in the epigastrium, tremor, drowsiness, flatulence, pharyngitis, shortness of breath, amnesia, dry mouth. The drug "Konvalis" (instructions for use confirms this) can provoke confusion, skin rashes, flu-like and asthenic syndromes, peripheral edema, changes (in particular, increase) in weight. During the treatment of partial seizures, hypertension, diarrhea, nausea, leukopenia, increased appetite, increased bone fragility, pneumonia are noted. Some patients experience cough, itchy skin, acne, impotence, urinary tract infection, and facial swelling.
Not Recommendedmeans "Konvalis" (instructions for use contains such information) with lactose intolerance, under the age of 12 years, with acute pancreatitis. There are no data on the use of the drug by pregnant or lactating women. In this regard, the decision to prescribe the drug is made by a specialist. The drug is not recommended for lactase deficiency, hypersensitivity. Caution is observed in the treatment of patients with dysfunction of the renal system.