The most common diagnosis, which is increasingly heard by patients at the doctor's office - vegetovascular dystonia. Currently, about 80% of able-bodied residents suffer from this disease. At the same time, according to official data, vegetovascular dystonia is not recognized as a disease. There are about fifty symptoms of VVD. They are blurry and not specific. Such a combination of circumstances somewhat complicates the process of correctly diagnosing the patient's condition, which in turn entails a complication in prescribing the appropriate treatment. Often, the attending physician, if vegetovascular dystonia is suspected, prescribes the use of "Glycine". This drug is considered harmless and available to every patient.

Causes of VSD
The fundamental and only reason for the development of VVD is a disorder in the functioning of the human vegetative-vascular system. In simple terms, it turns out that the human body is not able to adapt to externaladverse stimuli, due to which the development of the disease begins. The autonomic system is responsible for the work of the heart muscle, and also maintains blood pressure and body temperature in the normal range.
Factors provoking vegetovascular dystonia

If there is at least one provocative moment in a person's life, most likely failures in the work of the vegetative system cannot be avoided.
So, the main provoking factors are expressed:
- insomnia or sleep disturbance;
- hypotension (blood pressure is always below normal);
- lack of physical fitness;
- hormonal changes in the body (teenagers and women after menopause are more likely to be affected);
- predisposition against the background of heredity;
- intoxication of the body or oxygen starvation;
- injuries or bruises;
- the most stressful situations.
Psychological factors are certain traits of a person's character, for example, resentment or vulnerability, as well as a suspicious nature. All this is a prerequisite for the occurrence of vegetovascular dystonia.
VSD types

Today there is no single structure of the syndrome of vegetovascular dystonia in medicine. However, there is a classification according to the nature of the localization of signs:
- The type of IRR of the cerebral type is characterized by spasm of cerebral vessels, thereby disrupting cell nutrition.
- Type cardiological - the most common type of pathological process, the manifestations of which are caused by a malfunction of the heart muscle.
- The respiratory type is characterized by a violation of the respiratory system.
- Gastroenterological type is manifested by disturbances in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
- Vegetovisceral type - there is a violation of the regulation of the vestibular apparatus.
Symptoms of vegetovascular dystonia
Symptoms of vegetative-vascular dystonia appear depending on the variety.
Cerebral type symptoms:
- headaches;
- general fatigue;
- chronic fatigue;
- mood changes;
- panic attacks;
- depressive states;
- increased anxiety;
- failures in the operation of intelligent functions;
- blood pressure jumps;
Cardiac type symptoms:
- arrhythmia;
- tachycardia;
- pain in the region of the heart.
Respiratory type symptoms:
- shortness of breath;
- heaviness in the chest area;
- increased heart rate;
- lack of air.
Gastroenterological symptoms:
- vomit;
- diarrhea;
- nausea;
- constipation;
- flatulence.
Symptoms of the vegetative-visceral type:
- chill;
- unexpected feeling cold or stuffy;
- unreasonable dizziness;
- pre-fainting.

Efficiency of taking "Glycine" in VSD
A single dose of the "Glycine" tablet will not have the proper effect on the development of pathology. Also, the drug is not taken once for a relaxing effect. Positive dynamics will be achieved only in case of course admission.

"Glycine" is an amino acid, but is a drug whose task is to regulate metabolism in the nerve cells of the human body. "Glycine" is in high demand, as it is increasingly being prescribed, from infancy to the elderly. All sorts of disorders serve as indications for admission, and VVD is no exception.
Regular course intake of "Glycine" with VVD contributes to the rise of intellectual activity and working capacity.
Theoretically, a course of "Glycine" can regulate and normalize the work of the autonomic system of a patient suffering from VVD symptoms. Nevertheless, unfortunately, in medical practice, improvements occur in only fifty percent of patients who use Glycine. It is for this reason that part of the reviews about "Glycine" in VVD characterizes the drug as a useless remedy that creates a placebo effect. It is possible that such opinions exist. After all, everyone who was prescribed to take the drug should know one fundamental condition - the drug "Glycine" helps with VVD and is most effectiveonly in relation to the cerebral species, as well as in violation of the regulation of brain processes. In the remaining cases, taking the medication rarely has a therapeutic effect.
From this it should be concluded that the lack of positive dynamics from taking "Glycine" is hidden in the incorrectly established cause of the development of vegetovascular dystonia, which in this clinical case does not refer to dysregulation of the brain process, but is associated with the malfunctioning of another system in the body. In this situation, other, most effective medicines are indicated.
If the intake of "Glycine" with VSD is suitable for the patient, then the drug will have a positive effect on the entire body as a whole and is able to stop the symptoms of the pathology for some time.
"Glycine" is a safe drug, if taking it does not have a positive effect, then a negative one, especially, should not be expected. Therefore, in order to independently verify the therapeutic effect of the drug on the body, it is important to drink the entire course of tablets. How and how much to drink "Glycine" with VVD is indicated in the instructions. The standard treatment regimen is to take two tablets three times a day for two months without a break. To combat sleepless nights, "Glycine" is taken half an hour before the intended sleep.
In the case of diseases of the nervous system, in particular with vegetovascular dystonia, taking an amino acid alone will not improve the situation. You will need an integrated approach, you need:
- set up a daily routine;
- improve qualityfood;
- make time for the physical development of the body;
- get out into the fresh air more often;
- don't stress yourself.
"Glycine Forte" with VVD differs from the usual drug only in dosage.
Indications for the use of "Glycine"

Indications for the use of the drug can be:
- unstable emotional well-being;
- disturbed sleep or insomnia;
- state after a heart attack;
- reduced intellectual activity;
- high excitability.
Both drugs - "Glycine" and "Glycine Forte" - with VVD, according to patients and doctors, quickly relieve nervous tension, increase resistance to stressful situations, improve sleep quality and significantly activate working capacity. The drugs have a prolonged action, which means that the effect is achieved as a result of prolonged use. The mild course of vegetovascular dystonia does not require long-term treatment, a monthly course is sufficient. In the future, a break and repetition of therapy is required.
All patients suffering from obvious symptoms of vegetovascular dystonia are prescribed Glycine. However, the drug is not universal and does not have a therapeutic effect on everyone.
Treatment regimen

The method of treating VSD is to take:
- metabolic agent - "Glycine" (how to take with VVD indicated in the instructions forapplication);
- sedative drugs;
- psychotropic drugs.
An extremely rare severe form of vascular dystonia is based on taking antidepressants.
The main thing in the treatment of VVD is to reduce the excitability of the nervous system, stop the fear of a panic attack and ultimately increase the body's resistance to stressful situations.
Non-drug treatments

Adjusted lifestyle, physiotherapy and manual therapy are all supportive treatments. Also recommended:
- take a relaxing massage course;
- attend group swimming classes;
- jogging;
- acupuncture.
Sometimes doctors prescribe herbal decoctions, for example:
- ginseng and eleutherococcus - increase excitability;
- hawthorn and motherwort - calm the nervous system.
An important condition is a positive psycho-emotional state of the patient.
Among other things, it is advisable to simultaneously take vitamin and mineral complexes aimed at normalizing blood circulation in the vessels. The course of vitamins should be repeated at the beginning of spring and with the onset of autumn, at the first signs of chronic fatigue.
It is not recommended or with caution it is allowed to drink "Glycine" for VVD for both pregnant and lactating women. Also allowed, but under the supervision of a doctor, admission to children under the age of six.
Notprescribe "Glycine" for VVD with low blood pressure or the occurrence of allergic reactions.
Unfortunately, today medical statistics show that the diagnosis of vegetovascular dystonia is incurable to the end. An exacerbation can occur at any time throughout a person's life. But you should not be afraid, the diagnosed VVD in no way affects the patient's life expectancy. However, without appropriate treatment, the quality of life will be significantly reduced.