Drugs for shortness of breath: purpose, features of administration, dosage, composition, indications and contraindications

Drugs for shortness of breath: purpose, features of administration, dosage, composition, indications and contraindications
Drugs for shortness of breath: purpose, features of administration, dosage, composition, indications and contraindications

Shortness of breath is considered one of the most pronounced signs of heart disease. And also a similar condition can occur with diseases of the respiratory organs and thyroid disorders.

Today, there are a huge number of medicines for shortness of breath, which help to effectively bring breathing back to normal. What drugs are considered the best? Only the attending physician can answer this question on an individual basis, but there are a number of drugs that are most often prescribed by doctors for shortness of breath.

drugs for shortness of breath
drugs for shortness of breath


Shortness of breath occurs in different ways for people. The first type of respiratory failure is inspiratory. The person has difficulty breathing. Difficulties provoke a decrease in the size of the part of the airways connecting the larynx with the bronchi and large bronchi. This type of shortness of breath is extremely dangerous for patients with bronchial asthma, inflammation of the pleural sheets, accumulation of air or gases in the pleural cavity. What drugs for shortness of breathaccept in this case? Experts recommend Eufilong, Clenbuterol, S altos, Teopec, Formoterol.

Besides this, there is expiratory dyspnea. People have breathing problems. The source of the problem is in the small bronchi, between which the size of the gaps narrows. The contraction is thought to be the result of lung disease or emphysema (airway disease characterized by abnormal expansion of the air spaces of the distal bronchioles).

The third form is mixed. The disease is caused by a malfunction in microcirculation, therefore it is called cardiac. Appears in patients who suffer from heart failure.

Therapy for heart failure

In the elimination of shortness of breath in heart failure, the main action is the correct diagnosis.

When the circulation is wrong, congestion occurs, which causes lack of air. Treatment of dyspnea should be carried out simultaneously with the treatment of the underlying disease.

Symptoms of hypoxia in heart failure:

  1. Sudden change in blood pressure.
  2. Vascular "asterisks" on the feet, palms.
  3. Feeling bad when lying down.
  4. Weakness.
  5. Overvoltage.

To eliminate the disease, it is necessary to identify the source of the disease. Can cause shortness of breath:

  1. Lung diseases.
  2. Angina pectoris (a pathological process characterized by a feeling or discomfort behind the sternum).
  3. Cardiomyoratia (primary myocardial disorder, which is not of inflammatory, neoplastic, ischemic origin, the typical features of which are cardiomegaly).
  4. Loss of the cardiac myocardium (a focus of ischemic necrosis of the heart muscle, which develops as a result of an acute violation of the coronary circulation).
  5. Heart disease (pathology of the cardiovascular system, as a result of which there are violations of the valvular apparatus or its walls, leading to disease).
  6. Inflammation in the heart and blood vessels.

After undergoing electrocardiography and a blood test, you can begin therapy.

cardiac dyspnea treatment drugs
cardiac dyspnea treatment drugs

Drugs for shortness of breath in heart failure

Elimination of shortness of breath due to improper functioning of the heart is carried out using the following medicines:

  1. Beta-agonists. These are natural as well as chemical activators, for example, "Salbutamol".
  2. Ancholinergics are preparations based on vegetable, synthetic trace elements. Used more often "Berodual".
  3. Methylxatins are drugs with a complex mechanism of action, which include theophylline and aminophylline.
  4. Glucocorticoids are used to relieve severe shortness of breath.
  5. Drugs to thin pathological secretions.
  6. Anspasmodic drugs ("Papaverine").

And also the method of treating diseases with the use of oxygen has a positive effect.

what drugs forshortness of breath
what drugs forshortness of breath

Drugs to relieve shortness of breath

Initially, it is important not to eliminate the signs of shortness of breath, but a combined treatment of the underlying disease is required.

The following types of drugs are prescribed:

  1. Glycosides (these are herbal heart medicines).
  2. Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors (one of the main groups of drugs used to eliminate heart defects).
  3. Diuretics.
  4. Vasodilators.

Glycosides are drugs that act on the muscular middle layer of the heart, after which there is a decrease in the contraction of heart contractions. These drugs help eliminate shortness of breath, swelling, and increase blood circulation. The most famous are the pills:

  1. "Digoxin".
  2. "Korglikon".
  3. "Celanide".

Angiotensin-converting enzyme-inhibiting reagents can block neurohormones that cause spasms in the smooth muscles of the blood vessels that carry blood from the heart to the organs.

Which drugs are most effective?

Drugs for breathlessness in the elderly are:

  1. "Zofenopril".
  2. "Zocardis".
  3. "Ramipril".

Diuretic medications are aimed at removing excess water from the body, which help reduce blood pressure and pulmonary edema, reduce the load on other organs.

drugs for shortness of breath
drugs for shortness of breath

The drugs of this type include the drug "Hypothiazid". Vasodilators reduce the tone of the vascular wall and thereby expand the lumen of the vessels, affect the veins, blood vessels.

The following drugs are distinguished:

  1. "Apressin".
  2. "Tonorma".
drugs for shortness of breath in heart failure
drugs for shortness of breath in heart failure


Drug with antihypertensive effect. "Zokardis" is produced in the form of tablets, which are film-coated. "Zokardis" is considered an antihypertensive agent - an angiotensin-converting strain reagent. The spectrum of its effects is associated with a decrease in the formation of angiotensin. A decrease in the concentration of the oligopeptide hormone leads to a direct decrease in the release of the main biologically active substance of the adrenal cortex in humans, while reducing the resistance to blood flow in the vascular system of the body.

What effect does Zokardis have?

With prolonged use of the drug for the treatment of shortness of breath, the volume of the myocardium of the left ventricle and the walls of blood vessels (located near the heart) decreases, as well as the increase in heart failure stops and the development of dilatation of the heart chambers slows down.

Hypotensive effect after oral administration occurs after an hour, it reaches a maximum after 4-6 hours and lasts up to 24 hours. In rare situations, to achieve optimal blood pressure levels, treatment is required inwithin a few weeks. A pronounced clinical effect in heart diseases is observed with prolonged therapy (from six months).

The drug reduces the process of platelet aggregation, increases microcirculation of myocardial ischemia.

Responses about "Zokardis" as a whole speak about its effectiveness. In rare cases, patients noted the formation of negative phenomena or the absence of pharmacological effects, which requires specialized consultation. The cost of the drug varies from 250 to 450 rubles.

shortness of breath what drugs to take
shortness of breath what drugs to take


Medication that belongs to cardiotonic drugs, cardiac glycosides. The drug is released only by prescription. The medicine contains the main trace element - lanatoside C. "Celanide" is produced in the form of a solution for injections, tablets, as well as liquid for oral administration.

Dosing regimen "Celanide"

How to take the drug for shortness of breath? The drug is intended for intravenous administration and oral use. Dosing in each individual situation is determined by a medical specialist. To achieve an instant result, the drug is administered intravenously at a dose of 0.2-0.4 milligrams, the number of procedures is once or twice a day.

Initially, the dosage of the medicine for oral administration is 0.25-0.5 milligrams or 10 to 20 drops 3-4 times a day. Maintenance therapy - 0.4-0.2 milligrams (for intravenous administration), 0.25-0. 5 milligrams or 10 to40 drops. Maximum oral dosage:

  • Daily - 1 milligram;
  • single - 0.5 milligrams orally.

Maximum intravenous doses:

  • daily allowance - 1 milligram;
  • single - 0.8 milligrams.

Before taking, you need to thoroughly study the instructions for use for "Celanide", as well as the appointment of the attending doctor. The cost of the medicine is only 50 rubles.

drugs to relieve shortness of breath
drugs to relieve shortness of breath


This is an angiotensin-converting strain of long-term exposure. "Ramipril" is produced in the form of tablets for oral use. Capsules milky shade, rounded cylindrical shape, with a dividing strip.

The drug lowers blood pressure. In addition, "Ramipril" has a cardioprotective effect, due to which the body synthesizes the active metabolite ramiprilat.

The drug provides an increase in the renal vessels, as well as the left ventricle and eliminates the spread of pathological processes in the heart. The pronounced cardioprotective effect is explained by the influence of the active component on the formation of prostaglandins and the activation of the production of non-s alt-forming nitric oxide in a single layer of squamous cells of mesenchymal origin.

When carrying out therapy with this medicine, the total resistance of the entire vascular system to the blood flow ejected by the heart decreases. This state is practicallyexpressed in the internal organs, including the surface of the skin and the liver. And also the drug increases peripheral blood circulation in these organs, increases the level of colorless protein dissolved in blood plasma and tissue sensitivity to insulin. The cost of the medicine is 110 rubles.


The drug is considered a representative of the therapeutic group of cardiac glycosides. It is made from the leaves of the foxglove plant. The drug is used as a cardiotonic drug for the treatment of heart diseases and the elimination of heart rhythm disturbances.

After taking the drug, the active microelement is completely and quickly absorbed from the intestine into the blood. When eating, the absorption rate slows down, but the bioavailability remains at the same level. The drug for the treatment of cardiac dyspnea is evenly distributed throughout all tissues, its content is slightly higher in the myocardium. The main component of Digoxin is excreted unchanged in the urine. The cost of the drug is from 40 to 70 rubles.
