Calcium is one of the important components in the human body. Thanks to this trace element, people have strong teeth, bones, hair, it removes metals, s alts from the body, is a probiotic and antioxidant. A lack of calcium disrupts the normal functioning of all systems, so it is so important to maintain the required amount. To do this, it is recommended to take dietary supplements, which include "Rotavit Calcium", but before using any drug, you need to get expert advice.

Medication description
Food supplement designed to regulate calcium and phosphorus metabolism. Allows the formation of bones, teeth, improves bone density, maintains normal skin condition. Daily use of this drug can reduce the risk of a disease such as osteoporosis. "Rotavit Calcium" ensures proper functioningnervous and muscular systems.

Composition of dietary supplement
The main components of the drug are calcium carbonate and vitamin D3, auxiliary substances are: citric acid, food starch, aspartame, sucrose, stabilizers and fillers.
Calcium is the main component involved in the formation of bone tissues, teeth, regulating blood pressure, contributing to the normal process of blood clotting, various body systems.
Vitamin D3 optimizes calcium and phosphorus metabolism, is the leading substance in the formation of the bone skeleton, ensuring the preservation of bone structure. Enhances the process of absorption of the main component and phosphoric acid in the intestine, promotes their release. Provides the accumulation of calcium in the bones, prevents destruction. Regulates the functioning of the parathyroid glands.
Citric acid interacts with the main substance, enhances its properties, improves its permeability, in addition, it gives a pleasant sour taste to the drug.
The principle of the tool
"Rotavit calcium" contributes to the regulation of calcium and phosphorus metabolism, its action is as follows:
- reduces calcium leaching from bone tissue;
- increases its density and strength;
- regulates the required amount of vitamin D3 and calcium in the body;
- ensures the normal functioning of the nervous and muscular systems.

"Rotavit calcium": instructions for use
Biologically active supplement is used as an additional component to food, as a source of vitamin D3 and calcium. In order for the drug to be well absorbed, it must be taken correctly:
- adults and children from 7 years of age are recommended to take one sachet per day;
- consume the active supplement with meals in the afternoon or evening;
- before use, it is recommended to dissolve a bag of granules in a glass of drinking water at room temperature;
- do not eat foods such as coffee, beets, carbonated drinks, s alt while taking the supplement, they contribute to the leaching of calcium from the bones;
- include cottage cheese and other dairy products, fresh herbs, fish, meat in the diet.
Apply "Rotavit Calcium", the instructions for use of which must be strictly observed, is necessary for 4-6 weeks, but only the doctor can determine the exact course of treatment.
Contraindications for taking the remedy
Dietary supplement has practically no contraindications, since calcium is not an allergenic component. However, people who are sensitive to any of the elements of the drug, it is better to refuse to take it, so as not to provoke any side effect.
Patients suffering from urolithiasis are also not recommended to use this drug.
During pregnancy and lactation, the need to take a dietary supplement is determined only by the attendingdoctor, he also prescribes the right dosage and the course of taking granules.
It is not recommended to use the product together with vitamin-mineral complexes that contain calcium and vitamin D3. Also, the food supplement is contraindicated for children under 7 years old.

Reviews of people using the drug
Before using any means, you should read the opinions of other people who have already tried and evaluated the effect of the drug "Rotavit Calcium". Reviews of the dietary supplement are mostly positive, but many also note some disadvantages. Among the advantages are the following:
- has good efficiency, helps with a simple lack of calcium in the body, and with more serious problems, for example, in case of fractures, it quickly splices damaged tissues, restores the efficiency of joints;
- effective in osteoporosis, prevents cramps, relieves pain;
- fizzy, reminiscent of a carbonated drink;
- relatively affordable price, often cheaper than analogues.
Among the shortcomings, people taking this drug note the following:
- poorly soluble in water, a small residue of the additive remains at the bottom;
- has a not-so-pleasant lemon flavor;
- take it better in parts, 500 mg;
- may cause intestinal problems.

Drug Benefits
"Rotavit Calcium" is distinguished by the following mainbenefits:
- all components of the dietary supplement are well combined with each other, enhance each other's actions;
- is highly effective both for preventive purposes and in the treatment of fractures, osteoporosis;
- characterized by European quality and safety of use;
- has practically no contraindications, except for urolithiasis and individual intolerance;
- easy to use, easy to drink, tastes like lemonade.

Similar drugs
Pharmacy chains do not always have the right medicine, so it is important to know what can replace "Rotavit Calcium". Analogues of this drug have a composition similar to it, but can be enriched with additional elements:
- "Calcemin Advance", "Osteokea" - in addition to calcium carbonate and vitamin D3, zinc and magnesium are present among the main components.
- "Mountain calcium D3 Evalar" - enriched with such trace elements as boron, manganese, phosphorus, silicon. In addition, the preparation contains mummy, which contributes to better absorption of the main component.
- "Calcium D3 Nycomed" - the main substances are the same as in the preparation in question, however, the dosage of calcium is 500 mg.
- "Calcium gluconate" - the active substance is displayed in the name of the product, is available in the form of injections.
- "Calcium-Active" - as part of the preparation calcium carbonate (50mg), vitamin D3 and dried amaranth leaves.
- "Calcimax" - enriched with chondroitin sulfate, magnesium, chromium, zinc and other trace elements, vitamins C and D3 are present.
All analogues are used as a prevention of calcium deficiency, by pregnant women or during lactation, with osteoporosis and other diseases of the joints, with fractures.
Thus, the drug in question is distinguished by high efficiency, affordable price and other positive characteristics. It should be borne in mind that when using the "Rotavit Calcium" product, instructions, reviews will help to achieve good results, not harm your body, but you should not self-medicate, it is recommended to get professional advice. In the absence of this tool, it can be replaced with analog drugs, which, however, can be more expensive.