Drugs 2024, October

Means "Nervoheel": reviews and description of the drug

Means "Nervoheel": reviews and description of the drug

Homeopathic medicine is the drug "Nervochel", reviews speak of its effectiveness in the treatment of nervous disorders. It copes well with problems such as sleep disturbance, excessive excitability

Means "K altsid". Instruction and description

Means "K altsid". Instruction and description

For the he alth and proper functioning of all body systems, a person needs vitamins and minerals. Most of them come from food, but sometimes this is not enough

Methyluracil ointment: instructions for use, indications and contraindications

Methyluracil ointment: instructions for use, indications and contraindications

Methyluracil ointment is used for external use. Due to its excellent anti-inflammatory effect, the drug is used in the treatment of wounds, burns of varying degrees, dermatitis

Properties of the preparation "Zinerit". Means analogues

Properties of the preparation "Zinerit". Means analogues

One of the best effective remedies can be called "Zinerit", an analogue of this drug - "Baziron", "Differin" and "Skinoren gel". This article details the properties and use of Zinerit, as well as other pharmacological preparations that help in the fight against acne

Drug "Asparkam": what is it for?

Drug "Asparkam": what is it for?

Medication "Asparkam" is a drug that belongs to the group of drugs that regulate metabolic processes. What actions do Asparkam tablets have? What is it used for? This is detailed in the article

Sleeping pills for sleep - one of the methods to combat insomnia

Sleeping pills for sleep - one of the methods to combat insomnia

Sleep is a necessary physiological need of a person, without it the body will not be able to fully function, its lack will negatively affect all functions. The fight against insomnia, when it develops into a chronic phenomenon, is impossible without the use of drugs

Medication "Muk altin". How to take it right?

Medication "Muk altin". How to take it right?

The drug "Muk altin" is one of the most effective drugs for various respiratory diseases. It is based on such a natural component as marshmallow root extract, which allows it to be taken in the treatment of children, pregnant women and women who are breastfeeding

What is talc? All about the amazing mineral

What is talc? All about the amazing mineral

What is talc? It is a crystalline substance, a soft white mineral with a greenish tinge. Talc is used in various industries, in particular in cosmetology and pharmacology, in paint and varnish and chemical production

Oak bark for diarrhea is an excellent remedy for adults and children

Oak bark for diarrhea is an excellent remedy for adults and children

Oak bark with diarrhea has an astringent and anti-inflammatory effect. Teas and spirit tinctures are prepared from it. For children, decoctions of oak bark are used in the form of enemas

Hyaluronic acid at home is an excellent remedy for beauty and youthful skin

Hyaluronic acid at home is an excellent remedy for beauty and youthful skin

Hyaluronic acid is an excellent tool for maintaining youthfulness, firmness and elasticity of the skin. Thanks to it, water balance is maintained in the skin, it is responsible for the production of collagen

Potassium dichromate - physical and chemical properties and scope

Potassium dichromate - physical and chemical properties and scope

Potassium bichromate is a chemically hazardous substance. The scope of its application is wide - from the production of paints and varnishes to use in organic synthesis

Is it possible to take "Gastal" during pregnancy: instructions, reviews

Is it possible to take "Gastal" during pregnancy: instructions, reviews

Many are interested in whether "Gastal" is possible during pregnancy. Experienced doctors recommend using this remedy to relieve the unpleasant symptoms of heartburn. If you do not take anything at all to eliminate discomfort, it will only get worse

Activated carbon: application and useful properties

Activated carbon: application and useful properties

Recently, activated charcoal has become very popular. It is used for a variety of purposes. With its help, people try to cleanse the body, skin, strive to lose weight

"Dicinon", tablets: instructions for use, composition and analogues

"Dicinon", tablets: instructions for use, composition and analogues

Dicynone tablets are a hemostatic drug used to stop bleeding of various kinds, with hemorrhages and diseases of the retina, too strong menstruation. The drug is available in the form of tablets and solution for drip infusions and intramuscular injections, produced in Slovenia

"Tantum Verde": instructions for use, release form, indications, composition, analogues, reviews

"Tantum Verde": instructions for use, release form, indications, composition, analogues, reviews

The drug "Tantum Verde" is known to many thanks to popular advertising, but what the remedy helps with, how effective it is and who is allowed, is described in the article

"Tantum Verde" (spray): instructions for use, reviews, analogues

"Tantum Verde" (spray): instructions for use, reviews, analogues

Tantum Verde Spray is a topical anti-inflammatory agent. Dentists and otolaryngologists often prescribe it to patients with inflammation of the gums and throat, as well as stomatitis and other diseases. Next, consider the instructions for using the spray. In addition, we will find out what analogues Tantum Verde has, as well as get acquainted with consumer reviews and find out their opinion about this drug

"Montelukast": reviews, instructions and analogues of the drug

"Montelukast": reviews, instructions and analogues of the drug

"Montelukast" has an absolutely balanced composition, and therefore is recommended for use not only in the treatment of adults, but also in patients of the younger age category (from 2 years). This name is international. There are quite a lot of analogues with the same pharmacological properties - the only question is the price

Instructions for use, analogue of "Cefotaxime" and reviews

Instructions for use, analogue of "Cefotaxime" and reviews

"Cefotaxime" (indications for use, popular analogues and expert reviews will be given below) is a representative of the group of third-generation cephalosporin antibiotics. The drug has a wide spectrum of action and is used in the treatment of various diseases with infectious and inflammatory symptoms

Drug "Stopdiar": reviews and instructions

Drug "Stopdiar": reviews and instructions

The effectiveness of the drug is the first thing that both patients and doctors pay attention to. When it comes to such a serious and "inconvenient" disease as prolonged diarrhea, the speed of the onset of a therapeutic result is more important than ever

"Epoetin alfa": instructions for use, reviews and analogues

"Epoetin alfa": instructions for use, reviews and analogues

"Epoetin alfa" - a recombinant analogue of natural erythropoietin - an effective tool for the prevention and treatment of anemia of various etiologies. The drug has a minimum number of contraindications and demonstrates acceptable results in the course of complex he alth therapy

"Reamberin": indications for use, reviews, instructions, analogues

"Reamberin": indications for use, reviews, instructions, analogues

Intoxication is a consequence of various reasons. In medical practice, such scenarios often develop both during surgical interventions and as a result of infectious lesions of organs/systems

Effective analogue of V altrex. Which is better - "V altrex" or "Acyclovir"?

Effective analogue of V altrex. Which is better - "V altrex" or "Acyclovir"?

Disputes about the appropriateness of using generics as an alternative to original drugs, as a rule, come down to the question of the price attractiveness of both. V altrex analogues, reviews of which are presented in abundance on thematic forums, also differ from the reference sample in terms of cost and are more affordable. However, their effectiveness is no less

"Dopamine": instructions for use, reviews, description, analogues

"Dopamine": instructions for use, reviews, description, analogues

The drug "Dopamine" and the natural hormone dopamine secreted by brain cells have the same chemical formula and structure. The main purpose of this medication is to maintain the functions of the cardiovascular system, fight against emotional disorders, weaken shocks and neutralize their consequences

"L-lysine aescinate": instructions for use and reviews

"L-lysine aescinate": instructions for use and reviews

The search for alternative methods of treating complex tissue edema of various origins, including swelling of parts of the brain/spinal cord due to mechanical damage (polytrauma), resulted in the development of new effective medicines. One of them was "L-lysine aescinate"

Medicine "Trimectal": instructions for use, price, analogues and reviews

Medicine "Trimectal": instructions for use, price, analogues and reviews

The drug "Trimectal" instructions for use classify as a means to combat dysfunction of the cardiovascular system. The mechanism of action of the drug is based on the biochemical properties of the main component - trimetazidine

Drug "Tamsulosin": instructions for use, price, reviews and analogues

Drug "Tamsulosin": instructions for use, price, reviews and analogues

Prostate adenoma is the male problem of the 21st century. The success of therapy depends on the correct choice of medications. The pharmacological group of the drug "Tamsulosin", instructions for use, a list of generics (drugs with a similar composition, but a different trade name), as well as reviews of doctors and patients regarding the potential of this therapeutic agent - read more about this in our review

"Furamag" - analogues. Tablets "Furadonin": instructions, price

"Furamag" - analogues. Tablets "Furadonin": instructions, price

Cystitis is a disease accompanied by inflammation of the mucous membrane of the bladder and its excretory ducts. The neglected form of the disease is fraught with complications, up to the failure of the kidneys. The drug "Furamag", analogues of which are widely represented on the market, is an effective tool in the fight against infection

Drug "Noben": instructions, indications and reviews

Drug "Noben": instructions, indications and reviews

In case of vascular diseases of the brain, neuropathologists prescribe the drug "Noben". The instruction reports that this remedy eliminates the consequences of encephalopathy. This drug has few contraindications and is well tolerated by patients. The drug has a variety of effects on the body. It effectively eliminates unwanted neurological and mental symptoms

Drug "Advantan" - salvation or harm? Ointment "Advantan": analogues and how to apply

Drug "Advantan" - salvation or harm? Ointment "Advantan": analogues and how to apply

The drug "Advantan" is one of the most popular at present. Literally every second person acquires this ointment, without thinking at all about how it affects his body. After all, this tool copes with any problem at once. Has anyone thought about the consequences of using the ointment? Can it be used for a long time? And maybe you should replace the tool with an analogue?

"Derinat": instructions for use, analogues, reviews

"Derinat": instructions for use, analogues, reviews

The drug "Derinat" is an immunomodulatory drug. It helps to greatly activate the human immune system. In our article, we will consider in detail the instructions for use for Derinat, and also find out how patients respond to it

Ointment "Levomekol": instructions for use, indications, analogues, contraindications

Ointment "Levomekol": instructions for use, indications, analogues, contraindications

If you need an excellent antibacterial agent with topical application, then without a doubt you can name Levomekol ointment, which has proven itself as a combined preparation, the use of which has a wide spectrum of action due to undeniable medicinal advantages. It is prescribed as an antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and regenerating

Bug bite remedy: home remedies, types of ointments and their description

Bug bite remedy: home remedies, types of ointments and their description

Bedbugs are parasites that feed on human blood. As a habitat, they prefer bedding. Sometimes their number becomes rampant, and then a person is simply forced to fight with uninvited guests. In addition to chemicals, to expel parasites, you have to purchase remedies for bedbug bites

Beta-agonists: description, action, list of drugs

Beta-agonists: description, action, list of drugs

One of the most important groups of drugs are beta-agonists. These medicines are needed for diseases such as bronchial asthma, COPD, some heart rhythm disorders, and shock conditions

The drug "Gonal F": reviews and results, contraindications and effectiveness

The drug "Gonal F": reviews and results, contraindications and effectiveness

Ovulation is the period that every woman tries to capture for conception. But it doesn't always happen. For stimulation, you can use "Gonal F". Is it worth it to pay attention to this tool in reality?

Drug "Black Ant": instructions for use

Drug "Black Ant": instructions for use

Problems associated with potency have always worried men. In such cases, a variety of drugs come to the rescue. For example, Black Ant. What it is? How to use this tool? Is it effective?

Ointment "Ketoconazole": instructions for use, reviews, photos, analogues

Ointment "Ketoconazole": instructions for use, reviews, photos, analogues

Antifungal agents are available in various forms. They are sold in the form of tablets, suppositories, aerosol, shampoo, etc

Clotrimazole solution: instructions and features of use

Clotrimazole solution: instructions and features of use

The drug "Clotrimazole" is considered an effective antifungal agent. The most pronounced therapeutic effect has a solution of clotrimazole. It is able not only to eliminate the unpleasant symptoms of pathology, but also to influence the causative agent of the disease

"Ursosan" (capsules): composition, indications, instructions for use

"Ursosan" (capsules): composition, indications, instructions for use

When detecting hepatitis, bile stasis, cholangitis and other similar pathologies, doctors often recommend Ursosan capsules. The instructions for use of the drug prescribe its use to accelerate the bile outflow and prevent gallstone disease. This remedy belongs to the category of hepatoprotectors necessary for the treatment of liver and gallbladder defects

Should I use drops for alcohol addiction without the knowledge of the patient. Remedies for alcoholism

Should I use drops for alcohol addiction without the knowledge of the patient. Remedies for alcoholism

Information about whether it is possible to treat alcoholism and apply drops for alcohol dependence without the knowledge of the patient. And also about what are the remedies for alcoholism (drops, tablets, etc.)

"Versatis" (patch for osteochondrosis): instructions for use, reviews

"Versatis" (patch for osteochondrosis): instructions for use, reviews

"Versatis" - a patch that belongs to the group of painkillers intended for the treatment of various diseases, including osteochondrosis