Chemists and pharmacologists of many countries have been struggling over the synthesis of a cure for all diseases for a long time. Such a substance should have the ability to affect the cellular structure of the body, restoring the work of its damaged parts.
But, as you know, such an elixir has not yet been invented. Although there are dosage forms that can be used, it would seem, for completely incompatible diseases, absolutely unrelated. This is Potassium Orotate.
Miraculous S alt

The composition of the drug includes orotic acid, synthesized by scientists from the milk of cattle at the beginning of the 20th century. Its peculiarity is that in its pure form it is poorly soluble in water. It was found that this substance is able to influence the process of cell regeneration and their growth.
In pharmacology and the food industry, for better absorption, orotic acid is used in conjunction with easily digestible s alts of magnesium, calcium and potassium. Mineral s alts are absorbed in the intestinesacid begins to interact with the cells of the liver and other organs only when it enters the bloodstream.
In its natural form, people get this compound from food: yeast, liver, and most importantly, milk and dairy products.
Potassium s alt
The drug "Potassium orotate" belongs to the group of natural non-steroidal anabolics. He got there because of the specific effect on the cells of living organisms, provoking their renewal and growth. The drug itself is used to accelerate protein-lipid metabolism in the human body.

For patients admitted to the hospital with a heart attack, chronic heart failure, doctors quite often prescribe Potassium Orotate or its equivalent. Don't be surprised. Due to its ability to stimulate the synthesis of nucleic acids, albumin in the liver, "Potassium orotate" is an ideal catalyst that starts all the recovery systems of the body.
Therefore, it is prescribed for diseases of the heart (tachycardia, exhaustion of the heart muscle, heart attacks), to restore the liver and biliary tract, skin diseases of various etiologies, reduced hemoglobin, galactosemia, malnutrition in children, rapidly developing muscle failure.
How to take the drug?

On sale you can most often find only the adult dosage of Potassium Orotate. The prices for this drug are quite reasonable. The instructions for use indicate that the children's daily dose should not bemore than ten or twenty milligrams of s alt per kilogram of body weight.
The use of "Potassium orotate" and the analogue of the drug is limited. The drug can only be drunk by children who have reached the age of five.
Adults can take from 500 mg to 1500 mg per day. If it is necessary to increase the daily dose for vital signs, only the attending physician can do this. The optimal time for taking the tablets is one hour before meals and three hours after to avoid interaction of the drug with food.
Duration of therapy is three to five weeks. If the attending physician sees the need for re-treatment, they take a break for a month and only then resume taking the drug.
It is worth remembering that the active substance of the drug contains a potassium s alt, which can cause an excess of this element in the body. Accordingly, this is not a potassium replacement therapy.
People with acute or chronic renal failure, hepatic cirrhosis with liquid formation, lymphogranulomatosis, the use of "Potassium orotate" and analogues is strictly prohibited. This is a must remember.
Does Potassium Orotate have analogues?

A detailed study of the pharmaceutical market for the presence of complete analogues did not give any results. "Potassium orotate" has only children's and adult forms of release in the form of a compound of potassium and orotic acid. The dosage for adults is 0.5 g, and for children 0.1g.
But there is not a complete analogue of "Potassium orotate" - "Magnerot" or a compound of magnesium and orotic acid. It is used for the same purposes, but taking into account magnesium in the composition. In addition to accelerating metabolic processes, the remedy is used to correct the work of the nervous system.
Magnesium, which is part of the composition, acts as a natural tranquilizer, restoring the functioning of the nervous system, it reduces the likelihood of spasms of blood vessels and muscles. The ability to have such an effect makes it indispensable for people suffering from cardiovascular diseases.
In addition, according to the instructions for use, the analogue of "Potassium orotate" can be used by pregnant women, but only under the supervision of a doctor.
The frequency of admission is two tablets three times a day one hour before meals for the first week. Then the dose is reduced to three tablets per day. The course of admission is at least one and a half months.

The specificity of the drug "Potassium Orotate" allows it to be used by athletes (bodybuilders). In their diet, it is used to accelerate the process of building muscle mass. However, not many people can boast of excellent results after using it.
According to athletes, when taking Potassium Orotate (according to instructions) or its analogues, care must be taken. If you use a s alt preparation, without fear of "earning" hyperkalemia, along with amino acids every other day and in large dosages, then the result will be noticeable in a month.
For those who want to get in great shape while lying on the couch,only by taking the s alt of orotic acid, the result will be zero.
If you, having studied the instructions and reviews about potassium orotate and analogues of the drug, decided that this is an ideal option for quick weight gain or express weight loss, then we will disappoint you. Do not uncontrollably take what you need to drink only under the supervision of a doctor. Yes, an accelerated metabolism, the breakdown of fats and the formation of proteins is a good thing, but only if your basic, vital systems refuse to work. "Potassium orotate" and an analogue of the drug "Magnerot" are primarily means for the treatment of people in the post-infarction period, patients suffering from muscle dystrophy, and only then an additional source of mineral s alts.