Effective ointments for gout

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Effective ointments for gout
Effective ointments for gout

Video: Effective ointments for gout

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The main symptom of gout is severe joint pain, which is inflammatory in nature and provoked by the deposition of uric acid s alts. Often, the treatment of this disease takes a long and painful period for the patient. In order to eliminate pain symptoms quickly and effectively, the use of an ointment for gout is recommended.

However, with an exacerbation of the disease, one cannot do without treatment with drugs, including injections and pills. Ointments also belong to the means of local action. The most popular include medicines based on anti-inflammatory nonsteroidal drugs and medicinal plants.

Ointments for gout can be used only after the elimination of acute inflammatory processes of the affected joints.

ointments for gout
ointments for gout

Ointments based on anti-inflammatory nonsteroidal drugs

NSAIDs are non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs considered effective for gout. May contain the following agents that have a direct anti-inflammatory effect:naproxen, diclofenac, butadione, ibuprofen and indomethacin.

Enzymes that stimulate the formation of biologically active substances, which are responsible for the development of inflammatory processes, are blocked by the active substance, which is the effect of such ointments.

However, not all drugs of the NSAID group can be used for gout. The opposite effect is acetylsalicylic acid or aspirin. It can make it difficult to remove urates from the body.

The use of acetylsalicylic acid and its derivatives in gout is contraindicated.

What are the ointments for gout?

ointment helps with gout
ointment helps with gout


"Diclofenac" can be called one of the group of the most popular and commonly used ointments. 1 g of 1% ointment contains 10 mg of the active substance, that is, diclofenac sodium. A thin layer of a small amount of the product is distributed on the affected area, and then rubbed with massaging light movements. In the area of inflammation, it is necessary to avoid sudden movements and too strong pressure.

Ointments for gout should only be used after consultation with a specialist!

Repetition of the procedure is necessary 2-3 times a day. To avoid the occurrence of side effects, it is necessary to comply with the mandatory conditions of use, namely, to control the daily dose. The group of NSAIDs has a lot of side effects and contraindications that are relevant even with external use of drugs. The negative consequences of using such tools can affect the functionsliver, intestines and stomach.

There are also ointments for gout. There are effective ones among them.

ointments for gout
ointments for gout

Butadion ointment

The synthetic substance butadione contained in the ointment can help to achieve a good effect. The difference from other NSAIDs is that the active substance has a uricosuric effect (that is, the excretion of urate from the patient's body along with urine).

To exclude an allergic reaction of the body to the drug, it is recommended to start the course of treatment by applying the drug to the skin in minimal quantities. This gout ointment should be used several times a day.

Butadion-containing agent has a number of effects: eliminates pain in the affected area; relieves swelling; improves the motor properties of the joint.

A gauze bandage is not required on the treatment site, it is enough to apply the ointment to the affected area with a thin layer (do not rub in any case!). Including it is necessary to avoid direct sunlight on the place where the product was applied.

Ointments used for gout should be used regularly.

Ointments with herbal ingredients

Patients who do not tolerate medicinal chemicals, ointments that have a plant base are excellent. However, such treatment should be supplemented by a combination of diet and physiotherapy.

The ointment helps with gout, but it cannot replace the oral medication for this disease.

ointmentused for gout
ointmentused for gout


One of the most commonly used preparations containing herbal ingredients is Russian-made Fullflex. It has the following range of pronounced effects:

  • Anti-inflammatory.
  • Decongestant.
  • Anesthetic (pain reliever).

The pharmacodynamics of this remedy is determined by its constituent components: extracts of harpagophytum tubers (fragrant martinia), horse chestnut, willow and birch bark; oils - eucalyptus, juniper, fir, sage and grape seeds (the latter improve blood circulation), as well as vitamins (nicotinic acid, tocopherol and rutin).

Manufacturers of "Fulflex" focus on harpagophytum extract, which has anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. This plant is used in the following preparations recommended in cases of degenerative joint pathologies (osteochondrosis and spondylarthrosis), Sustamar, Revmafit, Revmagerb and Harpagin.

Contraindications for "Fulflex" ointment include individual intolerance to the substances that make up the composition, as well as periods of pregnancy and lactation.

Use of ointment for gout and dosage: the product is applied 2 times a day to painful areas, gently massaging. The course of treatment lasts one month.

Side effect may be expressed as an allergic reaction.

Keep out of reach of children! Also, a prerequisite is a temperature not higher than 25 ° C and the absence of direct sunlight. The drug is suitable forwithin 24 months.

This ointment allows not only to relieve the symptoms of the disease, but helps to eliminate the causes of gout. You need to use the remedy twice a day. This ointment is prescribed at different stages of the course and development of gout due to the fact that it contains medicinal plants, and in this regard, it is also considered a remedy that effectively fights the disease.

effective gout ointments
effective gout ointments

Chinese ointment used for gout

Chinese remedy Tiger Balm White is actually a balm for muscle pain. The composition of this ointment includes petroleum jelly (36%) with additives in the form of mint oil, camphor, menthol, eucalyptus and cloves. The ointment is applied to the affected area and rubbed into the skin. The agent causes a reflex rush of blood, which improves tissue trophism, due to which the effect occurs.

Many ointments, positioned as Chinese, in most cases consist of extracts from plants used in oriental medicine: amla, unabi, rhubarb and aconite roots, leaf terminalia tree, etc. With joint pain, they help reduce swelling and pain syndrome. In fact, the accompanying instructions do not provide enough reliable information about the mechanism of their therapeutic effect.

Birch extract

Birch extract is characterized by effects: diuretic, anti-inflammatory, decongestant. Side effects of the ointment were not noted. However, this remedy is not recommended for use by women during pregnancy.due to stimulation of uterine contraction.

Isolation of the components of the drug with breast milk makes it also contraindicated in breastfeeding. Also, the drug is not recommended for use by children under the age of 14. The drug is also produced in capsules for oral administration.

Folk remedies

Most patients suffer from a chronic form of the disease, and therefore people prefer folk remedies to maintain treatment. Consider the most effective of them.

ointment for gout
ointment for gout

Alternative honey treatment

Honey is the simplest and most effective remedy for gout. It can be used alone and as part of natural ointments prepared at home, as it has excellent bactericidal and anti-inflammatory properties.

Traditional medicine also helps to achieve a good effect. However, we should not forget that any remedy, even the most touted, can cause even greater harm to the he alth of the patient. Therefore, one should not neglect seeking help from a specialist and self-medicate.

What ointments to use for gout?

Ointment with butter

Preparation of the ointment, which is based on butter, proceeds as follows: enamelware is taken and 200 g of butter is melted over low heat. The film formed during boiling is carefully removed; then about 70 ml of beer is added in a thin stream, the preparation of which is based on m alt and hops. Next add 50 gcamphor, mix well. It is recommended to use the resulting ointment at bedtime, lubricating the affected joints. The period of use of the ointment should be 10 days, and if necessary, repeat after a break of 5 days. The treated area should be warm (under a blanket), it is also better not to exercise the body until morning.

Ointment with sunflower oil

¼ cup of sunflower oil and ¼ bar of laundry soap are taken as the basis of the ointment. Soap is rubbed finely on a grater and mixed with oil. Then 1 teaspoon of soda and 50 ml of kerosene are added, mixed thoroughly. Can be applied to affected areas up to 2 times a day.

Ointment with poplar buds

An effective remedy against gout is the buds of black poplar or black poplar. To prepare the ointment, it is necessary to grind the kidneys into powder and mix with preheated butter in the amount of 1 to 4. In the absence of oil, you can use petroleum jelly. The product must be allowed to harden, and then can be rubbed into the affected joints without using a gauze bandage.

Ointments for gout can be purchased at a pharmacy or prepared by yourself. However, this does not eliminate the need to consult a specialist.

ointment for gout reviews
ointment for gout reviews

Ointment for gout: reviews

There are many positive reviews about the use of ointments for this disease. Patients note that the effect of treatment comes quickly, lasts a long time. Adverse reactions are not noted. But it is necessary to apply all means in a complex.
