Unpleasant sensations of nasal congestion and severe swelling of the mucosa, one of the side effects in diseases of the upper respiratory tract: sinusitis, tracheobronchitis and seasonal allergies. To remove these sensations, the sick are forced to use three or four different drugs that temporarily relieve symptoms without eliminating the disease itself.
But there is a drug that can replace several different drugs with just two tablets a day. This is Erespal (80 mg).

Miracle cure
The main feature of the drug is that it has a complex effect due to its active substance - fenspiridine. It is anti-inflammatory, decongestant and antitussive. In the line "indications" in the instructions for use of Erespal, diseases are indicated that will be easier to endure if you use the drug. This is:
- Tracheitis, tracheobronchitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis in acute and chronic forms.
- Rhinitis,rhinosinusitis, acute allergic seasonal rhinitis.
- Swelling of mucous membranes during influenza and measles.
- Relieve the symptoms of whooping cough, asthma.
Such a wide range of conditions makes you wonder why it can be used for allergies, because it is a cough medicine?
Not everything is as simple as it seems at first glance. Fenspiridine hydrochloride has one very specific property: it expands the lumen of the bronchi and alveoli, thereby accelerating the work of the villi, which expel mucus, bacteria and other third-party agents that can cause tissue swelling when coughing.
It not only relieves swelling of the mucous membranes by reducing the production of certain types of peptides that provoke inflammation, but also eliminates lung spasm, which is very helpful for people suffering from bronchial asthma and chronic obstructive bronchitis.
It is worth noting that it is often used as a treatment for residual effects after antibiotic therapy.

How to use
Remember: Erespal is not a substitute for antibiotics, it is used only after a doctor's prescription, since the dose must be selected individually.
The standard tablet form is one tablet twice a day before meals, morning and evening. The exception is acute forms of diseases. Then an increase to three receptions is possible.
People suffering from various chronic diseases find it very difficult to find the rightmeans. Diabetics need dosage forms that do not contain natural sugars.
Tablets "Erespal" 80 mg, in the instructions for use has a clarification that the reception is prohibited for children, pregnant and lactating. The composition does not include sweeteners, so the product can be used by people suffering from diabetes.
Studies conducted on the toxicity of the drug, as well as its effect on sexual function, showed a complete lack of effect on fertility in experimental rats.

Contraindications and side effects
It is forbidden to take Erespal 80 mg tablets according to the instructions for use for children under eighteen years of age and people who are hypersensitive to fenspiridine.
Overdose of the drug causes a negative reaction from the central nervous system and gastrointestinal tract. It manifests itself in the form of lethargy, lethargy, nausea, vomiting and palpitations.
In case of abuse of the drug, it is advisable to wash the stomach, make a cardiogram, continue treatment under medical supervision, or stop it.
Possible indigestion, epigastric pain, redness of the skin, swelling of the larynx, itching, skin rashes.

Pregnant, breastfeeding moms and drivers
The active substance was tested in the laboratory only on rats. All the results obtained indicate that pregnant women should use Erespal categoricallycan't.
This is due to the fact that the experimental rats repeatedly gave birth to offspring with abnormalities in the development of the maxillofacial apparatus ("cleft palate", "cleft lip").
No data available on whether fenspiridine passes into breast milk as no such studies have been conducted.
People dealing with precise mechanisms, as well as drivers who need increased concentration of attention, should take Erespal 80 mg tablets with caution. The instructions for use clearly indicate that the active substance has the properties of first-generation antihistamines, one of the side effects of which is drowsiness. It can lead to a weakening of attention, end in accidents.

What to take with?
Taking into account such features of Erespal, the instructions for use of syrup and tablets stipulate the possibility of using other drugs during treatment with this drug.
Sleeping pills, sedatives, and alcohol can increase the sedative effects of drugs that block the body's production of histamine, thus relieving smooth muscle spasm.
Syrup or tablets
The main difference, indicated in the instructions for use of Erespal, between syrup and tablets, is the age of the patient. The liquid form is intended only for children from two years of age, in a strictly metered amount, taking into account congenital or chronic diseases (diabetes, malabsorption syndrome, fructose intolerance).
Also, ifcarefully study the instructions for Erespal in syrup and tablets, 80 mg is the dosage of the tablet form at one time, and the daily dose of the liquid form is 40 mg, at the rate of two milliliters per kilogram of body weight.

Purchasing the drug, consumers note a high price - 350 rubles. If desired, you can find analogues of Erespal, the price of which is more affordable. Although the cost does not affect the properties of drugs.
Identical "twins" of Erespal tablets in the instructions for use, in the composition (indicated) should have fenspiridine hydrochloride at a dosage of 80 mg, which is fully consistent with the composition and pharmacological properties.
In the instructions for use of "Inspiron", "Bronchomax", "Fosidal", "Amispirone IC" it is fenspiridine indicated as the main active ingredient.
"Inspiron". It has two forms of release: film-coated tablets and syrup. Produced by the Ukrainian plant "Arterium".
- seasonal and allergic rhinitis, sinusitis;
- SARS, influenza;
- exacerbation of chronic respiratory diseases (bronchitis, rhinotracheitis, rhinopharyngitis);
- whooping cough.
Contraindicated for pregnant, lactating, children (from two years in the form of syrup) and people working with mechanisms that require increased attention.
Take one tablet twice daily before meals with plenty of liquid. In the acute form, treatment requires increasing the dose to threetablets per day.
Contraindicated in people with hypersensitivity to fenspiridine, congenital fructose intolerance, malabsorption.
Price is 150 rubles
"Bronchomax". The drug is produced by the Kharkiv pharmaceutical factory Zdorovye in two forms: syrup and film-coated tablets with modified release.
Used for otitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis, whooping cough, obstructive bronchitis, asthma.
Maximum daily dose of 240 mg in case of exacerbation, up to three tablets per day. The standard dosage is 160 mg twice a day.
Price about 120 rubles
An indirect analogue with difficulty, but you can call the drug "Xolar". It is produced as a solution for injection and is used to relieve bronchospasm in the complex treatment of bronchial asthma.
The action is based on the interaction of antibodies derived from human DNA with immunoglobulins involved in the release of histamine. The drug blocks this process, but gradually.
Doctors do not advise abruptly stopping corticosteroids after starting Xolair, but do it gradually, accumulating in the body.
Approved for use by children from the age of six. The dosage of the active substance is selected individually, ranging from one to four injections per day.
Price from 19,000 rubles.
Another analogue of Erespal (there are instructions for use and reviews) is Daxas tablets.
The active substance is roflumilast 500 mg. The drug belongs to a group of drugs usedwith obstructive airway diseases. Helps relieve spasm, reduce inflammation and remove sputum from the lumen of the lungs.
Contraindicated in liver failure and people with hypersensitivity to the drug, children under eighteen years of age. With caution appoint people with a lack of body weight. The daily dose is one tablet, regardless of the meal.
Price from 2600 rubles

The main criteria for selecting a high-quality and "convenient" drug are the frequency of administration and the form of release. Thanks to a convenient dosage of 80 mg, Erespal tablets (there are clear instructions in the instructions for use) are used twice a day, in the morning and in the evening. The exception is acute respiratory diseases, during which the doctor has the right to prescribe a triple dose.
Due to these features, the dosage form has proven itself in the pharmaceutical market. Ease of use, pharmacological properties, due to which one drug replaces three, have earned Erespala the glory of a universal remedy.
But the downside is an allergic reaction in people using this drug for a long time. There were repeated complaints of severe itching and rashes that did not disappear even after the abolition of Erespal.
In addition, the feeling of drowsiness and muscle weakness that haunts patients after drinking a pill does not add any pluses either.
Do not abuse the drug, but use it clearly according toindications in the instructions for use. Erespal is not just pills, but an assistant and an ambulance in especially severe cases.