Russian equivalent of Vagotil

Russian equivalent of Vagotil
Russian equivalent of Vagotil

Practicing surgeons, traumatologists, gynecologists, dealing with various wounds, burns, complicated infections and more, have always wanted to have an ideal tool on hand that could replace several drugs. Perhaps this can be considered a solution of "Vagotil".


analogue of vagotil
analogue of vagotil

"Vagotil" performs antifungal, antibacterial, hemostatic action due to polycresulene, the main active ingredient. It copes well with fungi, bacteria (staphylococci, trichomonas, streptococci, escherichia, salmonella), which provoke chronic inflammatory processes (vaginitis, colpitis).

Is an indispensable tool in the complex therapy of the treatment of wound surfaces, when it is necessary to speed up cell regeneration in a short time. Due to its ability to accelerate clotting, polycresulene can stop bleeding, as well as form a thin protective film.

Such a barrier can stay on the surface of the wound for up to a week. During this period, the cells of damaged tissues will be completely renewed, and the dead array can be easily removed,without damaging the surface of the renewed fabrics.

vagotil analogs
vagotil analogs

How to apply?

Indications for use "Vagotil" has in several industries, such as gynecology, surgery, otolaryngology and dentistry. It owes such a narrow specificity of application to its properties, as well as to the form of release.

The drug is produced in the form of a solution that can be used neat or diluted. The most popular are cauterizations with Vagotil, which are carried out by treating the affected areas with a concentrated solution using cotton swabs.

A swab soaked in the solution is set for three minutes. In dental and ENT practice, such procedures are single and are designed to reduce the likelihood of infection of wounds after the removal of teeth or polyps, and in gynecological practice they are systemic.

The cauterization procedure is carried out for ten days by a specialist. The tampon is inserted into the vagina for two or three minutes, then removed. The next procedure is possible in one or two days.

For douching and lotions use a diluted solution. Depending on the procedure for which it will be used, Vagotil is diluted in a ratio of fifteen milliliters per liter of water or thirty milliliters per liter of water.

vagotil analogues substitutes
vagotil analogues substitutes

Where is it used?


  • Treatment of cervicitis.
  • Chronic vaginitis complicated by fungal and bacterial infections.
  • Microtrauma associated with surgicalinterventions (installation of pessaries, biopsy).


  • To stop bleeding when removing polyps of the urethral canal.
  • Cauterization of trophic ulcers.
  • Treatment of long healing wounds.


  • Treatment of gums after tooth extraction.
  • Point applications in places of pronounced inflammation in gingivitis.
vagotil Russian analogues
vagotil Russian analogues

Contraindications and side effects

People with intolerance or hypersensitivity to polycrezelen should not use this drug. It can cause severe allergic reactions in the form of rashes, itching, redness, swelling of the larynx and anaphylactic shock.

Women using Vagotil to treat erosions may experience reddening of the vaginal mucosa, a feeling of fullness, severe swelling of the vulva.

Dentists should use the solution with caution in people with weak enamel, as prolonged contact of the concentrate with the tooth surface leads to softening and damage to the tooth.

Pregnant, lactating mothers, children, the solution is not prescribed categorically. In women during menstruation, procedures with Vagotil should be postponed.

vagotil indications for use
vagotil indications for use

What can not be used with polycresulen preparations?

The main feature of "Vagotil", its analogues, is the interaction with other solutions and preparations, the pH of which is alkaline. When interacting, they can enhance the properties of the drug, increasing thethe most possibility of a strong chemical burn of the mucous membrane.

Analogues of Vagotil

Strange as it may seem, there are very few drugs that are identical in active substance. All of them are produced by foreign companies and have various forms of release, ranging from solutions to vaginal suppositories.

Albotil. This drug is the brainchild of the Japanese company Tokada. It is used in gynecology for the treatment of complications associated with surgical interventions, cervical erosion, vaginitis complicated by fungal and microbial infections (candidiasis, trichomonas).

Can be used in jaw surgery to heal wounds that are difficult to treat. In traumatology and surgery, it is used in the form of applications for accelerated healing of postoperative wounds aggravated by a bacterial infection and a large amount of pus.

It has two forms of release: a concentrate for solution preparation and vaginal suppositories.

The concentrate is used to prepare a solution in which moxibustion swabs are impregnated. The resulting liquid is moistened with a cotton ball and placed in the vagina for three minutes, then removed. Such procedures can be carried out two or three times a week.

Dentists suggest patients use turundas moistened with Albotil to cauterize wounds.

This solution is prepared by diluting five to fifteen milliliters of Albotil in one liter of water. Suppositories are used a day before the start of epithelialization of the affected areas, then two days later.

Products containing polycresulene andwhich are complete Russian analogues of Vagotil, no. Conventionally, two drugs produced in Tajikistan and Uzbekistan by the Chinese pharmaceutical company Jiangsu Forever can be called such.

"Clasil" or "Metacresol". Suppositories with this name are complete analogues with identical instructions and method of application. The mass fraction of the substance in one candle is 90 mg. Their color varies from light pink to dark brown.

Use suppositories to restore the vaginal mucosa with cervicitis, minor injuries caused by the use of devices to support the uterus or bladder, as well as with frequent inflammatory and infectious diseases.

Before use, it is necessary to moisten the candle a little, which will greatly facilitate the introduction. The procedure is carried out in the evening before going to bed with an interval of one day.

In addition, specialists can offer a sufficient number of dosage forms of substitutes, analogues of Vagotil according to the mode of action. These include Ferezol, used to remove papillomas, dry warts and calluses by cauterization.

vagotil indications for use and reviews
vagotil indications for use and reviews


Interesting fact: most of the patients who received the appointment, which indicates the solution "Vagotil", doubt the correctness of the selected treatment. First of all, this is due to the fact that the instructions describe the treatment of gynecological diseases in great detail and very little about dentistry or surgery.

But those who decide to treat with a concentrate"Vagotila" according to indications for use, and the reviews left the warmest. ENTs prescribe a diluted solution to people suffering from chronic tonsillitis, for whom standard treatment does not work.

The first results "on the face" after one procedure: the pain goes away, the inflammation gradually decreases. There are no relapses.

Marked concentrate and women with erosions of the cervix. He was especially fond of ladies who do not have children, for whom other types of treatment, such as diathermocoagulation, are contraindicated. The analogue of Vagotil (Albotil) and the drug itself do not leave scars, are well tolerated, while reducing the risk of necrotic formations with an unpleasant odor.

When undergoing an examination, do not be afraid of confusing medical terms. If in doubt about the correctness of the treatment, you can always contact another specialist. But the choice of which drug to use - the original remedy or its analogue, "Vagotil" or a substitute, the doctor always leaves to your discretion.
