The problem with potency is a topic that is not customary to talk about aloud. And, nevertheless, it is difficult to deny that such troubles bother a fairly significant percentage of men. If in their youth, representatives of the strong half of humanity rarely encounter these troubles, over the years, self-doubt and stress, nutritional problems and chronic diseases do their job. The potency falls, and with it the quality of life. Specialized medicines come to the rescue, allowing you to restore your former strength. One of the well-known, but inexpensive, pills for potency is the North Star (Sildenafil-C3).

What is it about?
Synthetic drugs to solve potency problems in men have been popular for more than a decade. Their logic of work is simple - blood flow to the inguinal region is activated, which has a positive effect on the genitals. On the one hand, it is completely safe and does not lead to problems with other internal systems and organs. On the other hand, it gives self-confidence in important moments of intimate life.
However, not everything is so simple. Are all fundsequally effective? How to choose the right option? Do you believe the reviews of men about Sildenafil-C3 (Northern Star) tablets? Are they true, accurate?
Inexpensive Viagra
The name "Viagra" has become a household name from a trademark. And one of the most popular drugs in this group can be safely called the drug "Northern Star". It comes in the form of tablets of 100 mg each. With high efficiency, the price of the drug is relatively small, due to which many people decide in favor of Sildenafil. Reviews of men are usually positive. Although less common are stories of negative drug experiences.

On average, pharmacies for the current year ask for 500-600 rubles for one package of a miraculous drug. There are retail outlets (which do not inspire much confidence) where the cost is only 100 rubles. However, the price and reviews of men about Sildenafil-C3 (Northern Star) are directly related. Those who choose such dubious points of sale with prices below the market average are always unhappy with the result. Still - do not hope that it will be a real drug. And as for the fake, it’s good if there is no effect from taking it, but there is a possibility of side effects that negatively affect well-being and cause poisoning of the body. Therefore, doctors' reviews of Sildenafil-C3 always contain a call to buy the drug only in a safe place: beware of fakes!
Domestic and imported
Drugs to restore and activate potency in ourpharmacies are represented by two groups: domestic and produced abroad. The former are cheaper, the latter are considered more reliable, but cost 3-4 times more. Is it worth overpaying for foreign pills if few people doubt the effectiveness of a manufacturer from their native country? It's up to the buyer to decide. But pay attention: real Viagra now costs about one and a half thousand.
In order not to doubt the correct use and the positive effect of taking, you need to study the instructions, reviews before using the drug "Northern Star" ("Sildenafil-C3"). This will allow you to find out in which cases, in combination with which means, substances, the medication may be ineffective, in what conditions its administration can be dangerous.
What to choose?
Reviews of Sildenafil analogues for men are usually quite positive. Although almost everywhere there is a higher cost of the drug. Here it is worth paying attention to the presence on the domestic market of medicinal preparations of two variations of the agent in question to improve potency. There is a medicine "Sildenafil. Vertex". Pretty good. There is also Sildenafil. North Star". Both are manufactured in Russia, but by different pharmaceutical companies. Because of this, the composition, features and cost are slightly different. However, the difference is insignificant enough for the buyer to pay attention to it. It is believed that both options are approximately the same in terms of effectiveness, application rules and possible side effects.

Composition of pills for potency"Northern Star" ("Sildenafil-C3") is similar to "Vertex". The active component affects enzymes, due to which blood flow is activated, and it is possible to achieve a stable, he althy excited state. In addition, a single dose of the drug gives an influx of energy. The adsorption of the active ingredient requires a short period of time, so the effect of taking the medication is achieved very quickly.
Men and women
Next. Instructions for use "Sildenafil" for men contains an unambiguous indication that the remedy is suitable only for the strong half of humanity. No effect on female libido can be achieved in this way.
The fact is that the female body is arranged completely differently than the male body, so stimulants-medicines developed for men cannot effectively affect the female reproductive system. It is recommended to resort to specialized stimulants designed for the weak half of humanity.
To use or not?
As already noted (and this is also evidenced by the reviews of men), "Sildenafil-C3" ("Northern Star") activates blood flow to the inguinal region, due to which a stable long-term erection occurs. On the one hand, it is effective and safe. But you need to remember: the drug will not work if the person taking it suffers from diseases of the circulatory system. Certain pathologies inherent in the body can reduce the effectiveness of the drug to nothing. Of course, this is indicated in the instructions for use, as well as the possible negative consequences of takingfor a number of diseases.
As men's reviews of Sildenafil-C3 (Northern Star) demonstrate, a good effect can be achieved by taking the medication if there are:
- weak, sluggish erection;
- lowered attraction;
- early ejaculation.
Good results are obtained by using the medication if problems in the genital area are caused by adenoma, surgical interventions, previous injuries.

Youth returns
Reviews of men about "Sildenafil-C3" ("Northern Star") indicate that, with proper use, the effectiveness of the reception is almost 100%. Basically, only those who bought it at unofficial points of sale and were faced with fakes are dissatisfied with the medicine. As well as people suffering from specific diseases, in which the positive effectiveness of the reception is impossible in principle. At the same time, it is important to follow the rules for using the drug in order not to encounter side effects.
The choice of dose and frequency of use of a drug is usually based on the state of he alth and a number of individual factors. As a rule, only 50 mg is sufficient. The tool is used about an hour before intimate contact. If necessary, a single dose can be increased to 100 mg.
"Sildenafil" for men. Instructions for use
Next. Positive feedback from men on "Sildenafil-C3" ("Northern Star"), if these people used the drug as expected: they washed down with plenty of plain water (not alcoholic beverages!),swallowed whole without chewing.

Admission per day more than 100 mg is strongly not recommended by the manufacturer, as the likelihood of allergic reactions increases. The tool can be used as an additional stimulant. Then a single dose is 20 mg.
Treatment and prevention of erectile dysfunction
"Sildenafil-C3" ("Northern Star") can be used as a drug for the treatment of potency disorders. In this case, it is taken as a course, duration - 25 days +/- five days. It is advisable to take the medication in a course under the supervision of a doctor. In most cases, both as a preventive and therapeutic agent, Sildenafil-C3 (Northern Star) is used for 20 days, after which they take a long break.
When not?
In some cases, the use of Sildenafil-C3 (Northern Star) is categorically not recommended. In particular, the ban on the drug is imposed by liver diseases: insufficiency, hepatitis, cirrhosis. Also, the use of the remedy by those who suffer from cardiac pathologies is associated with a danger to life. Increased, low blood pressure, acute failure, stenosis, cardiomyopathy - all these conditions impose an absolute ban on the drug to improve potency, as it has a strong effect on the circulatory system.
You can not use "Sildenafil-C3" if allergic reactions to any of the components of the medication are known. The following diseases also impose a restriction:
- anemia;
- myeloma;
- thrombocytopenia.
Do not use if Peyronie's disease has been diagnosed. In addition, the product is intended for use by men aged 18 and over.

Fast and obvious
The first effect of taking the drug can be felt within half an hour after swallowing the "magic" pill. In some cases (this is due to the peculiarities of the body's metabolism), the effectiveness can be seen even after 10 minutes. However, with regard to a stable therapeutic effect, everything is much more complicated here - too much depends on the individual, the specifics of the processes occurring in the body.
Accuracy is the key to he alth
Before using Sildenafil-C3, it is important to read the instructions for use. It lists interactions with a variety of drugs. In particular, it is known for sure that the agent reacts with nitrogen oxides, nitrites, nitrates. Do not use the medication simultaneously with CYP3A4 inhibitors.
It is not recommended to use the drug to improve potency at the same time as eating alcoholic beverages. There are several reasons for this. So, ethyl alcohol impairs the adsorption of the active component "Sildenafil-C3", that is, the result from taking even with a sufficiently high dose of the drug comes much later than it should be according to the instructions. In addition, the effectiveness of the active component decreases, as there is an accumulation of by-products of alcohol processing in the organs of the male reproductive system. Alcohol leadsto a decrease in the concentration of testosterone in the blood, which negatively affects the potency even in the conditions of the use of stimulant medications. However, medicine knows for sure that a person in a state of intoxication has a reduced sensitivity to any stimulants that affect the reproductive system.
Worry about side effects
Taking "Sildenafil-C3" can provoke a number of negative reactions from various internal systems and organs. All this is directly indicated in the instructions for the medication. It should be noted that many negative reviews are written by men who first took the drug, and only then studied the possible side effects. In addition, easily suggestible people are dissatisfied with the action of the remedy, since all of them immediately after using Sildenafil-C3 find almost all negative reactions in themselves.

In general, you should be prepared for headaches, gastrointestinal problems and dizziness. Rarely, but cases of tachycardia and angina pectoris are recorded, as a rule, if a person has heart disease. The most severe case is an ischemic attack. But the reviews of men about "Sildenafil-C3" ("Northern Star") do not contain such information. Possible reversible deafness, visual impairment, allergies, anemia and leukopenia.
Is it scary?
Many people are afraid to resort to taking potency-stimulating drugs, assuming that side effects are very common. In practice, such cases are rare. They accompany non-compliance with the manufacturer's recommendations. Applicationthe drug according to the rules, established doses, within reason - completely safe. If you believe the reviews of men about "Sildenafil-C3" ("Northern Star"), the effectiveness is beyond doubt. Another important positive point is the affordable price (500 rubles for 10 tablets).