"Suprastin" for children: dosage and instructions for use, analogues and reviews

"Suprastin" for children: dosage and instructions for use, analogues and reviews
"Suprastin" for children: dosage and instructions for use, analogues and reviews

Antihistamines should always be present in the home first aid kit, on the road and on vacation. After all, an allergic reaction is a spontaneous phenomenon that can take a person by surprise. It is especially important for parents to take this fact into account when it comes to their kids. Negative symptoms can be triggered not only by new products, but even by an insect bite. On the pharmaceutical market, there are enough special products shown to children. "Suprastin" is one of the most popular drugs that has been tested by time. As a first generation drug, it continues to hold its own in pediatrics.

What is an allergy?

Allergy is an increased sensitivity of the body to the effects of certain environmental factors (chemicals, microorganisms and their metabolic products, food products, etc.), called allergens. When such malfunctions occur in the work of the immune system, respectively, protective mechanisms begin to work.mechanisms. Thus, substances that have acquired the status of irritants cause internal and external specific manifestations.

Sometimes, painful reactions are briefly temporary, and if the allergen is eliminated, they pass quite quickly. For the treatment of chronic ailments, special therapy is required, along with which suitable living conditions are created and a diet is observed. Children "Suprastin" are prescribed both for fleeting allergies and for prolonged symptoms.

Baby's body can react differently to the influence of stimuli. This affects the following systems: the surface layer of the epidermis, the respiratory system, the mucous membranes of the eyes, the digestive system. Sometimes the disease covers several areas. Most often, the child begins to sneeze, he has nasal congestion and secretion of mucous secretion. Seasonal rhinitis may be accompanied by swelling of the mouth, itching in the nose and throat. On the skin, an allergy manifests itself in the form of hives, swelling, rash, itching and redness.

Irritants of the disease can be: food, plant pollen, dust microparticles, animal hair, harsh odors. With all the above problems, Suprastin copes well. Instructions for children are detailed below.

Can children "Suprastin"?
Can children "Suprastin"?

Form information

Antiallergic drug is available in the form of white tablets, with a slight gray tint. They may be in a brown bottle or blister. They are packaged in 20 pcs. and investinto a cardboard box. Each package must contain instructions for the use of "Suprastin". For children, additional instructions should usually be given by the attending physician.

There is another form of the drug - a solution for injection. The tool is found in boxes in which 5 or 10 glass ampoules are placed. Each of them contains 1 ml of solution. The injections are intended for intramuscular and intravenous administration.

What form of medicine is best used to treat the baby, the pediatrician decides. In particular, the appointment depends on the severity of the allergic reaction. If the symptoms of the disease appear more or less moderately, the doctor usually prescribes pills. With pronounced allergies, injections are prescribed. According to the instructions for the use of "Suprastin", specific doses of the drug are established for children and they must be followed.

An injectable form of medicine available in pharmacies by prescription only. Tablets are a more affordable type of drug, they can be bought without a prescription.

Image "Suprastin" for children, dosage in tablets
Image "Suprastin" for children, dosage in tablets


Due to properly selected components in the development of the drug, it is quickly absorbed in the digestive tract and has a number of positive effects. These include: antihistamine, antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory and sedative. In addition, the most active component of the remedy has an antiemetic effect.

The main active ingredient is chloropyramine hydrochloride. The medicine contains the followingauxiliary components: gelatin, lactose, tearic acid, starch, amylopectin, talc. The injection solution contains distilled water. The substances present in the composition to some extent help to see why this drug is recommended in the instructions for use of Suprastin for children. For example, talc helps to determine the exact dosage, which is important for the crumbs, and it also ensures the normal sliding of the medicine. The starch is the emollient and the gelatin is the binder.

Image "Supratin", how much to give to children,
Image "Supratin", how much to give to children,


As a result of the reactions of the immune system to the allergen, histamine is released. It begins to interact with products of other receptors, thereby causing unwanted symptoms. This is where this drug comes to the aid of children, "Suprastin" is able to block specific receptors and prevent the formation of histamine.

Due to the anticholinergic action, the tone in the departments of the digestive organs, the gallbladder and its ducts decreases. It also has a direct effect on the smooth muscles of the bronchi. The drug eliminates spasms and prevents the occurrence of a gag reflex.

Medication is absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract. The therapeutic effect occurs after half an hour and increases to a maximum limit after 60 minutes. In total, the effect of the drug in the body is observed for 6 hours.

In the first two hours of taking the tablets, the highest concentration of the active substance in the blood is observed. Entering the bloodstreamsystem, it is evenly distributed throughout all tissues of the body.

According to the mechanism of action, a solution is more suitable for small patients. Sometimes the doctor strongly recommends using this particular dosage form for children. Instructions for use "Suprastin" explains that after the introduction of the solution in children, the metabolism proceeds much faster than in adults. The processes take place in the liver and the residual products are easily excreted in the urine.

Image "Suprastin" to a child at 2 months
Image "Suprastin" to a child at 2 months

At what age can medicine be given?

Can Suprastin be given to children or pregnant women - these are frequently asked questions that concern many parents. It should be understood that drug therapy for allergies is not always a quick and easy process. Therefore, if the crumbs showed allergy symptoms or this happened during pregnancy, you should immediately go to the hospital.

The first trimester of pregnancy refers to conditions in which the drug is contraindicated. Next, the expectant mother needs to resolve all issues related to taking pills or muscle injection of the drug with a leading gynecologist.

Antihistamine is not prescribed when breastfeeding because it passes into mother's milk and can harm the baby's he alth.

Sometimes the disease affects newborns and infants. In such a situation, the question of treatment becomes acute, and here it is important to understand at what age Suprastin can be given to a child. Up to 2 months, it is better to refrain from using an antihistamine. AfterThis time, you can start treatment, but with great care and only on the advice of a doctor. It happens that for some reason the baby needs more gentle modern drugs. This is what concerns the injection solution, the tablets are shown only after the age of three.

Most importantly, the elimination of severe symptoms is not an indication that the problem with allergies is completely resolved. No matter how good the medicine is, it is not always able to cure the disease on its own. You may need complex therapy. Therefore, you need to contact a qualified specialist for professional help.

A pediatric allergist will be able to determine whether a given remedy is truly appropriate for each individual case. Judging by the description of its mechanism of action in the instructions, Suprastin may be too intense for children. If this is the case in your case, then the doctor will prescribe treatment for the baby on an individual basis.

Image "Suprastin": instructions for use for children
Image "Suprastin": instructions for use for children


Antihistamine perfectly eliminates almost all common manifestations of allergies. It is often prescribed for both adults and children. "Suprastin" is prescribed under the following conditions:

  • skin problems: dermatosis, eczema, dermatitis;
  • allergic reactions: seasonal rhinitis, urticaria, serum sickness, conjunctivitis, seasonal fever;
  • at risks that threaten he alth due to possible allergic reactions for preventive purposes;
  • rhinitis, bronchial asthma, sinusitis, swelling of the throat and mouth;
  • for respiratory problems to relieve symptoms;
  • during vaccination periods.


Suprastin is not always possible for children, there are certain conditions in which it is categorically contraindicated. These include:

  • hypersensitivity to drug components;
  • acute bronchial asthma;
  • prematurity;
  • compromised immunity.

If the baby has previously had problems with urination, glaucoma, heart disease, kidney and liver disease, then treatment should be carried out under the strict supervision of a doctor.

Image "Suprastin", dosage for children
Image "Suprastin", dosage for children

Side effects

Over many years of pediatric practice, Suprastin has established itself as a remedy with extremely rare side effects. If they were observed, then with temporary symptoms. Usually, after discontinuation of the drug, the negative consequences no longer bothered the child and did not leave traces that threatened his he alth. This is one of the most important reasons why doctors believe that Suprastin can be given to children. Still, parents need to know what conditions can occur when treated with an antihistamine. The following side effects have been observed by he althcare professionals:

  • On the part of the nervous system: overexcitation, drowsiness, pain in the head, excessive fatigue, dizziness.
  • In the digestive system, pain in the intestines, changesappetite (in one direction or another), nausea, vomiting.
  • On the part of the urinary organs: difficulty urinating or urinary retention.
  • Changes in the cardiovascular system include: lowering blood pressure, rapid heartbeat, abnormal heart rhythm.
  • Negative effect on the organs of vision: increased intraocular pressure, disturbances in visual perception (the child may see images with fuzzy contours).

If your baby has no contraindications to the drug and the allergist prescribed it for treatment, then you need to carefully read the instructions on how to give Suprastin to children.

Image "Suprastin" for children under one year old
Image "Suprastin" for children under one year old


Before starting treatment, you should exclude the contact of the baby with allergens. Suprastin tablets are given to children from the age of three, for the reason that the child cannot swallow the pill on his own. However, there are emergency situations when it is necessary to do this. For example, a bite from a harmful insect can pose a danger to the life of a baby. Since there is no separate medicine for crumbs, experts have developed a special scheme for taking the drug, taking into account age categories. Let's see in what quantities Suprastin is recommended for children, dosage in tablets:

After a month, the recommended dose of the tablet form is ¼ units, with a frequency of 2-3 doses per day. It is necessary to try to separate a particle of the drug with maximum accuracy, notviolating the established norm. The tablet should be crushed to a powder and given with food or water.

For infants, the medicine can be mixed with breast milk and drawn into a syringe. Then remove the needle from it and gradually pour it over the baby's cheek. However, it should be held vertically.

From the age of three, the rate of medication begins to increase slightly. It can be 1/3 of the tablet. The medicine can be added to any food familiar to the child.

Babies at 6 years old are given ½ of a tablet. At this age, children can swallow it without difficulty, drinking liquid. In the last two cases, the medicine is given at a frequency of three doses.

Children up to a year "Suprastin" in the form of injections are prescribed in the amount of ¼ ampoules. From three to six years - half an ampoule, two injections per day. From 6 years and older, the dose ranges from half to one whole ampoule, the maximum number of injections is 3 times.

Intramuscular administration of the drug eliminates severe allergic reactions, but sometimes, to accelerate the therapeutic effect, the solution may be prescribed to the child intravenously. In the most severe conditions, antihistamine injections are always recommended, during which their dosage is adjusted. The medicine must be administered slowly, so it is best to have medical professionals do it.

The duration of therapy depends on the etiology and severity of the disease. The standard course of treatment should last 1 week.

Image "Suprastin" instructions for children
Image "Suprastin" instructions for children

Interaction with other drugs andoverdose

The drug enhances the effect of tranquilizers and sedatives. For this reason, these drugs are prescribed together only when necessary.

A more pronounced effect when combined with Suprastin is shown by analgesics and painkillers.

When used simultaneously with No-shpa, an antipyretic effect is manifested. And to achieve a faster result, analgin is also added to the drugs.

When an excessive dose of medication accumulates in the body, the baby may feel dry mouth, nervous tension and fever. The symptoms caused by an overdose of the drug are similar to those on the list of side effects, only they are more pronounced. The drug has a long shelf life, it can keep its therapeutic properties for 5 years.


Even when a doctor prescribes the dosage of Suprastin for children, unforeseen events are inevitable. If the crumbs have a negative reaction to the medicine, the doctor prescribes analogues, since allergies cannot be left without the necessary treatment.

Identical first-generation drugs include drugs such as Fenkarol, Tavegil and Omeril. They act instantly, but are addictive to the body, they are best used for short-term allergies. Long-term forms of the disease should be treated with modern drugs of the second and third generation. These include:

  • "Lominal".
  • Zyrtec.
  • Claricens.
  • Telfast.
  • Hismanal.

Compared to Suprastin, they are lesseffective, but have a more gentle effect and almost no side effects.

Allergy Prevention

Babies prone to allergies should be protected from the disease in advance. Preventive measures should begin during the period when the child is inside the mother's body. This can be said because this disease is most often genetic. The expectant mother should refuse antibiotics and eat rationally. Avoid chocolate, nuts, spices and citrus fruits.

For the crumbs, you need to create the most suitable atmosphere in the room. This includes avoiding the accumulation of allergens, dust and close contact with animals.

There is no single diet for children with allergies. Parents should be careful and resolve these issues together with the allergist. Seeing a specialist regularly and agreeing on treatment options with them will help your child avoid overreactions to allergens.


Perhaps, this is all that could be said about Suprastin. How much medicine to give children, you now know. However, do not forget: the most effective, but improperly selected drug can cause enormous harm to the he alth of the baby. Only a timely and competent approach will please parents with the expected result.
