Ear drops "Otibiovet" are used to treat the external auditory canal in unproductive animals and pets: cats, dogs. The complex drug has a detrimental effect on various infections caused by fungi or bacteria.

Medication description
Pets, like people, are prone to various diseases, especially ear infections that need to be treated. One of the most well-known drugs on the veterinary market is "Otibiovet", the components of which effectively cope with infections of the external auditory canal.
The action of the drug is aimed at combating gram-negative and gram-positive microorganisms that cause bacterial and fungal diseases of the ears. In addition, "Otibiovet", instructions for use of which are in each package, helps with some dermatitis, which can be caused by microbes that are sensitive to the components of the drug.
In general, ear drops are anti-inflammatory,antiseptic and antifungal action.
Drug composition
"Otibiovet" consists of the following substances:
- triamcinolone acetonide - has anti-allergic, anti-inflammatory, anti-exudative effect;
- salicylic acid - has a regenerating, antiseptic, local irritating effect;
- carbetopendicinium bromide - has an antifungal effect, affects gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria.

"Otibiovet": instructions for use
Treatment should be carried out strictly according to the instructions that come with the drug. It includes the following important points:
- shake the medicine thoroughly before using it;
- clean the pet's ears from crusts and dirt;
- 4-5 drops are instilled into each external auditory canal;
- gently massage the base of the ear for better penetration of the medicine into the tissues.
The course of treatment with the drug "Otibiovet" also has specifics, the instructions for use of which indicate the following:
- the first 3 days the drug is dripped 3-4 times;
- in the next 5-7 days, the ears are treated with the drug 2-3 times;
- when the clinical symptoms of the manifestation of the disease disappear, then the drops are used for another 2 or 3 days;
- general course should not last more than 12 days.
When used correctly, the product will not cause any side effects, the only thing is that it does notsuitable for productive animals.

Reviews of animal breeders
The drug in question is quite well known among people with pets. Almost all reviews of the effectiveness of "Otibiovet" have a positive characteristic. Breeders note the following:
- lop-eared breeds forget about ear problems forever, the drug is great for otitis media, fungi and inflammation;
- convenient, economical packaging, well calculated dosage;
- has a quick effect, the first improvements are visible the very next day;
- relieves redness, itching;
- non-oily texture;
- available for the drug "Otibiovet" price (135 rubles for a bottle of 20 ml).
Among the shortcomings, animal breeders note the following:
- not a very pleasant smell: sharp, alcoholic;
- achieves the best effect only in combination with other drugs;
- use the tool strictly according to the scheme, otherwise there will be no result.
Thus, in case of problems with the ears, "Otibiovet" will help the pet, the instructions for use of which describe all the necessary appointments to achieve the best result. The drug has proven itself among animal breeders, is characterized by a quick and productive effect, has a low cost.