Drops from barley on the eye: choosing the right drug, instructions

Drops from barley on the eye: choosing the right drug, instructions
Drops from barley on the eye: choosing the right drug, instructions

Stye on the eyelid is considered a common pathological phenomenon. Most people do not see the danger in such an ailment and do not pay due attention to it. Drops from barley on the eye are considered a universal remedy for local action, which give a fairly quick effect. It is advisable to select such a medicine with the help of a doctor.

What is barley?

Hordeolum, or barley on the eye, is an acute inflammation localized on the eyelid, in the region of the hair follicle. The main causative agent of the disease is Staphylococcus aureus, which penetrates the sebaceous or meibomian gland and makes it impossible for them to function normally. The reasons for the appearance of hordeolum also include:

  • use of poor quality or expired cosmetics;
  • poor personal hygiene (dirty towels often cause illness);
  • hypothermia;
  • blepharitis (a group of inflammatory pathologies of the eyelid) in the patient's history;
  • skin diseases;
  • recent infectious diseases;
  • habit of rubbing eyes with dirty hands.
Drops from barley on the eye
Drops from barley on the eye

Predisposing factors are comorbidities andpathological conditions: reduced immunity, disruption of the endocrine system and digestive tract. Lack of vitamins in the body can also cause styes on the eye. The causes (treatment will depend on them) should be established by an ophthalmologist and the appropriate therapy should be selected.

Can barley be cured at home?

In addition to the traditional methods of treating hordeolum, home remedies remain popular. It should be noted that their use is possible only with the permission of a specialist. After all, some options carry an exceptional threat and contribute to the spread of infection. Such dangerous methods include rolling barley with a warm egg. Doctors strongly recommend to refrain from this method if the "pea" is already ripe and pus has begun to stand out. The same fate awaits hot compresses. Humidity and exposure to heat promote the spread of bacteria.

Washing and rubbing the eyes with decoctions of medicinal (chamomile, St. John's wort, fennel, calendula) herbs can be used. But such therapy will show the best effect in combination with medications. By contacting a doctor, you can find out how barley is treated on the eye at home. And choose the most suitable options.

How to choose barley drops?

Drops are considered the most convenient for the treatment of barley. Such funds have a wide spectrum of action and are able to eliminate the infection in a short time. Pharmaceutical companies offer various drops from barley on the eye, which differ not only in active ingredients, but also in pricing policy. It should be understoodthat it is better not to select such drugs on your own. Each remedy has its own contraindications and may not be suitable in a particular case.

Phloxal drops
Phloxal drops

Incorrectly selected medicine will lead to further spread of the infection. This is expressed in increased pain, redness, swelling of the eyelid. Sometimes body temperature rises, lymph nodes become inflamed (in severe cases).

For the treatment of hordeolum, antimicrobial drops are used, which have an antiseptic and bactericidal effect. A remedy is selected depending on the cause of the appearance of barley on the eye. Complex therapy, including antibiotics (if necessary), local effects and increased immunity, contributes to a speedy recovery.

"Sulfacyl sodium" with barley

One of the most popular and time-tested drug is Sulfacyl Sodium. The price of these drops is available to everyone - 70-90 rubles. for a bottle. The bacteriostatic effect of the drug helps prevent the reproduction of microbes and cope with the disease faster. The active substance is sodium sulfacetamide monohydrate. Drops are often used to treat ophthalmic diseases and are used even in pediatrics.

Sulfacyl sodium price
Sulfacyl sodium price

Styes on the eye (on the lower eyelid the "pea" appears more often) with drops of "Sulfacyl sodium" can be cured within a few days with proper use. It is recommended to instill the agent 1-2 drops at least 4 times a day. After the procedure, you may experience a burning sensation. On thebased on the same active substance, Albucid drops are released.

Can it be used to treat children?

In pediatric practice, Sulfacyl Sodium drops (the price may differ depending on the form of release) have proven themselves on the positive side and can be used to treat young patients. Drops containing 100 mg of active ingredient (10%) will be optimal.

Barley on the eye causes treatment
Barley on the eye causes treatment

This concentration will not cause discomfort and discomfort after instillation. The duration of treatment for hordeolum in babies depends on the stage of development of the disease and usually does not exceed 10 days.

Will Tobrex drops help?

The instruction positions these drops as the mildest remedy for the treatment of inflammatory processes in the eyes. "Tobrex" is a frequent choice of pediatricians. The antibiotic in the composition of the drug - tobramycin - is well tolerated by babies and is effective against many bacteria. At the local level, antibacterial drops from barley on the eye do not have a systemic effect.

Drops Tobrex instruction
Drops Tobrex instruction

Adult patients are shown to instill 2 drops in the eyes every 2 hours during the acute period of the disease. For children, it is recommended to reduce the dose to 1 drop every 3-4 hours. The duration of treatment is 7-10 days.

When is it forbidden to use drops?

Despite the relative safety, the substance tobramycin is not suitable for all patients. With increased sensitivity to the components of the drug, during pregnancy and lactationits use is prohibited. For children of the first year of life, eye drops are used only as directed by a specialist after an in-person consultation.

Tobrex drops (the instruction warns about this) can cause an allergic reaction in the form of watery eyes, redness and itching of the eyes, swelling, blurred vision. In rare cases, local drug therapy provokes the development of blepharitis, keratitis. These symptoms indicate that the drug is not suitable for further use and must be replaced. Analogues should be selected only with the help of a specialist.

Floxal eye drops

Ophthalmic agent "Floxal" has antimicrobial properties due to the presence of ofloxacin, an antibiotic from the group of fluoroquinolones, in the composition. Sensitivity to the substance is shown by staphylococci, chlamydia, streptococci, mycoplasma, gonococci, salmonella, E. coli.

How to treat barley on the eye at home
How to treat barley on the eye at home

"Floksal" - drops that are often prescribed for the treatment of hordeolum, as well as other ophthalmic pathologies in children and adults. The dosage and duration of therapy should be determined by a specialist, having previously examined the patient. The usual dose for babies is 1 drop of the solution every 4 hours. Adults are shown to use the medicine more often and in large quantities - 2 drops every 2-3 hours. The manufacturer of the product also offers Floxal ointment for laying. In combination with drops, such therapy will give a quick result and get rid of barley in a few days. During the day, doctors recommendapply drops, and at night - lay the drug in the form of an ointment for the affected eyelid.

Patient testimonials

Most drops for the treatment of hordeolum have a powerful therapeutic effect and do not cause serious side effects. Antibiotics in topical antimicrobial agents do not have a negative effect on the system as a whole and therefore can be used to treat even the smallest patients.

"Tobrex", "Albucid" ("Sulfacyl sodium"), "Floxal" - eye drops that have proven themselves exclusively on the positive side. They are used to eliminate various ophthalmic ailments and inflammatory processes. Barley on the eye also requires a competent approach to treatment and the timely use of appropriate medications. Therefore, at the first signs of inflammation, you should seek help from an ophthalmologist who will help you choose the necessary therapy.

Helpful tips

Having chosen a cure for barley, it should be borne in mind that not only its use will help to get rid of the painful "pea" as soon as possible. It is important to follow certain (simple) rules that will bring recovery closer:

  1. For the duration of treatment, it is necessary to completely exclude the use of cosmetics (shadows, eyeliners, powder, mascara).
  2. Face towels must be strictly individual and clean.
  3. You can bury drops from barley on the eye only after washing your hands with soap and water.
  4. Traditional medicine methods should not be tested without consulting a doctor.
  5. It is necessary to follow the recommendations of a specialist and study the instructions for use of any eye product.
barley cure
barley cure

Timely treatment of such a problem as barley on the eye will prevent the spread of the inflammatory process and the deterioration of the patient's condition. The systematic appearance of hordeolum indicates disturbances in the functioning of internal organs, so therapy should begin precisely with the elimination of the true causes of the disease.
