Our body is a complex system that can defend itself very well from external influences. But there are many pathogenic microorganisms and fungi in the world that are looking for an opportunity to break the protective barriers of the body and use it for their own needs. Symptoms of infection with these protozoa are mycoses. The disease is not too dangerous, but greatly reduces the quality of life, as it causes severe discomfort and many cosmetic problems.
What are fungal infections? These are diseases of the skin and nails, hair and internal organs of a person, the causative agent of which are fungi related to conditionally pathogenic microflora. On guard of he alth is such a drug as "Irunin". We will consider analogues, cost and range of action today.

What is the drug "Irunin"
It is primarily a broad-spectrum antifungal agent. The main active ingredient - itraconazole - violates the integrity of pathogenic fungi and prevents their reproduction. At the same time, there are microorganisms that differmore or less sensitive to this substance. It is most effective against dermatomycetes, moldy fungi, yeast fungi such as Candida. However, there is not only Irunin on the market. Analogues provide a wide choice and the ability to control the cost of treatment. Below we take a closer look at the price range of these medicines.

Pharmacological properties
Let's look at the mechanism of action of the drug "Irunin". Instructions for use (the price of this drug does not at all indicate poor quality) presents it to us as a broad-spectrum antimycotic drug. The active active substance disrupts the life cycle of fungi, preventing the production of ergosterol by the membrane of their cells. The drug effectively destroys dozens of different varieties of fungi. The maximum concentration in the blood is reached after approximately 4 hours. The decay products are completely eliminated from the body approximately 7 days after the end of the course of treatment. At the same time, the therapeutic concentration remains in the epidermis for about a month. In nail keratin, the drug will retain its healing power for about 200 days after the end of the 90-day course of treatment.

Where is Irunin (analogues) used in the first place? This is dermatology (it is most often prescribed for ringworm and multi-colored lichen), as well as gynecology. The very first problem with which women turn to a consultation is candidiasis (or thrush). The drug is especially effective for candidiasis with damage to the mucous membranes and skin, onychomycosis, vulvovaginal thrush. In this case, it is "Irunin" that is most often prescribed. Analogues are not much inferior to it in terms of efficiency, but are less replicated means.
However, not in all cases, the drug "Irunin" can be prescribed. Its use in childhood is strictly prohibited, it is also prohibited in the first trimester of pregnancy. Starting from the 4th month of pregnancy, this drug can be prescribed only if the expected benefit to the mother is higher than the possible risk to the fetus. The doctor should be very careful when prescribing the drug to people suffering from heart failure, chronic diseases of the lungs and respiratory system, and severe liver damage.

Side effects
They are quite serious, so you should carefully study their list before deciding to take the drug. Antifungal tablets, due to their wide spectrum of action, can not only provoke various side effects, but also affect almost all vital systems. Moreover, each of them can react in different manifestations. Thus, the digestive system often responds to the effects of the drug with various disorders and, extremely rarely, with intoxication and liver damage. The central nervous system often responds with migraine attacks, drowsiness, and dizziness. Women may experience menstrual irregularities. Meetallergic reactions in the form of skin rashes, possible pulmonary edema.
It should be noted that most often antifungal tablets are well tolerated, but any of the side effects may occur with varying degrees of probability. Therefore, do not self-medicate, but consult a doctor who will select the most suitable remedy for you.
Forms of issue and method of application
The most popular antifungal agent is Irunin tablets. Instructions for use tells us that the drug is a yellow round tablets that should be used according to the indicated scheme. With vulvovaginal candidiasis - 0.2 g twice a day, with multi-colored lichen, the dosage can be halved. The same dose (0.2 g once a day) is maintained in the treatment of fungal keratitis, ringworm. In some cases, it is recommended to reduce the dosage to 0.1 g per day. This is for diseases such as oral candidiasis and fungal skin lesions.
The second dosage form is Irunin candles. They are prescribed for thrush. The method of application is classic: daily before going to bed, one suppository must be inserted deep into the vagina. The duration of treatment is usually not more than two weeks. If you are already desperate to find a solution to a delicate problem, ask your doctor about the possibility of using Irunin. Vaginal suppositories are very effective in the fight against diseases such as candidiasis.
To date, there have been no reports of overdose. However, it must be remembered that breakingthe regimen prescribed by the doctor is impossible, as well as increasing the dosage. If there is a suspicion of taking a large dose of the drug, you should wash the stomach and give the person activated charcoal. There is no antidote, since the use of a high dose of the drug is not life-threatening. Despite this, it is necessary to carry out general strengthening therapy.

How much does Irunin cost
Against the background of the advertised "Diflucan" and similar drugs, the price of "Irunin" is quite moderate. The cost of packing capsules of 0.1 mg is 330 rubles. One package includes 14 capsules. In this case, candidiasis is treated with a double dose of 0.2 g capsules (morning and evening) or for three days, one 0.2 mg capsule per day. As you can see, the drug "Irunin" is very affordable and economical. The price of a tablet does not exceed 30 rubles.
In the treatment of pityriasis versicolor, the scheme changes slightly, 200 mg is prescribed once a day, the treatment lasts up to 7 days. The most difficult diseases to treat, such as aspergillosis, cryptococcosis, histoplasmosis, sporotrichosis, require a long course of two months to a year. In this case, the patient should not take more than 200 mg of the drug daily. But even in this case, treatment with the drug "Irunin" is quite affordable. The price of a tablet is almost 10 times lower than the capsules of Flucanozol, which is also often prescribed for thrush and other problems.

Drug "Orungal"
This is the original drug, on the basis of which then andbegan to produce a variety of generics, that is, drugs that are created on the basis of clinical studies of their original progenitor. Eliminating the need to invest time and money in time-consuming development allows manufacturers to maintain a more attractive price. We have already talked about how much Irunin costs. Now, for comparison, let's look at the average prices for Orungal. For the same 14 capsules, you will pay at least 2,500 rubles, that is, at least five times more expensive.
It should be noted that there are three original antifungal drugs on the market. This is "Orungal", which specializes in the treatment of a fungus of the skin covered with hair (this can be the head, chest or back); "Lamisil" - specializes in the treatment of nail fungus and is absolutely useless for the treatment of mucous membranes and internal organs - this is the scope of "Diflucan". In turn, "Orungal" is also used to treat fungal infections of the oral cavity, vagina, intestines and bronchi.

Other analogues
Against the background of all antifungal drugs on the market, Irunin is the most popular. Instructions for use, reviews of doctors and patients - all confirm the high efficiency and reliability of the drug. It is very difficult to find another such a good combination of price and quality on the market. In addition to the above analogues, doctors can offer you the drug "Itrazol", it is very close in cost and will cost about 400 rubles per pack.
Another popular analogue is"Orungamine". The cost is about the same, as is the range of action. The most reliable is the antifungal drug Orungal, this is not the cheapest treatment option, but clinical studies confirm its highest effectiveness.
Drug Interactions
How safe is it to start a course of treatment with other drugs if you are taking Irunin? The instruction (the price of this brand is the most attractive, so we pay more attention to it) says that in some cases it will be necessary to interrupt the course if there is an urgent need to take other drugs. This applies to drugs such as rifampicin, rifabutin, diphenine. And it's not that the interaction of these drugs with "Irunin" has a harmful effect on the body. These drugs activate the activity of liver enzymes, which in turn reduces the effectiveness of itraconazole.
There are also drugs that, on the contrary, enhance the effectiveness of the active ingredient "Irunin". These are medicines such as erythromycin and ritonavir. In combination with antifungal drugs, you should not take drugs such as terfenadine and astemizole, halcyone and flormidal, quinidine, oral, zocor, lovastin, mizolastine, cisaparide.
Pregnancy and lactation
During pregnancy, the threat of Candida doubles. But it was during this period that treatment with the drug "Irunin" is strictly prohibited. They can not only adversely affect the fetus, but also cause severe malformations. Therefore, the expectant motheroffer supportive therapy with folk remedies. During lactation, the child's body also receives all the medicines that the mother takes. Therefore, without serious reasons, you should not take any medications. This should be remembered by all women of reproductive age. If you are prescribed long-term treatment with such a serious drug, then you must definitely protect yourself with reliable means to avoid accidental pregnancy. After the end of the course of treatment, at least three months must pass before the planning of pregnancy.