"Mexidol" - a drug that interrupts the destructive processes in the body, reanimates tissues, nourishing them with useful microelements. According to its pharmaceutical properties, it belongs to antioxidant medicines. Antioxidants are necessary to get rid of free radicals that a person extracts from the environment through food, water, air. The drug "Mexidol" contributes to oxygen saturation and its absorption by the body.

Release form, composition
The drug has two release forms:
- pills;
- injection solution.
The first form of release - tablets of 125 milligrams of the active ingredient. The second form of release is injections in the form of ampoules for intramuscular and intravenous administration (5% solution). Ampoules are made of transparent glass or have a slightly dark tint. The drug in the form of a solution has a break notch, for this you need to apply a little force and break the top of the ampoule.
Drug action
The active substance, getting into the blood, spreads throughout the body and during the processmetabolism does its job, which is a therapeutic type of action.
How the drug works:
- Protects against free radicals.
- Increases cell oxygen saturation. It is essential for brain cells. Mexidol injection solution improves circadian rhythms. From taking the drug, falling asleep in the evening is accelerated, the quality of night sleep improves.
- Is the protector of the lipid complex. Reduces oxidative processes in the body, thereby increasing its efficiency associated with lipid metabolism. Improves metabolism, increasing the amount of force produced.
- Prolonged use of "Mexidol" lowers the level of cholesterol in human blood.
- When taking "Mexidol" together with tranquilizers or antidepressants, the therapeutic effect of the second drugs decreases.

Indications for use
Mexidol injections are used for:
- presence of neurological diseases;
- chronic disease of the arteries of the elastic and musculo-elastic type of cerebral vessels, with improper blood supply to the brain, which may suddenly appear;
- vegetovascular dystonia of mixed type;
- Additional treatment for cardiac ischemia;
- oxygen starvation of the brain;
- disorder of speech, attention.

And also injections are prescribed for psychiatric diseases andViolations:
- alcoholism;
- poisoning with neuroleptic drugs;
- anxiety disorder.
"Mexidol" is used by surgeons in combination with other medicines for the treatment of inflammation of the peritoneum. The drug is used:
- After trauma to the head or skull.
- When stressed.
- With purulent inflammation in the abdomen.
- For glaucoma.
The drug is not recommended for use in the following cases:
- for kidney and liver diseases;
- with individual intolerance to one of the components that make up the drug;
- under the age of sixteen;
- during pregnancy;
- when lactating. After all, the elements of "Mexidol" can enter the baby's body through milk and cause an undesirable reaction.
Important! If there are allergic reactions to the composition of the drug, you should consult a doctor. In this case, a medical specialist may prescribe an analogue of Mexidol, which can help cure diseases without harm to he alth.

Side effects
As a rule, they may not occur, but it is still better to know the symptoms that you may have to face. It is worth paying attention that unwanted reactions to the components of the drug can cause serious harm to a person. Therefore, with a sharp deterioration in well-being, you need to consult a doctor. Main side effects:
- diarrhea;
- nausea;
- vomit;
- allergic manifestations;
- itch;
- drowsy;
- fatigue;
- depressive disorders;
- alarm conditions;
- migraine;
- excessive sweating;
- high blood pressure.
Important! If side effects are present, the doctor must reduce the dosage or completely stop taking Mexidol.

How to use the drug?
According to the instructions for use, Mexidol tablets must be taken 3 times a day (1 tablet contains 250 milligrams of the active substance). The drug is taken orally. The maximum dosage of "Mexidol" should not exceed 800 milligrams per day (about 6 tablets). The duration of treatment is one month. To eliminate cravings for alcohol, it is enough to take the drug for seven days.
Important! It is necessary to interrupt the course of treatment with Mexidol gradually, reducing the dosage. This way you can avoid shock due to abrupt withdrawal of the drug.
Instructions for use
"Mexidol" in ampoules is administered intravenously or intramuscularly. The dosage of the drug is determined according to the diagnosis of the patient and the severity of the disease. In rare cases, Mexidol is diluted with sodium chloride, using 200 milliliters per ampoule.
Usually, treatment begins with the use of 100 milligrams of Mexidol solution two to three times a day. The doctor can increase the dosage of the medicine in the absence of side effects. The maximum daily dosage is 800 milligrams. A drugdoctor can enter:
- Jet. This procedure is carried out for about seven minutes, the solution is injected slowly.
- Drip. "Mexidol" is administered 50 drops per minute.

Pill regimen
"Mexidol" in the form of tablets is initially used in the minimum dosage - one capsule twice a day. Further, the dose is increased up to three times one or two tablets. The maximum dosage is six capsules, and the duration of the course varies depending on the degree of the disease and its severity:
- up to a week with a hangover or drug addiction;
- up to two months for ischemia.
How much does the drug cost?
The cost of the drug depends on the manufacturer and the region in which Mexidol is sold. Pill price:
- "Mexidol" (30 pieces) - 350 rubles.
- "Mexidol" (50 pieces) - 500 rubles.
The cost of an injection solution varies from 500 to 2100 rubles.

Mexidol: analogues
Domestic drug substitutes have a similar composition and spectrum of action. Most famous generics:
- "Antifront".
- Kaviton.
- Armandin.
- "Nootropil".
- Glycine.
- Armadin.
- Glycised.
- Meksifim.
- Glutamic acid.
- Meksidant.
- Instenon.
- Cerecard.
- Keltikan.
- Neurox.
- Mexiprim.
- Combiplen.
- Memory Plus.
- "Hypoxen".
- Rilutek.
- Astroks.
- Polinevrin.
- Tenotin.
- Cerebronorm.
- Tryptophan.
- "Cytoflavin".
- Elfunat.
- Compligam B.
- Emoxibel.
Medications for oral administration, which are considered analogues or substitutes for Mexidol, are accepted at:
- mild cerebrovascular accident;
- non-severe forms of encephalopathy (organic brain damage);
- angina pectoris (a clinical syndrome characterized by a sensation or feeling of discomfort in the chest).

Mexidol analogues (tablets)
Mexicor. The drug belongs to the same pharmacological group as Mexidol. Reduces manifestations of oxidative stress, preventing oxidative degradation of lipids and increasing the intensity of the antioxidant system of enzymes. The cost of Mexicor is about 75 rubles.
Medomexi is one of the Russian drugs, which uses the same active ingredient as Mexidol. Contraindications for use:
- pregnancy;
- lactation.
Before using the drug, you should consult your doctor. The cost of "Medomeksi" varies from 170 to 250 rubles.
"Armadin" - is available in the form of tablets, and in the form of a solution for injections. The price of the tablet versionvaries from 240 to 1200 rubles, for ampoules you will have to pay a little more from 500 to 1300 rubles. The drug has a wide spectrum of action, helps to get rid of memory problems in the elderly, eliminates intoxication after drinking alcohol, improves performance and does not cause drowsiness.
"Glycised" is a sedative that consists mainly of the simplest aliphatic amino acid that is part of the brain tissue. The price of the drug is from 900 to 1100 rubles. This analogue helps to eliminate the problem of blood microcirculation in the brain, which can be caused by traumatic brain injuries, pathologies of the central nervous system.
"Antifront" - the drug is used in the treatment of disorders that are associated with violations of pressure in the arteries. The medicine helps to eliminate headaches and dizziness. The price of the drug varies from 1500 to 1700 rubles.
"Actovegin" - the drug has similar pharmacological properties as "Mexidol". These two drugs may be given at the same time. "Actovegin" helps to improve tissue repair and the process of their enrichment with nutrients.

Mexidol analogues (solution for injection)
"Cortexin". The drug is made from the extraction of the brain of domestic animals. It is an excellent antioxidant that has a positive effect on memory, reduces susceptibility to stress, and improves brain function. The cost of the drug is from 750 to 900 rubles.
"Instenon" - a combination drug that improves blood circulation and brain metabolism. It is used in the complex treatment of brain pathologies that manifest themselves in a person with age, as well as in violation of the functions of certain parts of the brain. The drug is released in the form of tablets and solution.
Mexicor. The drug is presented only in the form of a solution for injections. The price varies from 1300 to 2800 rubles. It is often taken to get rid of alcohol addiction. Anxiety and fear disappear, the patient's mood improves. It is prescribed for the treatment and prevention of cardiac diseases. "Mexicor" price varies from 350 to 400 rubles.
"Mexifin" - injection solution, it is classified as an antioxidant, it is allowed to take it during physical or mental exercises, and also if a person is under stress. The medicine helps to stop aging. It is prescribed to infants in violation of the central nervous system. Easily interacts with any drugs, does not cause any adverse reactions. The cost of Mexifin varies from 280 to 310 rubles.

Cheap generics
There are inexpensive analogues of Mexidol in ampoules:
- "Meksidant" - a solution for injections, it is often used for memory problems or for panic fear or unreasonable anxiety. The drug helps lower blood cholesterol. The drug eliminates disorders that are associated with cranial injuries andused in the treatment of vegetovascular dystonia. The price of the medicine is 160 rubles.
- "Nootropil". The drug consists mainly of piracetam, is produced in the form of a solution and tablets for oral administration. It is taken to eliminate memory problems and treat alcohol dependence. The cost of the drug is from 230 to 260 rubles.
- "Cerecard" - a medicine that has the properties of an antioxidant, is produced in the form of a solution for injection. Its price ranges from 150 to 300 rubles. This drug is used for various pathologies, accompanied by damage to cells and tissues.
Cheap analogues of Mexidol are also available in tablets:
-  "Cavinton" - the drug improves metabolism and blood circulation in the brain, makes the blood more fluid, preventing the development of blood clots. It improves the supply of oxygen and nutrients to the brain tissues. The drug is available in the form of tablets and solution for injection. The cost of the drug is from 180 to 250 rubles.
- "Vitagamma" contains other active ingredients in its composition, therefore it is not a direct analogue of "Mexidol", but can also be used for neurological diseases. According to contraindications for use, drugs also have differences, therefore, before use, you must carefully read the instructions. The price of the drug is 180 rubles.
- "Neurox" - a drug, an analogue of Mexidol injections, which contains the same active ingredients. Available in the form of a solution for intravenous orintramuscular injection. Since the active substance of Neurox and Mexidol is the same, they do not differ in indications and contraindications.
- "Mexiprim" is an imported analogue of "Mexidol", a drug from a German manufacturer that has anxiolytic properties, is available in the form of a solution for injections and tablets. The drug differs from Mexidol in the presence of completely different additional components. An analogue of the drug "Mexidol" is cheaper in tablets, its price is from 170 to 210 rubles.