Ejaculation is a process that occurs in a man's body after sexual intercourse. Its second common name is ejaculation. Normally, this process does not bring discomfort to a man and any discomfort. Pain during ejaculation appears only in the presence of various pathologies and diseases. It is about them that the article will be discussed.
Why does it feel bad?
In fact, the causes of pain during ejaculation in men may be not so small. It is almost impossible to make a diagnosis on your own, therefore, if a problem occurs, you should immediately contact a urologist. For example, causes of pain during ejaculation in men can be:
- non-compliance with the rules of intimate hygiene and, as a result, the development of balanoposthitis;
- difficulty or complete impossibility of opening the glans penis (phimosis);
- deformation and curvature of the penis (Peyronie's disease);
- short bridle;
- mismatchedcondom size (when it is too small);

- prolonged absence of sexual activity;
- pull-out;
- injecting chlorine antiseptics into the urethra, which could lead to a chemical burn.
But these few points do not end the list of causes of pain during ejaculation. There are other, more dangerous phenomena. Each of them is worth reading separately.
This is the name given to the inflammatory lesion of the seminal tubercle. With colliculitis, there are pains in the groin after ejaculation, which can radiate to the perineum. Unpleasant sensations are cutting.
The presence of this pathology is accompanied by the appearance of purulent and bloody streaks in the semen, as well as problems with urination, enlargement and soreness of the scrotum, premature ejaculation, sensation of a foreign body in the anus.
In this case, the patient complains of discomfort not only after ejaculation, but also during the sexual intercourse itself. The pain does not have a clear localization and may appear in different parts of the urinary system.

If the disease is present, other characteristic symptoms will be observed:
- frequent urge to urinate;
- increased body temperature;
- pain during urination;
- cloudy urine (blood can be detected in some cases).
Thisone of the most common reasons. The disease can have an acute and chronic form. In the first case, the appearance of the disease is caused by hypothermia, sexually transmitted diseases, conditionally pathogenic microflora. With prostatitis, patients complain about:
- anorectal pain after ejaculation;
- problems with urination (lack of pressure, interruption of the process, cramps, false urges);
- suprapubic pain;
- increased body temperature.
The transition to a chronic form occurs when acute prostatitis is not treated correctly or completely. The exacerbation of the disease in this case is accompanied by irregular and mild pain.
For the disease is characterized by the appearance of burning, itching and pain in the urethra. They disturb the patient almost constantly. In addition, with urethritis, a man has mucopurulent discharge that has an unpleasant odor.

The main symptom of the disease is pain in the testicle, which can spread to the groin and back. The development of complications of the disease can lead to infertility.
During the diagnosis, the urologist will definitely pay attention to the reddening of the skin on the scrotum and the enlargement of the affected testicle. Other symptoms of acute orchitis are:
- increase in body temperature to 38-40 degrees and fever;
- muscle and headaches;
- strong weakness.
No treatment for acute diseasecan lead to its transition to a chronic form. At this stage, there are usually no symptoms of pathology. In most cases, chronic orchitis is detected by chance during the identification of the causes of infertility. The only thing that can bother the patient is minor pain in the testicle that appears during palpation or in a certain position of the body.
Acute epididymitis
The clinical course of epididymitis is similar to orchitis. The disease is an inflammation in the epididymis, which led to the development of a purulent process. If the problem was not detected in a timely manner, the connective tissue begins to grow. As a result, this leads to a violation of the patency of spermatozoa and the appearance of pain during ejaculation.

In addition to pain during ejaculation, vesiculitis is accompanied by other symptoms, including:
- anus pain after ejaculation;
- soreness in the genital area and perineum;
- frequent urination;
- appearance of blood impurities in semen.
Prostate adenoma
Pain during ejaculation can also be associated with the presence of a benign prostate tumor. With prostate adenoma, patients also experience problems with potency. In some cases, the pathology develops into a malignant process.

Prostate adenoma is very difficult to identify at the initial stages, since the first signs of the disease may appear only a few years aftertumor formation.
Pain during ejaculation and other unpleasant sensations for a man can also cause venereal diseases. The most common among them are:
- Gonorrhea. The first symptoms of the disease appear a week after infection. In addition to burning and pain after ejaculation, the patient is concerned about purulent discharge from the urethra. Lack of timely treatment of the disease can lead to problems with potency and infertility.
- Chlamydia. The disease, the appearance of which is caused by intracellular microorganisms, causes pain in the testicles after ejaculation, discomfort in the groin and perineum, and discomfort during urination. After sexual intercourse, a man may experience discharge with blood impurities. In some cases, the disease is asymptomatic, which makes it difficult to diagnose it in a timely manner.
- Ureaplasmosis. A sexually transmitted disease causes violations of spermatogenesis and ejaculation. The appearance of its signs occurs after a period of two weeks to one month after infection.
- Trichomoniasis. A man can detect the first symptoms of the disease a week after infection. They will manifest themselves in the form of pain during urination, purulent discharge, burning and pain during ejaculation. In some cases, the disease is asymptomatic.

Syphilis. A characteristic symptom of the disease is the appearance on the head of the penis of a rounded ulcer with a dense bottom. It is painless and does not bring discomfort to a man. Latersome time there is an increase in regional lymph nodes. Further signs of syphilis are similar to those observed during all other sexually transmitted diseases. The infection is very dangerous, because if not properly treated, it can lead to damage to the musculoskeletal system and nervous system
It also happens that after intercourse a man begins to feel a severe headache. With what it can be connected? There are several possible reasons.
- Changes in hormonal levels. During times of intense arousal, endorphin, serotonin, and norepinephrine levels rise significantly, leading to tissue swelling, neck muscle tension, and increased blood pressure. In addition, the pulse and breathing become more frequent, muscle tone increases. It's hard to imagine, but during an orgasm, the pressure in men can increase up to 200 mmHg! It feels like an epileptic seizure. It is these sudden surges in pressure that lead to pain in the back of the head during ejaculation. A few hours after intercourse, the well-being of a man normalizes naturally.
- Increased arterial or intracranial pressure. This type of pain is very dangerous and can lead to serious complications, such as hemorrhagic stroke. If there are suspicions of high arterial or intracranial pressure, it is necessary to give up sexual activity for a while, undergo an examination and a course of treatment prescribed by a specialist.
- Neurotic problems. May be seen in insecure menwho are afraid to do something wrong, to finish prematurely, and so on. Growing excitement often leads to a headache not only after intercourse, but also during it, which affects the quality of the process itself.
As mentioned above, if there is pain during ejaculation (headaches are not included here), you need to seek help from a urologist. The specialist will listen to the patient's complaints and prescribe additional research methods:
- general blood and urine tests;
- spermogram;
- microscopic examination of prostate secretions;
- ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs and testicles;
- urography;
- uroflowmetry;
- urethral swab.
No less important is the external examination of the genitals. The doctor will pay attention to the size and density of the testicles, the absence or presence of nodules, and so on.

If epididymitis or orchitis is suspected, a digital examination of the prostate is performed through the anus.
What methods of therapy the specialist chooses directly depends on the diagnosis. If we consider the issue in general terms, then the patient will be assigned:
- Anspasmodics (to eliminate spasm of the smooth muscles of the urethral canal).
- Anti-inflammatory drugs.
- Analgesics (for pain relief).
- Antibacterial drugs (if there is an infectiousdefeat).
Surgical intervention may be necessary in some cases. For example, this happens in the presence of purulent orchitis, the last stages of prostatitis, advanced prostatic hyperplasia, phimosis, Peyronie's disease, short frenulum, and so on.
If the patient has headaches during intercourse or ejaculation, the use of medication will not bring any result. In the presence of neurotic problems, it becomes necessary to consult a psychologist, and in more severe cases, cognitive-behavioral therapy or hypnosis.
It is difficult to single out any specific methods for preventing the onset of pain during ejaculation. But following a few rules will help minimize the risk of a problem several times over.
- Exclusion of infectious diseases.
- Having sex only with a trusted partner.
- Using barrier protection (condoms).
- Maintaining immunity.
- Having a regular sex life to avoid congestion in the pelvic area.
Finally, I would like to note that if pain occurs during ejaculation, you should not hope that the problem will disappear on its own. It is very important to immediately consult a doctor for diagnosis and treatment. Thus, it will be possible to get rid of the disease as soon as possible and prevent the development of dangerous complications.