The appearance of sexual desire in women is accompanied by the release of lubrication and swelling of the mammary glands. However, not everyone knows what is released during arousal among the representatives of the stronger sex. Men are able to produce not only seminal fluid during sex, but also a special lubricant that facilitates the sliding of the penis during friction. This substance, when aroused in men, is called pre-cum.
During arousal, men produce a colorless, clear mucus called pre-ejaculate. It is formed along with an erection, but may appear after it. If there is no lubrication in men when excited, then this is a symptom of some kind of pathology related to the reproductive system. The secretion of this fluid prevents injury to the male genital organ during vaginal penetration.
In medicinelubrication in men during arousal is called temporary. This substance is formed not only before sexual intercourse, but also with slight sexual arousal, during petting, and also during masturbation. The appearance of lubrication in men when aroused indicates a desire to enter into intimacy with their partner.

Pre-Seed Composition
Pre-ejaculate is a mucous secretion, which in its composition contains various enzymes and alkali. Since the environment of the female vagina is acidic and rejects the male seed, the lubricant neutralizes the aggressiveness of such female microflora.
There is a myth that says that a woman can become pregnant from secretions from a man's penis. The fact is that there is no sperm in the composition of the lubricant, but it can be there if there was sexual intercourse without contraception, within a few hours after masturbation, or after a previous sexual intercourse.
To avoid unwanted pregnancies, experts recommend using condoms or other methods of contraception.

Main Functions
Lubrication is released in men during arousal, it is not only a transparent lubricating fluid, but also a protective reaction of the mucous membrane. Such secretions facilitate the penetration of the male genital organ into the female vagina and friction, if the fair sex has a small amount of such a substance.
Lubrication in men when arousedhas several very important functions, which are as follows:
- Neutralization of the increased acidity of the vaginal microflora.
- Facilitate the penetration of the penis, help the movement of sperm through the cervix.
- Increase the chance of conception.
- Removing the contents of the urinary canal.
In an acidic environment, spermatozoa die fairly quickly. Thanks to the alkaline presemen, they enter the genital tract intact and can fertilize the egg. This is why male lubricant has the ability to protect sperm viability.
In addition, thanks to this male discharge from the urethra, the chance of conception increases, since the seminal fluid during the slide penetrates into the uterus much faster. Natural lubricant helps avoid the use of artificial substitutes, and also makes it easier for the penis to penetrate the vagina if a woman has a small amount of her own secretions.

How does normal look?
So, the question of whether a man is lubricated when aroused is resolved. But what does she look like? Outwardly, this liquid looks like a simple transparent mucus. During sexual intercourse, it is released in an amount of 1 to 5 ml. This volume is quite enough for sexual contact to be comfortable for partners. As part of this seed, there is smegma, which is a fatty substance that collects in the folds of the foreskin. In the event that a man is faithful to only one sexual partner, or during sexual intercoursethe act uses a condom, then there are no color changes and additional inclusions in the composition of the liquid. Only a whitish light shade is possible.

When to see a doctor?
Many women still don't know if men have lube when aroused. Some people just didn't pay attention to it. However, the fact that this liquid is extremely important during sexual contact is a fact.
If any suspicious symptom appears, a man should immediately consult a doctor. Thanks to this, it will be possible to identify the disease at an early stage of its development, and therefore, a speedy recovery will follow. Therefore, it is so important to pay attention to the composition and shade of your preseed. Additional symptoms that help identify the diagnosis are:
- Increased body temperature, fever, fever.
- Sensation of soreness or discomfort in the area of organs located in the small pelvis.
- Redness on the skin, swelling and rashes.
- Bloody purulent impurities in male secretions.
- Burning and itching in the urethra.
- Hyperemia in the penis area.
- Erectile dysfunction, urinary retention.

Similar pathological processes in the male body during arousal and during rest are observed in case of infection with sexually transmitted diseases. If several or even one symptom has been found, you should immediately consult a doctor. It is likely that the manurgent antibiotic treatment will be needed.
Does not release precum
If a man has a lot of lubrication when excited, then this can be called a feature of his body. However, in some cases, the representatives of the stronger sex do not notice the release of fluid during intercourse, since it begins to stand out only after the penetration of the penis into the vagina.
In 5% of cases, the lack of lubrication is a symptom of the presence of some kind of inflammatory disease. In such a situation, it is best to consult a specialist about such a problem. You should also pay attention to the fact that in elderly people there may be no discharge from the urethra at all.

Change in consistency and color
It was said above that if a lot of lubrication is released during arousal in men, this is the norm, but if there is too much of it, then this should alert. However, a change in color and consistency is considered a reason to see a doctor. Normally, the color of the seminal fluid is transparent, slightly whitish. You should also pay attention to the density of these secretions. Seminal fluid should not be thick, flow freely from the urinary canal during sexual arousal. Reasons to see a specialist are as follows:
- Produces a fishy bad odor that has a mildew flavor.
- Impurity of pus and blood.
- Change in the structure of the seminal fluid, the formation of curdled sediment, thickening.
- Change hue.
Red, gray,orange, green and other shades are a sign of an infectious or inflammatory process in the body. The male body thus reacts to any viral or bacterial invasion into it. In some cases, colored discharge is a sign of a natural healing process. For example, after an operation on the prostate gland, after antibiotic therapy or any other surgical interventions.
Transparent viscous discharge in some cases indicates infection with infectious diseases, such as streptococcus, staphylococcus, and also E. coli. However, the appearance of bacteria will be observed not only in the pre-seminal fluid, but also in other secretions from the male organ.
Doctors' opinion
The gray-green tint of the liquid indicates the presence of an infection in the male body. However, this symptom is far from always a sign of sexually transmitted diseases, as ARVI or influenza can manifest itself. In parallel with this, the man's body temperature rises.
White thick discharge indicates the development of a fungal disease, most often with candidiasis. This disease is transmitted to a man from an infected sexual partner. During the detection of this pathogen, it is necessary to treat both the woman and the man.

If the liquid is red, then this indicates the development of a urological disease, for example, cystitis, urethritis, but it can also be a symptom of chronic prostatitis and a number of other ailments that are not related to the urinary tractsystem.
It is not necessary in these cases to self-medicate and let the disease take its course. Sexually transmitted diseases cause many pathologies and can also cause rectal dysfunction, urinary problems and a weakened immune system.