Sooner or later, almost every man with age or in the form of complications after a number of diseases may develop inflammation of the prostate. To find out the reason for such a process, you should conduct a thorough diagnosis.
The main way by which you can find out the whole ins and outs of men's he alth is the secret of the prostate, which should contain the so-called lecithin grains. To do this, it is necessary to take a secret from the prostate gland for analysis and conduct a series of special laboratory studies. Thanks to the analysis alone, it is possible to ascertain the presence of prostatitis, malignant neoplasm and adenoma.

What are lecithin grains?
Themselves marked grains, which are also called lipoid, are considered non-cellular formations that should be in the secret of the prostate of any he althy man. It is thanks to these grains that it acquires a whitish hue.
A he althy man should have a lot of lecithin grains in the secretion of the prostate. Under the microscope, these compounds should be densely strewn with everythingthat may come into view. It is by the number of such small elements that one can confidently judge the he alth or illness of any member of the stronger sex. The exact amount of lecithin grains shows the condition of the prostate itself, the presence of inflammation of its tissues and the severity.

Sampling material for further research
Today, there are only two methods by which you can take the secretion of the prostate: from the urethra or the bladder. In both cases, before the fence itself, it is necessary to massage the prostate. To do this, you will have to stretch the walls of this organ through the rectum. During the procedure, the patient should lie on his side so that his knees are bent. Initially, it is necessary to massage from the edges to the center of the organ, and only then proceed to massaging the isthmus. It is at this time that the secret will gradually stand out from the urethra.
The resulting material can be examined in several ways: in its native form or using a special staining method. It is also possible to conduct a polymerase chain reaction analysis, which helps to find the causative agent of the infection in the secret itself. In this case, there will be lecithin grains in the prostate juice, just their amount will be reduced.
At the first stage of the study, one of the parts of the resulting secret is placed on glass and examined under a microscope. Further, this juice is diluted with cold distilled water, after which it is mixed with methylene blue. The finished solution is placed in the chamberGoryaev, after which all grains are calculated using a special formula. By the way, the increased number of marked elements does not affect the decoding of the spermogram itself.

If, during the massage, the secret did not begin to stand out, perhaps from the urethra it got into the bladder. In this case, it is necessary to examine the liquid that comes out of there by subjecting it to a centrifuge.
Proper preparation for the procedure
In order to calculate the lecithin grains in the secret of the prostate of a man correctly, it is necessary that he undergo a little preparation before the direct sampling of the material. To begin with, it is worth giving up sexual relations or masturbation for 7 days. Alcohol and organic loads are excluded 3 days before the procedure. By the way, at this time in the bath or sauna is also impossible. On the eve of the diagnosis, the man will have to do an enema to clear the intestines of feces.
Norm and possible deviations
In the absence of pathology, lecithin grains in the analysis should reach the amount of 10 million. Under the microscope, this substance almost completely covers the entire material. It is very important that there are no leukocytes in the prostate juice, or they are found in a single amount. This means that there is no inflammation and it is too early to talk about prostatitis. Also, the normal content of these components indicates a he althy fertile function of the sperm itself. If there is a slight decrease in the concentration of these grains in the secret, it is possible that the prostate has already begunchronic inflammatory process.

But it also happens that lecithin grains in the spermogram are completely absent. This means that the prostate massage was performed incorrectly. As a result, the fluid that comes out of the urethra is urine and has nothing to do with the gland itself. In this case, it is better to re-examine. Also, a similar result can be with a serious inflammatory process, when the ducts of the gland are clogged. To eliminate this outcome, it is worth conducting a whole course of prostate massage, which will help improve blood circulation in this place and reduce the inflammatory process.
Even during the massage itself, the doctor can determine the state of the organ itself by its shape. For example, puffiness already indicates that although there will be lecithin grains in secret, their amount will significantly deviate from the norm.
Indications and prohibitions for analysis
The attending physician may prescribe a prostate secretion test to the patient only in cases where frequent urination, difficulty urinating, weakening of the jet and soreness in the groin and perineum are observed. But such a study cannot be carried out when a person is sick with a cold, he has rectal fissures from hemorrhoids, or there is tuberculosis. Also, secretion sampling should not be carried out with an acute manifestation of inflammation, otherwise the lecithin grains in the prostate secretion may disappear altogether.

What to remember?
From the aboveit follows that lecithin grains are considered an excellent signaling agent about the presence of inflammatory processes in the body of a man, or rather, in the prostate gland. It is only necessary to conduct an examination of this organ as a preventive measure, for timely diagnosis and quick treatment. And then many male age-related problems can be forgotten forever.