Pathologies of the genitourinary system are common among both women and men. Unfortunately, the representatives of the stronger sex are often silent about the problems that have arisen and do not seek help. However, such a decision is wrong. Lack of treatment not only leads to chronic forms of the disease, but is also fraught with the development of more serious ailments. Middle-aged and older men often have prostate problems. To a greater extent, this is due to the wrong lifestyle, physical inactivity, irregular sexual relations, etc.
Despite the active promotion of screening programs and the appearance of examination rooms, not every man knows which doctor checks the prostate. It should be remembered that an annual consultation with a specialist is the only way to prevent diseases of the genitourinary organs.
Structure and functions of the prostate
The prostate is an organ related to the male reproductive system. It is necessary to highlight a special secret,included in the seminal fluid. Diseases of the prostate gland lead not only to the appearance of discomfort in the lower abdomen, but also disrupt the process of urination. Without treatment, such ailments are fraught with infertility and erectile dysfunction.

The prostate is located in the pelvic cavity. It is located just below the bladder. The prostate consists of tubular-alveolar glandular tissue. Its ducts open into the urethra - the urethra. The anterior part of the organ is adjacent to the pubic symphysis, and the posterior part to the rectum. Due to this location, the prostate can be palpated by performing a rectal examination. The gland consists of two lobes. Normally, their size is about 3-4 cm. The lobes of the prostate gland are connected by an isthmus.
Before you know why and how to check the prostate, you should familiarize yourself with its functions. In another way, this organ is called the “second heart” of a man, because it is very important. Prostate functions include:
- The ability to produce a secret that is part of the semen.
- Delivery of seminal fluid to the urethra.
- Protection of overlying organs from the penetration of infectious agents.
- Dilution of seminal fluid, which promotes sperm motility.
Pathologies of the prostate lead to a violation of these functions, which not only harms the physical he alth of a man, but also causes psychological problems. To prevent this, it is necessary to check the body at least once a year.
Prostate diseases
Pathologies of the prostate may not appear for a long time, so the disease becomes chronic. To prevent this from happening, you should periodically attend preventive examinations. The polyclinic doctor will explain how to check the prostate and talk about methods to prevent diseases. The most common pathologies include:
- Prostatic hyperplasia.
- Chronic prostatitis.
- Prostate cancer.
Hyperplasia occurs in almost every second man aged 40 and older. In another way, this pathology is called prostate adenoma. It develops due to the growth of glandular tissue. As a result, the lobes of the prostate increase in size and put pressure on the bladder. Inflammation of the prostate gland is another common pathology. It develops due to stagnation of seminal fluid. The causes of chronic prostatitis are a sedentary lifestyle and irregular sexual relations. Unfortunately, both diseases often become the cause of the oncological process. To prevent this from happening, every man should know how to check the prostate himself.

Indications for examination
Diagnosis of diseases of the urogenital area is important both in the presence of existing problems, and in their absence. Unfortunately, not everyone understands this and finds time to visit the male examination room. However, it is simply necessary to do this if any symptomsdiseases have already appeared. The indications for prostate examination are the following complaints:
- Urine in small portions.
- Discomfort in the lower abdomen.
- The appearance of drops of blood in the urine.
- Erectation problems.
- Primary and secondary infertility.
The presence of symptoms of intoxication and increased pain indicate inflammation of the prostate gland. A change in the nature of urination is most often a sign of adenoma. The most formidable symptom is blood in the urine. Often, it indicates an oncological process.

How to check the prostate in men in the clinic
Diagnosis of prostate diseases is not only a digital examination of the rectum, as many people imagine. However, this is a priority measure, because it helps to identify dangerous pathologies, including cancer. Currently, doctors are trying to prevent the development of cancer before they occur or in the early stages. To this end, each polyclinic has a special room equipped to perform rectal examinations in men.
Before you understand how doctors check the prostate in men with a finger, you should learn about its normal condition. During a rectal examination, the doctor has the opportunity to probe both lobes of the gland and its isthmus, to determine their consistency and size. Normally, the organ is soft-elastic, with a smooth surface. It is determined by placing the index finger on the upper fornix of the rectum.

In addition, screening diagnostic methods have been developed that target specific population groups. These include older men. Indeed, over the years, the risk of developing cancer increases markedly. The main test that checks the prostate is the PSA blood test. This tumor marker makes it possible to suspect a tumor at an early stage, when there are no symptoms of cancer yet. With its increase, the doctor gives direction to other, more in-depth research methods. Among them are TRUS, CT of the pelvic organs and morphological verification.
Diagnosis of inflammatory diseases of the prostate
Diagnosis of acute and chronic prostatitis is not difficult for doctors. An inflammatory process can be suspected already according to the patient's complaints. These include painful urination and erection, the appearance of blood during ejaculation, and an increase in body temperature. These symptoms indicate acute prostatitis or an exacerbation of a chronic process. They are the reason for contacting a urologist. How to check the prostate for inflammation? To confirm this diagnosis, tests should be taken. The materials for the study are blood, urine and seminal fluid, which is obtained through prostate massage.
To determine the causative agent of the pathology, a smear and microscopy are performed. For high-quality treatment, a test for sensitivity to antibiotics is carried out. A chronic inflammatory process is detected by ultrasound, which is recommended to be performed transrectally.
How to checkprostate for cancer?
Prostate cancer is one of the most common oncological pathologies among the male population. In most cases, it affects the elderly. Everyone should know how to check for prostate cancer. After all, this disease has a relatively favorable prognosis with timely detection. Survival after tumor removal is much higher than in oncological pathologies of other organs. Therefore, the detection of a malignant tumor at an early stage can save the lives of millions of men.
In the presence of cancer, the following changes are noted:
- The surface of the organ becomes bumpy.
- In the area where the tumor is located, the prostate has a dense texture.
- Prostate asymmetry occurs.
All these changes are already noticeable at the first stage of diagnosis. This is why finger testing is so important. The next stage of diagnosis is laboratory research. With cancer, the level of prostate-specific antigen (PSA) increases several times. Histological verification is required to confirm the diagnosis. For this purpose, a biopsy of suspicious areas of the prostate gland is performed under TRUS control.

Laboratory diagnosis for prostate diseases
What is the difference between the way doctors check the prostate in men and the patients themselves? First of all, the fact that specialists know about the correct technique for palpation of the prostate gland and have an idea of the norm and pathology. Besides,In addition to rectal examination, the polyclinic performs many other diagnostic procedures to identify prostate pathologies. First of all, they include laboratory tests. In the KLA, there may be an acceleration of ESR and an increased level of leukocytes, indicating an inflammatory process. It is also important to examine the urine. The appearance of blood or seminal fluid in it indicates a violation of the prostate gland. To detect cancer, a PSA blood test is required.
Instrumental studies of the prostate
Indications for instrumental diagnostics are changes identified during a digital examination and laboratory tests. Most often, if prostate pathology is suspected, a transrectal ultrasound is sufficient. If surgical treatment is planned, a CT scan of the small pelvis is performed with the introduction of contrast.

Prostate self-exam
Self-examination is one of the methods for diagnosing prostate diseases. Men should know how to check for an enlarged prostate. To do this, take a supine position and bend your knees. The index finger must be lubricated with petroleum jelly and inserted into the anus until it stops. The upper phalanx should be slightly bent towards the abdominal wall. After detecting the prostate, it is necessary to draw along it in the transverse and longitudinal direction. Normally, its size is not more than a walnut, the surface is smooth. The consistency of the organ is soft-elastic. Indicates the presence of an adenomaan increase in the proportions of the prostate gland and the presence of areas of compaction.

Treatment of prostate diseases
A doctor who treats and diagnoses pathologies of the prostate is called a urologist. However, the disease can also be detected at the stage of the examination room, in which a specially trained he alth worker takes. Treatment of prostatitis is carried out with the help of drug therapy. Antibacterial and anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed. These include candles "Prostamol", "Adenoprost". Massage and physiotherapy are also indicated to improve the outflow of seminal fluid.
Prostatic hyperplasia is eliminated by surgical methods. Prostate cancer requires complex treatment. It includes surgery, radiation therapy, and hormone therapy.