Inflammation of the prostate in men is the most common urological disease in the world. Symptoms of the disease can form in the stronger sex already when they reach puberty. If the problem is ignored, it will leave irreversible marks, namely fibrotic changes and stones with subsequent exacerbations.
Importance of the organ

The prostate is the main male reproductive organ. It is located in the pelvis and is responsible for the release of ejaculate for sperm. And also this organ helps to retain urine and prevents the penetration of sperm into the bladder. It should be noted that with inflammation of the prostate, problems begin to form both in the urinary and reproductive systems.
Externally, the iron is a trapezoid the size of a walnut. Weight ranges from 25-50 grams. At the time of inflammation, the organ increases to such volumes that it can be felt during palpation.
Iron separates the secret, which is aimed at regulating the hormonal levels of men. For example,You can only maintain testosterone levels thanks to this substance. And also in secret there are components that are aimed at neutralizing pathogenic microorganisms that penetrate the urethra.
When signs of pathology begin to form, the doctor needs to correctly determine the cause. Often, this disease develops due to the ingress of pathogenic organisms, such as chlamydia, fungi, trichomonas, mycoplasma and various viruses. Iron can be populated by similar microorganisms in different ways. It happens that bacteria enters the blood, and sometimes they penetrate the prostate from the intestines or bladder.
However, these are not the only reasons due to which inflammation of the prostate begins to form in the body. Reasons also include:
- keep body warm;
- minimal physical activity;
- unbalanced diet;
- poor organization of sexual life;
- activity pattern.
In order for a man's he alth to be all right, he is forced to avoid a sedentary lifestyle. It is very difficult to follow this advice for those who work as a driver or office worker. It is important to note that a man should not be supercooled or sit on a cool surface. Be sure to wear clothing appropriate for the weather. It is also recommended to control that on a wet day, the feet always remain dry.
The prostate is a very sensitive organ, and malnutrition can cause serious problems. Must enter the bodyall useful substances without exception. To prevent inflammation of the prostate in men, they should regularly receive proteins, seafood and vegetables. S alty, spicy and sour foods are very harmful to the body.
A he althy lifestyle has a healing effect on the male organ. Smoking and drinking alcohol significantly harm the gland. When a young person leads a he althy lifestyle from an early age, the risk of getting a disease is minimized.
If a man does not have a full sexual life, then this is considered a significant factor in the formation of the disease. It should be noted that both long abstinence and frequent sexual intercourse are harmful. It must be remembered that a man must have a permanent partner.
Prostate inflammation symptoms

In men, this disease is a very common occurrence. It is important that the disease often begins asymptomatically, and this greatly complicates therapy and a further favorable outcome. But still, signs of a problem exist and look like this:
- recurrent pain in the perineum and scrotum, especially after prolonged sitting;
- severe discomfort when urinating;
- urinary incontinence;
- reduced erectile function;
- frequent urination;
- thin stream when urinating.
All these signs of inflammation of the prostate, although the most common, but they may differ depending on the type of prostatitis. For example, in a chronic course, symptomsinflammation can be formed quite weakly. But in acute, all symptoms are shown instantly.

Also, deviations in the functioning of the prostate are warned not only by indicators from the genitourinary system, sometimes weakness occurs in the stronger sex, a feeling of heaviness in the perineum appears and body temperature rises. Other men suffer from chills and digestive problems. All of the above symptoms of inflammation of the prostate make up a common and unified picture, thereby letting the man know that he needs to seek medical help.
Patient actions
Even the appearance of the most minor of the above symptoms should be a good reason to see a doctor. Very often, the disease proceeds in a latent form, so all men are required to regularly come for examinations to the urologist.
Classification of prostatitis
Depending on the course of the disease, experts distinguish the main types of the disease:
- Acute bacterial prostatitis is a sudden onset bacterial infection that causes inflammation of the prostate. It is the least common form, but the patient's well-being is usually much worse. Symptoms of an inflamed prostate in this case are not very pleasant. The patient has an increased need to urinate and there is a need to urinate very frequently at night. It should be noted severe pain in the pelvic area and in the genitals. The disease is often accompanied by chills, fever, vomiting, nausea and burning. This issue requiresmandatory surgery, since such a condition can lead to infection of the bladder, prostate abscess, as well as to a complete blockage of the flow of urine. If left untreated, this condition is often fatal. Most often, intravenous antibiotics and painkillers are used for therapy.
- Chronic bacterial prostatitis. This disease is the result of recurrent urinary tract infections. As noted by experts, such inflammation of the prostate often develops in men for many years before symptoms begin to appear. The symptoms of the disease are very similar to the previous version, but are less intense. It is difficult to make such a diagnosis. For treatment, antibiotics and pain pills are used for 4–12 weeks.
- Chronic non-bacterial prostatitis. It is the most common form and occurs in 90% of cases. This condition is characterized by pain sensations that are concentrated in the lower abdomen and in the genitals and are observed for 3 months. There are no bacteria in the urine, but there may be other signs. Very often this condition is confused with interstitial cystitis.

In order to determine that the patient has inflammation of the prostate, after questioning, the doctor performs rectal palpation. The characteristic signs of the disease are an increase in the size of the organ and soreness of the anterior wall of the rectum. The most commonly used diagnostics are:methods.
- Ultrasound (ultrasound) helps to determine the presence of inflammation, to identify the size of the prostate and the condition of neighboring organs.
- An analysis to measure the level of sex hormones helps to determine the hormonal state of a man. With increased production of testosterone, prostate tissue proliferation and inflammation are provoked, and with a reduced amount, the functioning of the prostate gland is disrupted.
- Analysis of prostate secretion helps to detect changes in the functioning of the organ, and also helps to determine the cause of the disease.
- Bacterial analysis of the mucosa - most often this study is able to identify the pathogen, as well as determine the sensitivity of the parasite to antibiotics.
- Blood test for pathogen detection.
The main task of diagnosis is to correctly identify the causes and prescribe the right therapy for an inflamed prostate.

All procedures are always prescribed taking into account the type of ailment. It should be noted that the correct diagnosis is not the last value, since the recovery methods are different. You need to be sure that all symptoms are not caused by urethritis or other diseases that so often lead to a permanent infection of the kidneys or bladder.
Treatment of symptoms of inflammation of the prostate in men and boys may include the following activities:
- Warm baths and anti-inflammatory drugs. This option is the most conservative and common in the treatment of the disease.
- Antibiotics are routinely used for acute bacterial prostatitis but are completely ineffective for noninfectious prostatitis. Most often, a two-week course is prescribed, but sometimes more. Almost every acute infection can be defeated in this way. Antibiotics for inflammation of the prostate of a chronic bacterial type are used for a long time, most often from 4 to 12 weeks. About 75% of this type of disease is treated successfully. When therapy fails, it may be recommended to use low doses of antibiotics for a long time. Painkillers and muscle relaxants are also prescribed to alleviate the sensations.
- Surgical treatment of infected parts. The doctor recommends such radical treatment only in very difficult cases of the chronic course of the disease or when the prostate gland blocks the flow of urine.
- Alpha-blockers are often used to treat inflammation of the prostate in men. These are drugs that perfectly relax the muscles of the bladder and prostate, as a result of which the flow of urine improves and pain symptoms decrease. Hormone-lowering drugs are also often used to reduce the size of the gland.
- Diet - some patients, by changing their diet, begin to feel much better. This requires eliminating spicy foods and caffeine, as well as sour and s alty foods. Bicycling should be avoided, as it significantly aggravates the condition.
- Massage is the majoritycases of non-bacterial prostatitis are successfully treated by combining primary therapy with myofascial and trigger point massage.

It should be noted that prostatitis is a disease that can be treated. But even when this is not possible, there are options to alleviate the patient's condition. It is strongly recommended to complete the full course of therapy even if the symptoms stop.
Folk remedies
Inflammation of the prostate is considered a common ailment among men, but many of them are embarrassed to seek medical help. For treatment, homemade recipes are selected that you can do yourself.
However, it must be remembered that alternative medicine can only help in the initial stages, when the signs of the disease are insignificant. Doctors also recommend combining them with drug therapy in order to achieve a more lasting result.
- One of the popular recipes for relieving the symptoms of inflammation of the prostate and treating it is the following mixture. For cooking, you will need honey (100 grams), grated onions (300 grams) and white wine (0.5 l). All ingredients are combined together and mixed well, and then infused for 7 days in a warm and dry place. After preparation, take 1 tbsp. l. before each meal.
- And also traditional medicine recommends using a pumpkin-honey mixture. For preparation, you will need to mix the crushed pumpkin seeds and honey in a 1: 2 ratio, and then put it in a frosty place. Apply 1 tsp. in the morning andin the evening, and this mass is best absorbed.
- In addition to the use of therapeutic mixtures, the patient is recommended to resort to physiotherapy procedures, for their appointment, you still need to contact your doctor.
- At home, you can use a calendula or chamomile enema, which has a calming and anti-inflammatory effect.
- Physical activity is required - morning exercises, jogging, brisk walking. All this has a beneficial effect on the state of the gland, and also improves blood counts in the organ, thereby removing the inflammatory process.
Given all of the above methods, we can conclude that this disease is a serious disease that should not be taken lightly. Therefore, after the onset of the first alarming symptoms, it is better to immediately consult a specialist, and still leave alternative therapy as an aid.
What is dangerous

If the disease is not treated in a timely manner, it can cause serious harm to the entire body. Usually, with such options, men have urinary retention, which adversely affects the condition of the kidneys. Initially, the urine does not leave completely, but is collected in the bladder. Then it begins to move towards the kidneys, which causes serious violations.
This is actually a very serious and dangerous condition. Due to urinary retention, toxins begin to accumulate in the body and severe intoxication is provoked. Harmful particles startpenetrate the blood, and if you do not provide assistance and do not put a catheter, then the person may even die.
In addition to all of the above, problems with the prostate can cause a decrease in libido. In some severe cases, male infertility has been observed.

Instead of treating unpleasant symptoms, it is better to prevent them. To maintain his own he alth, a man should refrain from bad habits and, if possible, undergo an examination annually.
It is necessary to avoid situations in which stagnation of prostate secretion is caused. This includes the use of coitus interruptus as a permanent method of contraception and the use of stimulant drugs.
Of course, men are the stronger sex, so they are not used to discussing their problems with a stranger, but this is very important to maintain their he alth. When the first symptoms appear, you should immediately consult a doctor and begin treatment. The longer he puts off going to the hospital, the more difficult it will be to defeat the disease in the future. Early access to a qualified physician is the key to effective and quick treatment without complications.