An impotent is a male who has a sexual dysfunction. All this leads to the fact that his penis cannot fully reach the dimensions necessary for sexual intercourse. It is this feature that characterizes all impotents. Who are these people, what are the causes of impotence, and how to deal with the disease, we will find out in our article.
General idea of the disease
It should be noted that not a single man suffering from a sexual dysfunction in the form of impotence is able to maintain an erection for the time necessary to complete a full coitus. Note that if erection problems occur in a young man, then he does not lose the ability to ejaculate.

Impotence or dysfunction?
It is curious that now in medical practice describing the behavior of an impotent, the above term is considered obsolete. He was replaced by another concept - "erectile dysfunction" or "violationerection". However, no matter how this ailment is called, only impotent suffer from it.
Who are people with impaired erectile dysfunction, we found out. Now let's talk about why she appears.

It should be noted that there are many reasons why erectile dysfunction develops.
- For example, it may be a consequence of diabetes.
- In addition, impotence can develop with endocrine disorders, with diseases of a urological nature.
- Sometimes a violation of potency may be associated with the use of certain drugs (psychotropic drugs, estrogens).
- Most often this disease is the result of neurosis, depression, neurotic conditions.
Don't be afraid of the word "impotent". Who are real men? These are those who are not afraid of difficulties on their way, those who do not hesitate to talk about their problem, to solve it. First of all, it is eliminated by going to the doctor.
Treatment methods
It should be noted that all methods of treating erectile dysfunction are divided into operational and conservative, they include:
- drug therapy;
- intracavernous injections of vasoactive drugs;
- Itraurethral impotence therapy;
- vacuum constrictor therapy for impotence;
- surgery;
- psychotherapeutic methods.
What if the husband is impotent?
It's no secret that with agepotency wanes. If the trouble is repeated more than once or twice, you should not push your spouse away. This can happen to any man in any family. How to solve this problem?

- You need to restore the most tender relationship with him, hug him, give him an intimate massage, try oral sex.
- Watch more often videos of erotic content, arrange romantic walks in the moonlight.
- Get some stimulants, lubricants, toys in the sex shop.
- Buy at the pharmacy drugs to increase potency ("Viagra").
- Convince your husband to see a urologist or psychologist. Keep in mind that this will be very difficult to do if the man refuses this idea and simply cannot stand the word "impotent".
Who are lovers? Those who can be cured only by divorce! Dear ladies, be prudent: if your husband does not visit you in bed, you should not follow him, be convulsively jealous and immediately look for a rival. The root of evil may lie elsewhere! In what - you already know!