Prostate pain: causes, possible diseases, treatment methods, reviews

Prostate pain: causes, possible diseases, treatment methods, reviews
Prostate pain: causes, possible diseases, treatment methods, reviews

Disturbances in the functioning of the prostate and pain in this area indicate a serious pathology in the body of a man. Urological problems have become very common. A symptom may indicate the presence of various diseases, of which there are more than enough in medicine. In the article we will talk about the most common ailments that men can suffer from.

What is the prostate

Before you start considering the topic of whether the prostate can hurt and why it happens, you should find out what it is. The second name of this part of the male body is the prostate gland. It is a small dense nodule with a diameter of about 3-4 centimeters, which visually looks like a walnut. The gland is located in the upper region of the urethra, or to be more precise, under the bladder.

what is prostate
what is prostate

An interesting feature of the prostate gland is that its size, density level and shape can vary from man to man and also change with age. For a completelife of the stronger sex, this body is important. Therefore, it makes sense to consider what functions it performs, why there are pains in the prostate area and how to get rid of them.

Why do we need a prostate gland?

One of the main functions of the prostate is to participate in the production of testosterone. In addition, iron:

  1. Provides a normal erection process.
  2. Produces a special secret that is needed for the maturation of sperm.
  3. Improves ejaculation by keeping sperm he althy.
  4. Performs the function of liquefying spermatozoa and activates their transportation, ensuring their vitality and mobility.

The occurrence of pain in the prostate is usually associated with the presence of an inflammatory process in the pelvis. The lack of timely diagnosis and treatment can lead to negative consequences for men's he alth.

Why does pain occur?

Today, urologists are able to diagnose several dozen diseases that are accompanied by pain in the prostate. Also, the development of pathology can be provoked by various factors, including:

  • intense sports training;
  • hypothermia;
  • decreased immunity;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • anatomical features of the structure of the pelvic organs.
Pain with prostatitis
Pain with prostatitis

As for diseases, prostate pain is most often diagnosed:

  • prostate adenoma;
  • prostatitis;
  • cancerprostate.

Let's consider each of these ailments separately.

Prostate adenoma

When a patient asks why the prostate hurts, the specialist will first of all think about this pathology. An adenoma of the gland is called a tumor in the area of \u200b\u200bdensification of the node. The disease has another name - benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH).

enlarged prostate
enlarged prostate

Prostate enlargement in most cases occurs at the age of more than 40 years, and after 50 years the disease is diagnosed in every second man. Urologists attribute this phenomenon to hormonal changes that occur in the body in adulthood.

Pain in prostate adenoma is usually localized in the suprapubic region, perineum, sacrum, lower back. They can be subtle or quite strong.

Pain is not the only symptom of the disease. Characteristic signs of prostatic hyperplasia are also:

  • frequent urination;
  • weak urine stream;
  • urination does not start immediately, but after a while;
  • having difficulty holding urine or being unable to empty the bladder;
  • reducing the amount of urine;
  • urinary leakage after urination;
  • night urge to go to the toilet;
  • burning during urination;
  • feeling of incomplete bladder emptying;
  • false urge to urinate;
  • Urine becomes cloudy or has blood in it.

These symptoms occur when the enlarged prostate blocks the urethra and the urethra narrows.


Prostatitis is one of the most common diseases of the genitourinary system in men and is most often diagnosed before the age of 45 years. The disease can be acute and chronic. It is an inflammation of the prostate gland and, depending on the stage, may be accompanied by the following symptoms:

  1. Acute catarrhal prostatitis. Pain in the sacrum and perineum, frequent and painful urination.
  2. Acute follicular prostatitis. Pain in the anus joins the previous symptoms, which increase during bowel movements. There are also problems with urination: urine flows out in a thin stream, in some cases there are delays. In addition, acute follicular prostatitis is characterized by moderate hyperthermia or subfebrile condition.
  3. Acute parenchymal prostatitis. The patient complains of fever up to 38-40 degrees, chills, acute urinary retention, sharp pain in the perineum, difficulty defecation. There are signs of general intoxication of the body.
Pain in the prostate
Pain in the prostate

In chronic prostatitis, the symptoms can be erased. The patient complains of periodic fever, discomfort in the perineum, discomfort during urination. A characteristic symptom of chronic prostatitis is the appearance of scant discharge from the urethra during bowel movements.

Other signs of this formdiseases are considered to be irritability, fatigue, sexual disorders (including impotence).

Prostate pain with this type of ailment can be both aching and intense.

Prostate cancer

The causes of this type of cancer are still unknown. Experts identify several factors that can affect the formation of a tumor:

  • age;
  • heredity;
  • wrong lifestyle (in particular, the presence of bad habits and lack of physical activity);
  • overabundance in the diet of meat products and animal fats;
  • vitamin D deficiency;
  • presence of urogenital infections;
  • hormonal failure.

The danger of prostate cancer is that at first the symptoms of the disease may be completely absent. This significantly complicates timely diagnosis. Pain in prostate cancer often appears in the later stages of the disease. They are localized in the sacrum and pelvis.

prostate cancer
prostate cancer

A man should carefully monitor his he alth in order to notice the appearance of symptoms such as:

  • frequent urination (especially in the evening and at night);
  • reducing the amount of urine during urination;
  • feeling of constant bladder fullness;
  • appearance of blood impurities in the urine;
  • appearance of pain in the groin, anus, lower back, sacrum;
  • heightened feelingweakness;
  • signs of intoxication of the body.

The progression of the pathology leads to the appearance of edema in different parts of the body.

Due to the fact that prostate cancer cells are able to travel throughout the body, various indirect symptoms can also be observed, such as shortness of breath, chest pain or coughing up blood. Their treatment with various expectorants and antibacterial drugs will not bring any effect, which should alert the patient.

Other reasons

Pain in the prostate can also occur as a result of some other diseases. For example, an unpleasant symptom is also observed with inflammation of the kidneys, urolithiasis, stones in the gland, cysts and various diseases of the rectum (hemorrhoids, proctitis, and so on). That is why you should not self-medicate. Only a specialist can determine the presence of a particular ailment, after conducting all the necessary studies.


Necessary therapy is selected only after confirmation of a particular diagnosis. It may include application:

  • painkillers;
  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • antibiotics;
  • hormonal drugs;
  • vitamin complexes;
  • immunomodulators.
drug treatment
drug treatment

Additionally, various physiotherapy procedures are performed, including:

  • massage;
  • electrophoresis;
  • laser therapy;
  • ultrasound therapy.

Allthey help improve blood flow in the perineum, normalize the functioning of the organs of the genitourinary system and, as a result, speed up the healing process.

In particularly difficult situations (such as cancer), it may be necessary to remove the prostate.

Folk remedies

As an addition to the main therapy, alternative methods of treatment can also be used.

The first option is a decoction of asparagus. To prepare it, it is necessary to pour the chopped asparagus root with boiling water and let it brew for 10 minutes. The resulting remedy is taken orally up to four times a day. Many claim that the tool is great for getting rid of pain.

The second option is an infusion of burdock. To prepare it, you need to boil the burdock root for 20 minutes, and then pour it into another container and leave for another 30 minutes. The infusion should be taken before meals twice a day.

Discomfort after prostate massage

The main goal of this procedure is to relieve muscle tension. It should not cause any discomfort in a man. But in some cases, patients complain of pain after prostate massage. As a rule, it gradually subsides within half an hour, but again makes itself felt after the next session.

prostate massage
prostate massage

In the event of such a situation, you must inform your doctor. He will select another suitable method of treatment, prescribe herbal remedies and uroantiseptics.

Discomfort after prostate removal

Pain after removal of the gland - verya common phenomenon and this is not surprising, because the patient underwent a surgical operation. To reduce discomfort, you need to follow all the recommendations of the doctor. Specifically:

  1. Take little fluids to minimize the urge to urinate.
  2. Do not push during bowel movements.
  3. Avoid constipation and use laxatives if necessary.
  4. Monitor your diet, avoid heavy foods.
  5. Get away from sports, heavy lifting and driving for a while.


Many men are interested in the question of how to avoid problems with the prostate. Unfortunately, in this case, everything is not so simple. Some factors can be influenced while others cannot. For example, a man is able to get rid of bad habits, go in for sports, normalize nutrition (reduce the amount of meat products and animal fats, increase the amount of fruits and vegetables eaten), avoid hypothermia, and so on. But he is not able to influence age-related changes or his hormonal levels.


Based on the feedback from patients who have ever had problems with the prostate, we can conclude that after the end of treatment, remissions of the disease occur in quite rare cases. The main thing is to notice the presence of a problem in a timely manner and not delay the visit to the urologist.
