The benefits of honey for men have been known since ancient times. The delicacy loved by many is rich in glucose, vitamins and useful minerals (magnesium, calcium, sodium, sulfur and others). To regulate testosterone (the main male sex hormone produced by the adrenal glands and testicles) and energy levels, honey contains such an important substance as boron. Consisting of a third of simple sugars, it causes the body to be filled with concentrated energy, which is simply necessary for high-quality sex. That is why for more than one century the bee product, which is an excellent aphrodisiac and energy booster, has been taken to maintain and treat men's he alth. Moreover, it is recommended to start using it from the age of 2.
Honey in combs: benefits for men
The natural product of the beekeeping industry is preserved in honeycombshoney. As if preserved in wax cells - a natural shell, the leader in increasing sexual energy for male potency is maximally saturated with useful vitamins and microelements and is also characterized by sterility and the ability to maintain a liquid consistency for a long time. Comb honey contains propolis and pollen in its composition, which significantly enhances the healing properties of a natural product.

The benefits of honey for men have been tested by people and time, therefore, to increase potency and improve sexual he alth, it is recommended that the stronger sex consume honeycombs daily. A small piece of a natural product is required to be chewed until it completely loses its sweetness. In the process of chewing, the contents of the honeycombs are squeezed out and propolis is released, which is very useful for the oral cavity. The benefits of honey for men increase significantly when combined with other stimulating products.
Efficiency of nuts with honey
At times will increase male power and awaken sexual desire honey with nuts. The benefits for men of such a killer combination, comparable in strength to Viagra, are enormous. This happens largely due to nuts, the composition of which is rich in essential oils, useful vitamins, vegetable proteins, minerals and fiber. The calcium and magnesium contained in the product activate the production of the sex hormone, zinc is intended for the formation of the testosterone molecule, and vitamin E is responsible for the reproduction function. In addition to significant improvements in the potency of honey incombined with nuts:
- nourishes the body with unsaturated fatty acids omega-3, -6, -9;
- helps in the treatment of atherosclerosis, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, lungs and kidneys;
- cleanses the intestines from harmful compounds due to the presence of fiber;
- normalizes cardiac activity;
- able to quickly put the patient on his feet with colds, subject to an integrated approach to treatment.
It is nuts with honey that significantly increase the body's immunity and improve its general condition.
Benefits for men: a recipe worth remembering
To prepare a composition useful for male power, you need to take 100 grams of a mixture of chopped nuts (walnuts, peanuts, hazelnuts, pistachios) and combine them with honey (1 tablespoon).

Take 100 grams 2-3 hours before bedtime. Nuts can be replaced with prunes, sunflower seeds or sesame seeds. The expected effect will come about 7-10 days after the start of taking the healing mixture.
Walnut for potency
Excellent restorative power has a walnut with honey. The benefits for men are fully felt just after a couple of uses of such a healing mixture. After all, a walnut against the background of its counterparts is a champion in the composition and amount of vitamins.

100 grams of the product contains 15.2 grams of protein, which provides energy necessary for sex. The present vitamins B and C cause an increase in synthesistestosterone, the molecules of which are formed with the help of zinc, also contained in walnuts. To maintain he alth, men are recommended to eat 12-18 pieces of such a useful product per day. Walnut is considered a heavy product: it is slowly digested, which makes the digestive organs work more intensively. To facilitate this process, nuts are best consumed in a crushed state.

A mixture of honey and walnuts to cure sexual impotence was also advised by Avicenna, a famous Persian scientist, doctor, philosopher, encyclopedist, chemist and astronomer. It is this combination, in his opinion, that increases the number and vitality of spermatozoa, and also has a positive effect on the reproductive system. In women, the honey-nut composition increases the chances of getting pregnant.
Peanut for potency
One of the most common and he althy nuts is peanuts. The product is rich in vitamin B, useful trace elements and folic acid, which is involved in the renewal and restoration of body cells. Magnesium contained in the walnut provides representatives of the strong half of humanity with an additional supply of energy necessary for a full sexual life.

Also, the use of peanuts helps to cleanse the body of toxic substances that penetrate inside with alcohol and nicotine, and the biotin present in the product prevents the development of baldness. Regular consumption of peanuts by mencontributes:
- restoring hormonal balance;
- increased sperm activity and testosterone production;
- improve sex drive and sperm formation.
The constant presence of peanuts in the diet is considered a good prevention of diseases of the genitourinary system, it is useful for normalizing disturbed sleep and getting rid of depressive conditions.
Peanuts with honey are effective for increasing sexual strength. The benefits for men are most noticeable when the nuts are used roasted.
Honey with nuts: reviews
Impotence for men has always been considered one of the worst misfortunes. Honey with nuts is a remedy that really helped many representatives of the strong half of humanity. This combination of products, according to numerous reviews, is a real salvation and, unlike medicines, does not have side effects. Confidence, vitality, magnetism and the desire to show oneself as much as possible on all fronts, especially on a personal one, return to a man.
Effective recipes to increase male power
It is required to mix 0.5 kg of honey with 50 g of hazelnuts, 25 g of Rhodiola rosea roots, steamed garlic, rosehip powder and 150 g of crushed walnuts. Eat 20-30 minutes before meals for a tablespoon. You can drink a decoction of plantain. Such a remedy is useful for men whose potency problems are associated with age.
It is effective to use honey in combination with nut milk, which can be obtained by grinding the kernels of 10 walnutsnuts. Then they need to pour half a glass of boiled water, insist for 2-3 hours, strain. Combine the resulting mixture with 2 tablespoons of honey. Take 2-3 hours before going to bed for a tablespoon.
Honey combinations good for men's he alth
For men, a combination of the following components with honey is useful:
- Ginger powder. In addition to increasing potency, it effectively helps in the treatment of prostatitis. The healing composition (in the ratio of components 1: 1) is recommended to take half a teaspoon three times a day. Drink tea.
- St. John's wort. 2-3 tablespoons of dried herbs are required to be steamed with 2 cups of boiling water, kept for an hour, and then strained. Combine the resulting mixture with bee honey and cognac (2 tablespoons of each component). Serve Magic Potion in a glass with ice cubes.
- Red wine, which can be used to make an erection-enhancing healing tincture. It is required to take 100 grams of parsley and plantain seeds, 50 grams of aloe juice, 200 grams of honey and 400 ml of wine. Insist the medicine for 10 days. Take before meals three times a day, a tablespoon.
- Aloe, 100 ml of juice of which you want to combine with 300 grams of honey, ½ kilogram of chopped nuts, 50 grams of mashed parsnip root. Half an hour before meals 3-4 times a day, it is recommended to eat a tablespoon of the healing mixture. The expected result will not keep you waiting.
- Carrots. In ancient Russia, problems with potency made it possible to forget the composition of carrots and honey, combined in equalproportions. The healing agent was required to be consumed 1/3 cup before meals 3-4 times a day.

The benefits of honey for men are undeniable, but the use of this product has a number of contraindications. Honey contains a large amount of carbohydrates, so its use should be normalized. Otherwise, overaccumulation of fat cells may occur, otherwise obesity.
After taking, honey should not remain on the teeth, as it can destroy tooth enamel. In case of heart failure, urolithiasis and cholelithiasis, acute forms of gastritis and pancreatitis, elevated temperature, it is better to use the bee product only with the permission of a doctor.