Red spots on the head and foreskin: what is the reason?

Red spots on the head and foreskin: what is the reason?
Red spots on the head and foreskin: what is the reason?

As a rule, red spots on the head and foreskin occur with contact dermatitis that develops when irritated by various substances: cosmetics - flavored soap, body gel; condom components - latex, gel; synthetic underwear, etc. Sometimes the above rashes are also accompanied by severe itching. Red spots on the head and foreskin are the main signs of balanoposthitis.

This pathology is not such a dangerous disease, but it is worth consulting a doctor in order to eliminate the risk of complications. If you find red spots on the head and foreskin, in no case do not self-medicate, since there is a high probability of all kinds of negative consequences. If the pathology was discovered after unprotected sex, then its etiology may be associated with severaldiseases.

redness of the head and foreskin treatment
redness of the head and foreskin treatment

Red spots on the head and foreskin can occur as a result of the development of thrush. Relapses of this disease appear during a period of decrease in the body's immunoresistance. Thrush in men is often accompanied by an abundant cheesy coating on the head of the penis. Balanoposthitis can occur against the background of the development of infectious (herpes, candidiasis, syphilis, trichomoniasis, gonorrhea) and non-infectious (diabetes mellitus, urethritis, decaying tumor, psoriasis) diseases.

Pathogenesis of disease development

Introduction of pathogenic microflora and irritation of the skin of the head of the penis and the preputial sac with chemicals lead to the progression of inflammatory reactions in the tissues. The nature of the process in each individual case is individual. Nowadays, physicians distinguish several groups of balanoposthitis, which are divided according to the nature of morphological changes. The most common form of the disease is erosive circular balanoposthitis. Gangrenous and pustuloulcerous forms of the disease are sometimes recorded.

inflammation of the foreskin in men treatment
inflammation of the foreskin in men treatment

Redness of the glans and foreskin: treatment

Therapeutic actions are carried out taking into account the etiology of the disease. When the first symptoms of the above pathology appear, it is necessary to submit for examination a microflora culture from the head of the penis and urethra for the presence of ureaplasmas, mycoplasmas, chlamydia, fungi, Trichomonas, and also conduct a blood test for syphilis and sugar. Only taking into accountclinical signs and laboratory data, a diagnosis of inflammation of the foreskin in men can be made. The treatment of this disease is complex. If purulent formations are detected, antibiotic therapy is prescribed. It should be noted that self-medication in this matter is excluded, since antibiotics can mask syphilis, which is in the stage of the incubation period. Untimely treatment of the latter leads to serious consequences. If syphilis is suspected, sulfa drugs are prescribed. If the main cause of inflammation of the foreskin is phimosis, then quite often doctors resort to surgical treatment (circumcision).
