External prostate massage is a procedure that is well known to many men suffering from prostatitis. Prostatitis is a severe inflammation of the prostate gland. The disease develops only in men. This is a fairly common disease.
Prostatitis symptoms

At the initial stage of the development of the disease, there may be no symptoms. After some time, there is a lot of discomfort in the form of:
- aching pain in the lower abdomen and back;
- ejaculation disorders;
- bleeding in the urine.
Such signs prevent a person from leading a he althy and fulfilling lifestyle. When the first symptoms of pathology appear, it is important to consult a doctor in a timely manner. The disease tends to progress and turn into prostate adenoma. At the initial stage of the development of prostatitis, treatment is carried out with a medical method. When the disease is advanced, the problem is eliminated surgically.
The inflamed organ increases in size and blocks the outflow of urine. This can cause serious complications. Attending doctoroften prescribes external prostate massage to his patients. This has a positive effect on the he alth of the reproductive system of the body and eliminates inflammation of the prostate.
Diagnosis of disease

When one of the symptoms of prostatitis appears, the doctor conducts a digital examination of the anus - assesses the size and general condition of the organ. If during the examination the patient has pain, the doctor sends the patient for an ultrasound diagnosis. The main ways to examine the prostate are:
- CBC.
- Smear for bacterial culture.
- Ultrasound.
Based on the results obtained, the doctor prescribes treatment. The dosage and course of treatment are determined strictly by the attending physician. Self-medication can harm and aggravate the situation.
Prostate massage appointment

Prostate massage is the most effective medical manipulation for prostatitis. It removes unwanted delayed secretions and stimulates blood circulation and metabolism. Thanks to this stimulation, juice comes out of the prostate, which contains harmful organisms that provoke the development of the inflammatory process. In addition, this procedure greatly enhances the effect of drugs.
External prostate massage is used not only for therapeutic purposes. It allows you to increase the level of potency, but at the same time produces a negative psychological effect. Many men refuse this type of treatment because they are embarrassed. ATIn this case, massage can be done at home. The doctor advises a relative or close person of the patient on the issue of prostate massage. It is important to carefully listen to all the recommendations of a specialist. You do not need to have special skills and abilities to succeed.
Urologist recommendations

If you want to massage the prostate, it is important to take into account a few rules for its implementation:
- hands must be clean;
- nails should be cut;
- should wear gloves.
To simplify the procedure, you can use a special lubricant that will facilitate entry into the anus. Finding the prostate is quite easy. When the index finger enters the anus, a slight circular motion should be made. The organ feels round and slightly elongated, with a soft and smooth texture.
During an external massage, the prostate hardens and secretes juice, with which harmful microorganisms come out. Some doctors recommend lubricating a finger with sea buckthorn oil before inserting into the anus. As you know, this plant perfectly relieves inflammation and eliminates soreness.
If the patient experiences severe acute pain during the massage, then all actions should be stopped immediately. It will only harm the man. Massage should be carried out only after examination by a urologist. In some cases, this type of treatment is contraindicated, since it can only aggravate the course of the disease. But we must not forget that for all theirbenefits prostate massage has certain contraindications.
Main contraindications
Prostate massage is a rather serious procedure that should be performed strictly according to the doctor's recommendations. It is absolutely not suitable for the treatment of an acute form of prostatitis, as it contributes to the development of an infectious disease in the male body. It is also not recommended for the following disorders:
- The presence of a strong inflammatory process in the body.
- Serious diseases associated with the prostate gland.
- Increased body temperature of the patient.
- Hemorrhoids.
Many are interested in how to do an external prostate massage. But not everyone knows that with hemorrhoids it is forbidden to massage the gland, since severe and acute pain can occur during its implementation. Hemorrhoids are often painful and bleed.
Preparation for prostate massage

To achieve a positive effect of the procedure, massage should be carried out systematically. Before starting therapy, you need to fill the bladder, but it is important not to overdo it. 30-40 minutes before doing an external prostate massage, you need to drink about a liter of water, juice or another drink (non-alcoholic). This is necessary in order to create the necessary pressure in the pelvic organs, which will provide the most dense interaction between the surface of the prostate gland and the massaging finger.
Structure and location of the prostate gland

The prostate gland is located in the pelvic region, covers the bladder neck and the proximal urethra. The prostate itself is a complex complex of alveolar tubular glands separated by connective tissue.
The proportions of the affected organ are as follows:
- reaches 4-4.5 cm in length;
- wide - 2-3.5 cm;
- in thickness - 1.7-2.5 cm.
In the process of massaging the prostate from the outside, all actions should be carefully performed. It is important to consider the structure of the organ.
Prostate massage process

Before starting the procedure, the patient should bend his knees and pull them to his chest. This position relaxes the pelvic muscles and is best for this manipulation.
The person who will massage the prostate should be directly behind the patient and enter the index finger without excessive force. It is important that the patient does not have a feeling of pain and discomfort. The technique of external prostate massage is discussed with the doctor. Only after consulting a doctor should you start this type of therapy.
After the insertion of the finger, it is necessary to feel the location of the damaged organ - the prostate gland. To the touch, it has a similar shape to a walnut. One of its edges is located at a distance of about five centimeters from the anus.
Once the person performing the procedure has been able to feel the prostate, the shape, size, density, and denser areas should be determined. Makethis should be done carefully, as the damaged organ is very painful and can cause severe discomfort to the patient. During the session, it is necessary to monitor the patient's reaction. The affected areas of the body are the most painful. Do not be overly zealous, because rough and fast movements cause pain. Such actions should be avoided due to the fact that pain may indicate an advanced disease in which it is forbidden to perform massage. Before performing an external prostate massage, it is important to consult with your doctor.
The fact is that pain should disappear after two or three sessions, and if this does not happen, then this indicates the presence of contraindications.
Prostate massage consists of gentle strokes. It is necessary to carry out massage movements throughout the affected organ. This manipulation should be carried out as follows: with a massaging finger, lead from the periphery of the gland to its center, along the excretory channels.
You should pay attention to the fact that the right side of the prostate gland is less susceptible and it is better to start the procedure from there. Then you can make a smooth transition to another part.
Don't be afraid if the prostate has different density in some places, because this is the norm. When carrying out a massage, it is worth making appropriate efforts to different areas, that is, massaging the hard parts more intensively, and the soft parts more carefully.
Before the end of the session, several even and gentle pressure should be appliedfrom top to bottom along the central sulcus.
In the process of massage, it is important to avoid excessive and sudden efforts. The absence of pain is an indicator of a quality massage.
As a result of the massage, the secret of the prostate gland will be removed through special channels. This substance may appear at the tip of the penis. After the procedure, it is recommended to go "in a small way" so that the flow of urine can finally clear the canal from the secret.
Prostate massage conditions
This procedure is performed in a course of 10 sessions. After the first visits, you can pause for a few days. Then the intervals should be reduced to one day and closer to the end of the course, exclude intervals. The session lasts from 30 to 60 seconds.
Doctor's conclusion
It is inconvenient to perform external prostate massage on your own, so it is better to have a doctor do it.
In chronic prostatitis, it is allowed to treat the disease with the help of prostate massage. Only a doctor can determine the form and nature of the disease. After a full medical examination, based on the results of the tests, the specialist prescribes the treatment.
If the prostate has significantly increased in size, then this indicates that the organ has become very inflamed. Because the most common cause of prostatitis is infection, your doctor will prescribe antibiotics. With an advanced form of the disease, treatment often takes place in a hospital under the strict supervision of the attending physician.
Urologists recommend regular check-ups as it is the bestprevention of various diseases.
External prostate massage without penetration is not as effective as internal prostate massage. It's just that in some cases, penetration into the anus can be harmful.