Small testicles are a rare medical condition that indicates that a certain pathological process has begun in a man's body. Such a violation can be both congenital and acquired. Only unfavorable factors conducive to such a process can lead to small testicles in a man. There is no physiological reason for the change in testicular size. Testicle size matters for a man's he alth.
Features of pathology

The clinical picture of the disease will include only changes in the size of the testicles, most often such a violation does not bring any discomfort and danger, except for psychological discomfort.
Only a urologist can determine the appearance of such a pathology after a physical examination and a thorough analysis of the results of a laboratory and instrumental study of the patient. Treatment in this case will be selected individually for each patient and based on pathological factors.
Normal parameters
A man's testicles in a normal state have the followingparameters:
- length - ranges from 4 to 6 cm;
- width - not less than 2 cm and not more than 3.5 cm;
- total volume - from 12 to 30 cm squared.
If we talk about a child, then such a deviation can be detected when the external male genital organs do not reach 16 mm in length, and less than a centimeter in width. It is important to remember that for newborns, doctors set their own indicators - the length is 2 cm and the width is 12 mm.

All values shown are averages, so small deviations in one direction or another are always acceptable. They will also be considered normal.
Reason for violation
Clinicians have identified several factors that can lead to a decrease in the size of this paired organ. Why do testicles get small? Possible reasons:
- difficulties with laying testicles during fetal development of the embryo;
- chromosomal diseases or anomalies at the gene level;
- negative effect of many factors on the surface of the skin of the male genital organ.

The most dangerous factor is:
- diseases of an infectious breed suffered by a woman while carrying a child;
- various forms of complicated gestation;
- pregnant woman taking various drugs that lead to teratogenic effects (not following the dosage when taking medicines).
Possible diseases and disorders
There is a group of individualchromosomal and gene diseases that can affect the child and lead to a decrease in his paired organs. So why small testicles? Possible reasons:
- hypopolasia;
- Klinefelter syndrome;
- Shereshevsky-Turner syndrome.
The following disorders have a negative effect on testicular tissue:
- problems with the hormonal system;
- autoimmune processes in the body;
- various infections of the genitourinary system;
- appearance of a malignant tumor in a man's body;
- effect of ionizing radiation on a person;
- prolonged exposure to high and low temperatures on the inguinal zone;
- various kinds of injuries and damage to the groin.
In addition, a man's testicles can become smaller when receiving malnutrition or atrophy. Such violations in the body lead to the fact that the growth of the testicles is disturbed in the baby. Often this happens under the influence of the following factors:
- cryptorchism or hypogonadism;
- ectopia or dropsy;
- varicocele or orchitis;
- difficulties in the work of the endocrine system, which is responsible for the production of hormones;
- testicular torsion;
- damage to the scrotum;
- testicular tumors of a benign or malignant nature;
- epididymitis;
- uncontrolled use of anabolic steroids.
Main varieties
Depending on the time of occurrence of the disorder, a decrease in the size of the testicles in men can be:
- congenital type - this phenomenon occurs at the time of development of the embryo and the intrauterine laying of its genital organs;
- acquired type - occurs at any age under the influence of the described factors.
Also allocate a violation by its distribution. These include:
- unilateral - in this case, one testicle is smaller than the other;
- bilateral - the size is small for both testicles at once.
Clinical picture
Despite the fact that testicular size disorder is already considered a clinical sign, the problem can be further complicated by other symptoms that negatively affect the patient's condition.

When one testicle in a man differs in size from the other, the following symptoms occur:
- difficulties with the process of urination, which can be seen by a change in the intensity of the jet;
- sexual functions change;
- infertility occurs;
- a disease in the scrotum that has spread to the entire groin;
- appearance of signs of gynecomastia: enlargement of the mammary glands (just like in a woman), discharge of white fluid from the nipples;
- malformations of internal organs that appear with chromosomal changes;
- severe, aching pain in the lower abdomen;
- rapid weight loss;
- spreading pain down the back;
- difficulties with erectile function;
- ejaculate can be detected in the urine (there is an admixture of sperm in the urine);
- feelsheaviness and discomfort in the scrotum, which only increase when walking or sitting for a long time;
- scrotum swelling begins, it changes color;
- hard patches appear in the testicle that can be felt on self probing.
It is important to remember that the described symptoms are not all. The manifestations of pathology in each case will be completely individual.
Carrying out diagnostic measures
To determine if a man or boy has small testicles, you just need to palpate.

But this is not always enough to make an accurate diagnosis. In order to prevent the possible development of the disease and preserve the he alth of the patient, a number of clinical studies need to be done:
- Ultrasound of the pelvic organs, especially the testes.
- Make a spermogram, which will help assess the general state of spermatogenesis and identify the chance of a normal conception of a child.
- Dopplerography of the pelvic vessels, especially the testicle. This procedure helps to establish the nature and degree of blood flow in the penis.
Providing treatment
It is possible to get rid of the influence of the factor, due to which the size of the testicles in a man has changed, with a complex therapeutic effect:
- medication to suppress infectious processes, hormonal disorders and autoimmune diseases;
- Androgen intake - to stimulate tissue effects;
- hormone replacement – iftheir production has dropped significantly;
- course of physiotherapy activities;
- producing a proper diet - adding light food to the diet (used as an auxiliary method of treatment);
- orchifuniculectomy - surgery to remove one testicle with spermatic cord;
- radiation and chemotherapy.

Trying to deal with such a violation on your own is not worth it. Doctors strictly prohibit the use of various traditional medicines for treatment, as they can only worsen the patient's condition and lead to complications.
Preventive measures
When determining the degree of he alth of a man, the size of the testicles is of particular importance. To prevent the risk of the main symptom, primary and secondary prevention should be carried out.

Primary prevention should be carried out at the time of childbearing. For the mother, it includes the following measures:
- lead a proper lifestyle, monitor your activity;
- to make the right diet without food harmful to the body;
- start taking medicines only if necessary and as directed by your doctor;
- it is important to eliminate all infectious and pathological diseases in the early stages of pregnancy;
- it is important to visit an obstetrician-gynecologist often - diagnostics help to timely identify various processes and anomalies in the body of a woman and a developing child and immediatelystart getting rid of the problem.
Secondary prevention measures, already for men themselves, include:
- prevent various injuries and damage to the scrotum;
- frequent trips to the urologist for an examination;
- timely treatment of pathological diseases of the genitourinary system;
- Prevention of body exposure to radiation.
As a result of diseases
The most dangerous diseases and factors leading to small testicles in the scrotum include:
- Taking drugs. Narcotic substances, when taken regularly, have a negative effect on the organs, leading to a decrease in their size. A man needs to understand what drugs can lead to.
- Steroids. When using steroids, it is important to be aware of all possible dangers. Drugs and other products that include testosterone prevent the male hormone from being produced normally. With their regular intake, the testicle begins to atrophy and significantly decreases in size.
- Varicocele. A rather dangerous disease, due to which the patient's blood circulation inside the testicle is disturbed.
- Epididymitis, hydrocele, torsion and other diseases. Often in the stronger sex, the size of the testicles changes due to the presence of a cancerous tumor in one of them.
This list of reasons is far from exhaustive. It is important to carefully monitor the condition of your body, follow the right lifestyle and give up bad habits.
Appearance of epididymitis
Currently such a diseasefairly common in men. The inflammatory process in the testicle can begin as a result of a complication of a previous disease (flu or tonsillitis). It is for this reason that it is so important to be treated for colds and viral diseases. Most often, epididymitis occurs as a result of tuberculosis, gonorrhea and syphilis.
Symptoms of inflammation of the appendages: pain in the scrotum, which only gets worse when walking, redness of the skin in the groin area, fever. To accurately identify the disease, you need to undergo a full study and pass the appropriate tests. Doctors prescribe bed rest and complete rest for the patient, as well as prescribe analgesics, antibiotics and physiotherapy.
In the process of treatment, the patient is prohibited from any, even minimal, physical activity, exposure to the sun and hypothermia, the use of a large amount of smoked, fatty and spicy food. It is important to include more he althy foods, vegetables, fruits, fish and cooked meats in your diet.