The best drug for prolonging sexual intercourse

The best drug for prolonging sexual intercourse
The best drug for prolonging sexual intercourse

Statistical data claim that about 150,000,000 men suffer from disturbances in potency. Of course, they have a lot of inconvenience, especially with the time of sexual intercourse. Problems begin in the family when a woman does not have time to enjoy sex. Then nervousness appears between partners, because quality sex is a very important part of a successful union. If for a couple such a short duration of caresses becomes a problem, then a man begins to think about drugs to prolong sexual intercourse. In this article we will talk about the most popular tools of this class.

Drugs to strengthen potency

drug to prolong sexual intercourse
drug to prolong sexual intercourse

The main original drugs for prolonging sexual intercourse, which are approved by the Ministry of He alth, include the following:

  • "Levitra";
  • "Cialis";
  • "Viagra";
  • "Zidena".

The active substance, dosages, methods of application for all means are different, but the principle of action and restrictions for admission are the same.

In addition to these drugs, there are also generics, they are called analogues in a different way. They are very similar in action, but before use, you must read the instructions for use. They increase the tone of the muscles of the penis and have a fairly attractive price. The most common analogues include:

  • "Auvitru";
  • "Snovitru";
  • "Apcalis";
  • "Tadasip";
  • "Suhagru";
  • "Anaconda 120";
  • "Dynamic" and so on.


There are four types of drugs to prolong sexual intercourse. They differ in pharmacological action. Such funds help to strengthen potency, thereby prolonging sexual intercourse. Information about the four groups can be obtained by examining the table in this section of the article.

Group Explanations
Phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitors This group of drugs improves the blood supply to the penis of a man. Thus, it is possible to achieve the following result - an erection intensifies, and potency improves
NO-synthase activators Very similar in influence to the previous group. But there is a very big advantage - they practically do not affectmale cardiovascular system. The muscles relax, the penis is saturated with blood without any interference. Preparations of this group increase the strength of desire and prolong sexual intercourse. Among the most common medicines of this type can be called "Impaz"
Testosterone As already clear, this group includes products containing a hormone. It is worth considering that they have a lot of contraindications. Such medicines must be strictly prescribed by the attending physician
Homeopathic medicines Means of this type are produced on a vegetable basis. Basically, these are biologically active additives. Of course, the effect is not as strong as in the previous options, but there are practically no contraindications for taking

Contraindications for men

Almost all drugs for prolonging sexual intercourse have contraindications, especially those made on the basis of hormones. In this section, we will talk about prohibitions, they must be taken into account before taking medication.

drugs to prolong sexual intercourse for men
drugs to prolong sexual intercourse for men

The main ones include:

  • children and adolescents up to eighteen years of age;
  • increased sensitivity to any component;
  • simultaneous use with other drugs for the treatment of impotence.

There are also cases in which you need to take these drugs with great care. In this list we will include:

  • hypertension;
  • hypotension;
  • anatomical deformity of the penis;
  • presence of penile implants;
  • leukemia;
  • anemia;
  • gastric ulcer;
  • heart failure;
  • arrhythmia.


In the pharmacies of our country you can find a wide variety of drugs of this type. All of them have different efficiency, pros and cons. Below is the average 2017 price for the most popular means for prolonging sexual intercourse. The cost of drugs varies depending on the active substance and effectiveness.

Drug Price
"Cialis" (10 tablets) About 1.5 thousand rubles
"Dapoxetine" (10 tablets) About 1.5 thousand rubles
"Avanafil" (4 tablets) About 1.5 thousand rubles
Super P-force (4 tablets) About 1 thousand rubles
"Super Vidalista" (10 tablets) About 1.5 thousand rubles
"Viagra" (1 tablet 25 milligrams) About 1 thousand rubles
"Udenafil Zidena" (1 tablet) About 600 rubles

Among inexpensive drugs to prolong sexual intercoursecan be noted listed below in the table.

Drug Price
"Dynamiko" (1 tablet) About 350 rubles
Golden Skate (20 Tablets) About 250 rubles

As you can see from the above tables, the price varies a lot. The most expensive means are:

  • "Viagra";
  • "Udenafil Zidena";
  • "Avanafil".

How can you explain this? Of course, popularity and longevity in the windows of pharmacies. Many men trust these products and use them mainly.


One of the most common drugs for prolonging a man's sexual intercourse is Cialis. In addition to the main purpose, the drug frees the partner's head from negative thoughts during sexual intercourse.

drugs in a pharmacy to prolong sexual intercourse
drugs in a pharmacy to prolong sexual intercourse

The package of this medicinal product contains four tablets, each containing twenty milligrams of the active ingredient. The maximum daily dose is one tablet. The effect is noticeable half an hour after taking, and its duration is thirty-six hours.


There is a wide variety of drugs in the pharmacy to prolong sexual intercourse. This tool was originally produced in the form of a good antidepressant. The instruction to it states that the only indication forapplications - premature ejaculation in men from 18 to 65 years. In the stronger sex older than this age limit, the drug is excreted from the body longer.

The maximum daily dose is one tablet. It must be taken with a glass of water. Please note that the effect will appear three hours after ingestion. When using this remedy, limit alcohol, which, in combination with Dapoxetine, reduces attention. The action lasts about twelve hours.


what drugs to prolong sexual intercourse
what drugs to prolong sexual intercourse

What drugs to prolong sexual intercourse are there? A very popular remedy is Avanafil (50 milligrams). It is recognized as the best remedy of this class, it not only solves the problem of dysfunction of the initial degree, but also prevents impotence. This drug is similar in action to Viagra, but has many advantages:

  • effect is visible fifteen minutes after ingestion;
  • duration is six hours;
  • you can drink alcohol while taking;
  • has a beneficial effect on the psycho-emotional state, suppressing fear and insecurity;
  • quick elimination from the body.

Drug "Avanafil" reduces the time between sexual intercourse, increases the response to tactile impact, that is, the penis becomes more sensitive. And a nice price can please every man.

Super Vidalista

Next renewal drugsexual intercourse, reviews of which are extremely positive, is called Super Vidalista. This drug was developed on the basis of new technologies and is an indispensable assistant for a man in a stressful situation.

Everyone knows that due to many situations (stress, he alth problems, and so on), a strong half of humanity is not capable of long-term full-fledged sexual intercourse. Men complain of poor erection. To enjoy sex and significantly extend the time of pleasure, you can resort to using this tool. To achieve the desired effect, it is worth drinking just one tablet, which will begin to act an hour after taking.


the best drug for prolonging sexual intercourse
the best drug for prolonging sexual intercourse

Viagra has been considered the best drug for prolonging sexual intercourse for quite a long time. Let's talk a little about this tool. Viagra is available in different dosages: 25 mg, 50 mg and 100 mg.

This drug is recommended for men to achieve or maintain an erection and increase the duration of sexual intercourse. It is worth drinking a pill one hour before the alleged intercourse. Please note that the maximum daily dose should not exceed one hundred milligrams. It is worth starting therapy with 50, then adjust the dosage based on the individual characteristics of the body.


Now briefly about the effective analogue of "Viagra" - the drug "Dynamiko". The active ingredient of the tablets issildenafil, which is contained in an amount of fifty to one hundred milligrams in one tablet.

Treatment with the drug should be carried out according to the attached instructions. Before using the tablets, you should consult with a specialist and find out the cause of the dysfunction. A he althy person is recommended to take a tablet with a dosage of 50 mg one hour before sexual intercourse. You can use the drug once every 24 hours.

Zidena (udenafil)

This remedy is also an analogue of Viagra, as it contains the active ingredient udenafil, in one tablet - 100 milligrams.

You can drink at any time, that is, regardless of the meal. The medicine is taken half an hour before the intended sexual intercourse. The maximum daily dose should not exceed 200 milligrams, taking into account the effectiveness and individual characteristics of the organism (component tolerance). It is recommended to take once a day.

Golden Skate

preparations for prolonging sexual intercourse reviews
preparations for prolonging sexual intercourse reviews

This medicine may contain twenty or one hundred oral capsules in a package. In the composition we can find:

  • seahorse extract;
  • ginseng root;
  • thistle grass;
  • kidney tea;
  • silk cup leaves.

Treatment with this remedy is carried out in a course of ten to twenty-five days. Take "Golden Horse" twice a day, two capsules with meals, drinking a glass of warm water.

Please note that the drugable to color urine blue or green.


Among drugs for prolonging the time of sexual intercourse, special creams with anesthetic are popular. Such funds are applied to the head of the penis for a certain time before sexual intercourse. Read the instructions for use carefully as some of these creams need to be washed off.

How do they work? The active substance of the drug slightly dulls the sensitivity of nerve endings, so that a man is not able to quickly achieve orgasm. So there is no risk that premature ejaculation will occur.


Among the medications for prolonging sexual intercourse, you can find lubricants with a cooling effect. Many couples use them to reduce friction during intercourse. The menthol present in the composition is able to dull the sensations, thereby beneficially influencing the duration. Such devices are best used in conjunction with a condom, as menthol can dull the partner's sensations. Note that lube (if used with condoms) must be water-based to avoid corroding the latex.


Lidocaine-based sprays are now gaining popularity. Their advantage lies in the ease of use. It is necessary to spray a little content on the partner's genitals and wait until the spray is absorbed. You can not use a condom, the product will not affect the sensitivity of the partner.


drugs to prolong the time of sexual intercourse
drugs to prolong the time of sexual intercourse

Produced condoms containing an anesthetic inside. They will help men who have not had sex for a long time. If premature ejaculation is a constant problem, then such condoms alone will be ineffective, it is better to drink a course of special drugs.
