Analysis for hormones in men: decoding, norm

Analysis for hormones in men: decoding, norm
Analysis for hormones in men: decoding, norm

Hormones are of great importance in the life of every person. Good he alth, mood, he althy sleep, the presence or absence of excess weight depend on the correct hormonal background. Men suffer from a failure in the work of even one link of the system no less than women. For this reason, testing for hormones is a fairly frequent appointment of doctors. What is such an analysis and what are the standards for deciphering it?

male hormone testing
male hormone testing

Hormones and their features

Hormones are the basis of all life support systems of the human body. They affect various types of metabolism: protein, carbohydrate, water-s alt, lipid and others.

It is precisely the even hormonal background that can ensure the proper functioning of the whole organism and its timely response to various diseases, overwork or stress. Hormones activate the human defenses, and they also contribute togood rest and recovery.

Genetically determined hormonal background is the cause of the development and maturation of a person, and later his old age and death.

The so-called male-type hormones are present not only in the male body, but also in the female, only in a different quantity. In men, the production of hormones depends on the work of the testicles and adrenal glands.


Testing for hormones in men is not routinely checked. Such tests are prescribed as an additional way to diagnose the disease, in order to get a more complete picture.

Such an additional check makes it possible to establish:

1. Presence of infertility.

2. Improper functioning of the thyroid gland.

3. Presence of diabetes.

4. Possible inflammatory processes.

5. Cause of being overweight.

6. Incorrect work of the adrenal glands.

7. Delayed sexual development.

8. Cause of skin problems.

Deciphering the analysis of hormones in men will depend on factors such as age, the presence of concomitant diseases, medication, and the general condition of the patient.

normal hormone test for men
normal hormone test for men

Rules and procedure for testing

In order for the analysis of hormones in men to be the most correct, it is recommended to follow some rules:

1. Such tests should be taken on an empty stomach. For this reason, it is best to schedule a visit to the lab in the morning.

2. To avoid hormonal surges,it is better to exclude heavy physical activity for the body.

3. Do not take drugs that affect the hormonal background during the test period. If it is impossible to cancel the appointment, inform the doctor about it.

4. Avoid alcohol the day before your doctor's appointment.

5. It is better to stop smoking at least two hours before donating blood.

6. Avoid fatty, fried and heavy foods the day before.

7. Try not to get too upset. Excessive emotional stress can affect the results.

What tests should men take for hormones?

A blood test is taken to determine the male hormonal levels. It is the blood that allows you to determine the work of two types of hormones (produced by both the testicles and the adrenal glands).

To make a correct picture of the disease, it is possible to prescribe the delivery of the following hormones:

1. Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH).

2. Dihydrotestosterone (DHT).

3. Testosterone.

4. Luteinizing hormone (LH).

5. Prolactin.

6. Estradiol.

7. Progesterone.

8. Sex hormone-binding hormones (SHBG).

Any kind of hormone has its function in the male body. Only their correct work allows you to maintain the he althy functioning of the body. A referral for specific tests can be made by a specialist based on complaints and symptoms.

test for hormones in men how to take
test for hormones in men how to take

Analysis for hormones in men: how to take, the rules for taking material

To determinethe hormonal background of a man, an analysis of his blood is taken, moreover, from a vein. To take the material, the specialist uses disposable instruments. After extracting the required amount of biological material, it is placed in sterile test tubes. The resulting amount of blood is then sent to the laboratory for diagnosis. It takes 5 to 10 days to get results. The procedure does not cause pain and takes no more than 5 minutes.

Follicle Stimulating Hormone

Follicle-stimulating hormone is one of the most important hormones in the male body. Its function is the possibility of conceiving a child, and it also affects the level of such an important male hormone as testosterone. A similar analysis is prescribed to exclude infertility. It is a continuation of the study of spermogram. Upon detection of weakly active spermatozoa, a decrease in sexual desire and the possibility of sexual intercourse, a similar study is prescribed.

Normal indicators of this type of analysis are its fluctuations from 1.37 to 13.58 mU. Any deviation from these figures is a negative indicator.


Dihydrotestosterone is a steroid hormone. It ensures normal puberty during the formation of a young man, and is also responsible for a man's ability to have sex. Most of the DHT is produced by the testicles, with the remainder being produced by the adrenal glands.

The performance of this hormone is greatly influenced by the age of the patient. So, for boys, the DHT norm is 5-50 pg / ml, forolder men - 250-990 pg / ml. By a more mature age, the content of this hormone in the body again noticeably decreases. Any deviation from the normal limits of indicators may indicate the presence of one of the following diseases:

  • inflammatory processes in the prostate gland;
  • excessive activity of the gonads;
  • endocrinological abnormalities;
  • disorders associated with hormone treatment;
  • inflammation in the adrenal glands;
  • beginning of andropause.

Lack and excess of DHT content in the body can also be determined by external signs. So, if a teenager is lagging behind in physical development, it is recommended to take an analysis for dihydrotestosterone, and if a man develops rapid baldness, it is also possible to diagnose an excess of normal indicators.

deciphering the analysis of hormones in men
deciphering the analysis of hormones in men


Testosterone is the best known hormone. It plays a significant role in the maturation of a man and his sexual activity. The testicles are responsible for its formation in the body. The main functions of testosterone are:

1. The formation of the male body, its maturation in adolescence.

2. The hormonal background determines the sexual behavior of a man.

3. Affects the body's metabolic processes.

4. Promotes the release and formation of sperm.

5. It has a great influence on the formation of the muscular corset.

This analysis of hormones (the norm and deviations from it) in men depends onthe following indicators: the age of the patient, his lifestyle, the presence of concomitant and chronic diseases, smoking, alcoholism, taking narcotic drugs, sampling methods. A similar analysis is taken in the morning.

This hormone test for middle-aged men should be between 345 and 950 ng/dl.

Luteinizing hormone

Luteinizing hormone is involved in such an important process as the production of spermatozoa and a sufficient amount of testosterone. This analysis is included in the list of mandatory checks in the presence of any hormonal failure.

This analysis for hormones in men should range from 2 to 9 mU / l. Deviations can indicate the presence of problems in the body. So, if the numbers are exceeded, inflammation in the pituitary gland may develop, while at low rates - kidney failure.

If there are small indicators, we can talk about violations in the genital area, which can be caused by being overweight, having bad habits, taking medications, and improper development of the pituitary and hypothalamus.


Prolactin is a hormone that is important for the female body. It ensures the normal conception, development and delivery of a he althy baby into the world. In the male body, prolactin carries out other tasks, and deviations in its indicators can cause sexual dysfunction, lack of offspring and other problems.

This analysis for hormones in men should normally correspond to the following values: 2.5-15 ng/ml. The overshoot can beevidence of the following problems in the body: changes in the functioning of the liver and kidneys, the development of inflammation in the pituitary gland, inflammation of the thyroid gland, and others. However, the excess of the results does not necessarily indicate negative processes occurring in the body. It can be caused by taking strong drugs (such as antidepressants).

what tests do men have for hormones
what tests do men have for hormones


Estradiol is a hormone that is more important for the female body than for the male, however, when checking the male hormonal background, this analysis is mandatory. Estradiol is produced in the adrenal zone, but most of it is released from human body fat. Thus, the more overweight a man is, the more likely it is that his body has a reduced testosterone content and an excess of estradiol (a female sex hormone).

The tasks of this hormone in the male body are the regulation of sperm production, metabolic processes, as well as the normalization of blood coagulation levels.

This blood test for hormones in men should normally be 16-73 pg/ml.

Decrease in the level of the hormone in the blood may be associated with active physical education, smoking, lack of protein foods, as well as an excess of normal prolactin levels.

To donate blood to determine the level of estradiol, you should consider some requirements and tips:

1. Avoid serious physical activity for a few days before donating.

2. Abstain temporarily from all bad habits. This will reduce the chance of an incorrect result.

3. Two days before the test, you should not have sex.


Progesterone is a universal hormone, no less important for both the male body and the female one. In the representatives of the stronger half, it plays an important role in the process of sperm production, as well as their activity.

This blood test for hormones in men normally varies on average in the following ranges: 0.35–0.63 nmol/l. With age, the indicators can increase, which can cause the development of diseases. To obtain a more accurate result, it is recommended to take the analysis in the morning (preferably in the morning) on an empty stomach.

analysis of male hormones in men
analysis of male hormones in men

Sex binding hormones

Sex-binding hormones ensure the transport of all hormones throughout the body, including one as important as testosterone.

This analysis for male hormones in middle-aged men should normally be 13-70 nmol / l. Representatives of a more mature age (over 55 years old) are characterized by a decrease in these indicators.

Determination of the state of the thyroid gland

An analysis of thyroid hormones for men is prescribed in the following cases:

1. When there is doubt about the final diagnosis.

2. To check the effectiveness of treatment and adjust it.

3. After operations.

4. Citizens whose place of residence affects the decrease in the leveliodine content.

Recommendations for donating blood:

1. The analysis is taken on an empty stomach in the morning.

2. A few weeks before the test, it is recommended to stop taking hormonal drugs.

3. It is not recommended to take tests during the recovery period after the disease.

Tyroid tests are:

1. Free triiodothyronine (T3).

2. Thyroxine total (T4).

3. Thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH).

4. Antibodies to TSH.

blood test for hormones in men
blood test for hormones in men

Instead of afterword

Thus, all of the above gives us an idea of what tests men take for hormones. This diagnosis is one of the most important ways to prevent and detect many diseases.
