What can I do to stop my husband from drinking? Ways to eliminate addiction

What can I do to stop my husband from drinking? Ways to eliminate addiction
What can I do to stop my husband from drinking? Ways to eliminate addiction

Many women are interested in what to do so that their husband does not drink. This topic often appears in the feeds of women's forums, as well as on various sites. Alcoholism is a terrible disease. And it needs to be fought. Sometimes even a small amount of alcohol consumption is a serious harmful addiction, which needs special attention. What advice and recommendations can be given to a woman to defeat her husband's alcoholism? Is there a rescue?

Looking for a reason

What can I do to make my husband stop drinking? Most often, alcoholism is a defensive reaction of the body. The thing is that constant stress, failures at work or in bed, scandals at home, as well as just other experiences - all this can lead to the emergence of harmful addictions.

what to do so that my husband does not drink
what to do so that my husband does not drink

What can I do to stop my husband from drinking alcohol? The first step is to find out what is the reason for this phenomenon. It is best to normalize the emotional background, try to provide a pleasant and light atmosphere in the house. Then, it is likely that a person will be able to calm down, relax, and also forget about alcohol. Less nerves, more worriescaress, love and tranquility.

Medical intervention

What can I do to stop my husband from drinking? In fact, if you can’t understand the reasons for the addiction, you need to turn to specialists. A simple addiction to alcohol is recommended to stop immediately. After all, if you bring the matter to alcoholism, you will not be able to solve the problem on your own.

We need to take the man to the doctor and code. The so-called torpedo is a success. This is a good way to code for alcoholics. Although there are no guarantees that a person will be able to get rid of addiction. As the doctors themselves say, until a man wants to stop drinking alcohol and cure alcoholism, it will not be possible to completely get rid of the problem.

The main nuance is that alcohol dependent people do not recognize their condition. Therefore, you have to constantly think about how to make a person not drink. The issue is usually solved by different methods, if neither the search for the cause nor the appeal to the doctors helps.

what to do to make my husband stop drinking
what to do to make my husband stop drinking


What can be done so that the husband does not drink? If the addiction under study has just begun to be observed, the wife must definitely talk with her soulmate. Without emotions, tantrums and screams. Moreover, it is desirable to select the time so that the husband is in a sober state. One rule should be understood: it is useless to talk about important topics with a drunk or drunk.

You can try to find a replacement for alcohol. Food often helps. Not the most efficient, but quite an interesting approach to solvingProblems. It is relevant when the husband himself does not mind getting rid of a bad habit. Instead of alcohol, it is recommended to consume some food or snacks. It is likely that this will help.

Shock therapy

What can I do to make my husband stop drinking forever? The next option sometimes helps, and very well. Psychologists claim that in some situations it is possible to apply the so-called shock therapy. This method is not effective for inveterate alcoholics. But for beginners it is quite suitable.

how to stop a husband from drinking
how to stop a husband from drinking

When the husband drinks again, you need to set up some kind of shocking situation. One that would be instructive. Each has its own methods of influence. Therefore, you will have to choose the method of shock therapy yourself.

What can I do to stop my husband from drinking? It is also proposed as a sobering and shocking effect to offer to live separately. You need to talk about this when the spouse is not drunk. It is recommended to "go to the mother with the children" and let the husband think about his behavior. A sincerely loving person will perceive such a situation as a shock. This will serve as an incentive to give up alcohol.


The situation under study is of serious concern to women. In the fight against alcoholism of a husband, many are ready to agree to any measures. Up to the people. Some indicate that various conspiracies help them. It is necessary to read them over a sleeping husband. Or, in general, somehow take the spouse to the witch grandmother, who will heal him.

In fact, the effectiveness of this methodno. Conspiracies are more of a myth. Or hope for those who believe in conspiracies, evil eye and corruption. Trying to cure a husband's alcoholism with this method should not be.

what to do to make my husband stop drinking forever
what to do to make my husband stop drinking forever


But what can I do to stop my husband from drinking? A more mundane version of "conspiracies" is hypnosis. The thing is that you can try not to encode a person, but to hypnotize him. Set your brain to reject alcohol.

The effectiveness of this method has not been confirmed, but many claim that hypnosis really helped. It should be noted that this kind of approach helps a lot if the spouse is easily suggestible. But for people whose suggestion is not too pronounced, hypnotists and psychologists may not help. There are no guarantees, but it should be considered as an alternative solution.


What can be done so that the husband does not drink? Often the answer is disappointing: nothing. As already mentioned, you first need to find out what is the reason for this behavior. If stress is to blame, or just a person "slipped in the wrong direction", then the situation can be corrected.

But it is worth considering the genetic predisposition to alcoholism. The thing is that craving for alcoholic beverages can be inherited. Even after a generation. Therefore, do not be surprised if the husband grew up in a family where someone abused alcohol, and now he is following in the same footsteps.

What can I do to stop my husband from drinking alcohol?
What can I do to stop my husband from drinking alcohol?

There are no effective methods in this situation. Canencode her husband, but over time, alcoholism will still make itself felt. It will manifest itself either quickly or after decades. But it will not be possible to completely forget about the problem. Therefore, it remains either to come to terms with the situation, or to turn to a psychologist for help and get a divorce. The exception is cases in which the husband himself wants to get rid of the addiction. Here you will have to use hypnosis, various medications, and medical help.


And it also happens that husbands start drinking, as they say, "for the company." For example, with colleagues or friends. At the same time, without them, a person does not feel the desire to drink alcohol at all.

How to solve a similar problem? Protect the husband from the company in which he drinks. It's best to talk to your spouse about it. It is recommended to simply change the circle of communication. For example, make friends with "teetotalers".

what can i do to stop my husband from drinking
what can i do to stop my husband from drinking


Now it is clear how to make my husband not drink. In fact, there is no single solution to this problem. It is difficult to force a person to give up such a serious addiction. Nearly impossible.

It has already been said: until a man wants to, he will not stop drinking. It is advisable to conduct explanatory conversations at the first signs of alcohol abuse. But without tantrums and quarrels. You need to direct your husband, point out to him the danger of his actions. Only then will it be possible to defeat the craving for alcoholic beverages.
