Many people believe that thrush, or candidiasis, is an exclusively female disease. In fact, this is not at all the case. Thrush affects both sexes: both women and men. An erroneous opinion has formed because representatives of a strong part of society often have this disease without any symptoms, and the patient does not even suspect that he has candidiasis. The causes of the disease and how to treat thrush in men will be discussed in this article.
There are several factors that can cause thrush in men. These include:
- hormonal disruptions in the body;
- long-term or frequent use of antibacterial drugs;
- pathological changes in the endocrine glands;
- disturbances in the digestive tract, dysbacteriosis;
- diseases of the endocrine system;
- various stress conditions;
- mechanical genital injury;
- sexual contact with an infected partner.

It should be noted that most often thrush appears as a result of promiscuity.
Symptoms of thrush in men
Signs of this pathology are:
- Pain during urination or sexual intercourse.
- Itching and burning of the penis. They appear as a result of the formation of ulcers. The process can spread to the scrotum, inguinal folds and inner thigh.
- Redness and swelling of the head and foreskin of the penis, on the surface of which cracks may appear.
- White cheesy consistency under the foreskin, with a sour smell. Just the color of plaque is the determining factor in the presence of thrush in men and women.
- Swollen lymph nodes.
- Increase in body temperature during the acute stage of the disease.
From the description it is clear what thrush looks like in men. How to treat it, the doctor will tell you after contacting the clinic.
Treatment of thrush in men
Before treatment, a man must undergo laboratory diagnostics. In addition to thrush, other sexually transmitted pathologies with similar symptoms are sometimes found. Self-treatment of candidiasis is dangerous because the infection will remain in the body in a latent form. When confirming the diagnosis of thrush in a man, his constant sex partner also needs to be examined and treated. sickcomplex therapy is prescribed using antifungal medicines and topical agents in the form of ointments and creams that have an antifungal effect. In some cases, the doctor believes that it is enough to use only agents that have a local effect. What and how to treat thrush in men? The choice of treatment method depends on the severity of the symptoms, the duration of the disease period and the intensity of the inflammation process. The return of the disease after the end of treatment indicates a reduced immunity or illness of the sexual partner. With relapses of candidiasis, one should strengthen the immune system, refuse sexual intercourse without condoms, improve nutrition and lead a he althy lifestyle.
Problems with thrush: which doctor should I contact?
Thrush is a disease caused by a fungus called Candida. In the normal state, such fungi are always present in the intestinal microflora, genitals and oral cavity. For the first time, a person can get sick with thrush in infancy as a result of non-compliance with hygiene standards by the mother.

Candidiasis can occur in various parts of the body, and in men it usually appears on the genitals. And if so, it becomes clear which doctor treats thrush in men - this is a urologist. In addition, candidiasis may well be caused by a completely different sexually transmitted disease. In this case, you must also contact a venereologist. It should be noted that a man must honestly answer the doctor's questions so that the latter can correctly prescribe the typeexaminations to determine the exact cause of the disease. In a chronic or acute form of the disease, when conventional methods of treatment no longer help, an infectious disease doctor deals with this problem.
Treatment of candidiasis in men
Many representatives of the stronger sex are interested in the question of whether a man should be treated for thrush if he does not have any signs of the disease, and his partner is undergoing antifungal treatment? The absence of symptoms does not mean at all that the partner is not a carrier of candidiasis. In some men, and their number is approximately 15%, thrush occurs without any symptoms. Treatment given only to the partner will be useless, because the next time the man has sex, he will infect her again. This will continue until both partners are treated.
Why do men get thrush less often than women?
This fact is also confirmed by doctors, and it can be explained as follows:
- The environment in which Candida fungi fall is acidic in women, which contributes to their easy reproduction, and in men it is alkaline. The presence of fungi on the skin and mucous membranes does not develop further and does not give a clinical picture.
- The genitals of a man are located outside, so the fungi do not receive favorable conditions for development, and in women - a warm and humid environment contributes to their rapid reproduction.
- Only against the background of poor he alth and stressful situations, the symptoms of the disease in a man are pronounced. It was previously described what thrush looks like in men. How to treat it, in each case decidesdoctor after laboratory test. Signs of candidiasis in he althy men often resolve without appropriate treatment.
- The development of the disease in women is influenced by the constant change in hormonal levels. It is related to the monthly menstrual cycle and pregnancy.
- Men, even when symptoms of thrush appear, rarely go to the doctor, trying not to notice the inconvenience, or prefer self-treatment.

In fact, the manifestation of candidal balanoposthitis (inflammation of the glans penis and foreskin) is an alarming signal for a man. First, he may have problems with the immune system. And secondly, this may indicate latent infections that are sexually transmitted: trichomoniasis, gonorrhea, mycoplasmosis, chlamydia and others. Can thrush be treated in men? There is only one answer to this question - it is not only possible, but also necessary. And you should not waste precious time on self-diagnosis and self-treatment.
Consequences of candidiasis in men
Incorrectly chosen treatment for thrush and its transition to a chronic form can lead to serious consequences. In medical circles, they are divided by time of onset:
- Close - a predisposition to the occurrence of pathologies of a venereal nature, the likelihood of cracks and erosion on the mucous membrane of the penis, discomfort in the intimate area, problems with sexual life.
- Remote - often there is an infection in the genitourinary system, cystitis, nephritis, inflammation developprostate, urethritis. In addition, rarely, but there is a violation of reproductive functions.
Chronic disease
Chronic thrush in men, how to treat? The process continues for a long time, and the result is not always successful. In this case, both local and general antifungal medicines are also used, but according to a different scheme. After each exacerbation of the disease, ointments are changed, and the drug "Fluconazole" is prescribed for a longer period. Together with the treatment of pathology, the immune system is also strengthened. For this, various immunomodulators are used. The constant use of antifungal agents often develops resistance to them in the infection, and he becomes powerless in the fight against it. Therefore, before prescribing a drug, laboratory tests are carried out for the sensitivity of fungi to it.
Using traditional medicine
You can treat thrush in men at home with simple and effective means, using various folk methods. So, using ordinary soda, the symptoms disappear quite quickly, the microflora in the genitals changes to he althy. We need to prepare two bowls. Pour cold water into one, hot water into the other.

In each put soda, at the rate of one tablespoon per liter of liquid. Further, alternately sit in each basin, the penis should be in the water. Duration about a minute. Continue the process until the water has cooled down. Such treatment will help to quickly cope with the problem and restore confidence inyourself. Let's look at a few more recipes.
Laundry soap in the treatment of thrush
The components that make up this cleanser have a detrimental effect on pathogenic microflora, including Candida fungus. Before going to bed, take soap, lather it to a thick foam. Lubricate the head of the penis with the resulting composition and go to bed. After waking up, take a shower and wash off the soap. Repeat this procedure until the symptoms of the disease are eliminated.
Using herbal teas
Herbalists advise men to use medicinal teas in monthly courses in addition to traditional therapies or soda baths.

Healing tea recipes:
- Anise, oregano, hawthorn are taken in equal parts and poured with boiled water. Insist for at least fifteen minutes, then filter. Take several times a day instead of regular green or black tea.
- Mix taken in equal parts: calendula, wheatgrass, goldenrod, yarrow, walnut (leaves). Pour one tablespoon of this herbal mixture with a glass of water and leave for about twenty minutes. Then use it as a brew. It is recommended to drink at least half a liter of this therapeutic mixture per day.
How to treat thrush in men at home with garlic?
This bulbous plant is actively used to treat fungal diseases. For a quick cure, it is recommended to eat one clove every day. This should be done before meals for thirty minutes. The treatment period is two weeks. Another way is as follows. Crush the garlic using a special tool and mix it with olive oil. Put the resulting mixture in the refrigerator for three days. Then lubricate the head of the penis twice a day (morning and evening). As soon as burning and tingling begins, rinse immediately. Repeat the procedure until the signs of the disease disappear.
How to treat thrush in men, you already know, and now let's get acquainted with preventive measures, the implementation of which will help prevent the development of this unpleasant disease:
- When having intercourse, use water-based gels to lubricate the penis.
- Pay attention to the material from which the condom is made. For example, latex products can cause allergic reactions.
- Get your weight back to normal. Include fermented milk and plant foods in your diet.
- Do any sport.
- Maintain immunity. If necessary, take vitamin complexes.
- Be sure to use a condom for casual relationships.
- Do not use synthetic products to wash the genitals. The ideal option is regular soap.
- When choosing underwear, give preference to cotton or natural fabrics. They allow air to pass through, do not cause excessive sweating, and do not overheat the body. Keep in mind that bacteria thrive in humid environments.
- After taking a shower or bath, carefully dry the genitals.
- Put on dry clothes immediately after swimming in a pool or pond.
How to treat thrush in men:drugs
Before trying any means for the treatment of this disease, it is necessary to examine and consult a doctor for both women and men. This disease is treated on an outpatient basis, i.e. at home, using:
- folk methods that are very effective and affordable;
- antibacterial agents (antibiotics);
- ointments, creams.

How to treat thrush in women and men? The approach to treatment is the same for both sexes - this is the intake of drugs inside and the use of drugs externally. If the disease is in the chronic stage, then the number of drugs prescribed by the doctor increases. The most commonly used medications are:
- "Nystatin";
- "Irunin";
- "Pimafucin";
- Diflucan;
- Nizoral;
- Lamisil;
- Econazole;
- "Natamycin".

It is important to remember that if a woman has thrush, then her soulmate should also be treated. Otherwise, re-infection will occur during intercourse. For a man, even with a slight discomfort - the appearance of discharge, itching, redness, it is advisable to consult a doctor and undergo a diagnosis to confirm or exclude an infection. And how to treat thrush in men, the doctor will tell you based on the results of the tests.