Potency is one of the indicators of the normal functioning of the organism of any man. In the language of doctors, potency is "erectile dysfunction", which means problems associated with a lack of erection or the inability to complete sexual intercourse. There are a lot of reasons why this disorder appears. It can be an insufficient tone of the penis, and problems with ejaculation, etc.

As a rule, erectile dysfunction in advanced cases turns into impotence, when a man not only experiences some difficulties with erection, but there is a complete absence of it. Reduced potency is rarely an independent disease, most often the causes lie in other organs or systems of the body.
However, there are cases when erectile dysfunction is a completely natural process. For example, more than half of men experience a decrease in potency after 50 years. But at the same time, as doctors note, in recentyears, such problems began to occur more often in younger men.
So, this article will help you figure out what erectile dysfunction is, what causes a decrease in potency, and also which doctor you should contact if this problem occurs. Medications and foods to help manage erectile dysfunction will be described.
Erectile dysfunction - description of the disease
Erectile dysfunction is a problem in which the volume, hardness and straightness of the penis is not sufficient for sexual intercourse.
Earlier, doctors used the Latin term impotentia coeundi, which described the inability of the penis to have sexual intercourse. However, today the term has been revised, and it no longer occurs in modern medical literature. Today, such designations of the problem as erectile dysfunction or erectile dysfunction are considered generally accepted.

In normal he alth for a man, sexual intercourse consists of the following elements:
- attraction;
- caresses leading to erections;
- penis insertion;
- committing frictions for some time;
- ejaculation leading to orgasm.
If failures occur in this chain, then sexual intercourse is no longer considered a full-fledged one. As already noted at the beginning of the article, a decrease in potency is not an independent disease. Most often, erectile dysfunction is a consequence of otherdisorders in the body.
There are two types of erectile dysfunction - psychological and physiological (organic). From the names it becomes clear that in the first case, a decrease in potency is associated with the psychological aspect of the problem, and organic dysfunction is associated with a malfunction of the genital or other organs. The table below summarizes their symptoms.
Symptoms of psychogenic dysfunction |
Symptomatic of organic dysfunction |
The problem appears suddenly (a sharp decrease in potency) | The problem starts to manifest itself gradually |
Potency decreases periodically | The decrease in potency occurs in progression |
Sexual function disorder began on the background of stress or strong emotions | Sexual dysfunction began after some other disease or after taking certain medications |
Night and morning erection persists | Absolutely no erection at night and in the morning |
During intercourse, the tension of the penis remains | When intercourse, the tension of the penis disappears |
It is worth considering in more detail the causes of both psychological and physiological erectile dysfunction.
Psychological reasons
To this group of causes of erectile dysfunctionrefer to:
- stressful situations that are related to problems at work, conflicts with friends and relatives, fear and uncertainty when thinking about the future;
- chronic fatigue;
- syndrome of waiting for failure (this syndrome is observed in those men who once encountered a failure during intercourse or with a weak erection). They begin to unconsciously suppress their sexual desire with fear;
- depressive and subdepressive states.
From the above, it is clear that psychological problems can exist on their own or border on physiological ones. So, for example, fatigue or depression can be caused by disruption of the central nervous or endocrine systems.

Physiological causes
Physiological causes of erectile dysfunction may be as follows:
- diseases of the cardiovascular system;
- diabetes mellitus;
- thyroid disease and hormonal imbalance;
- disturbances in the functioning of the brain and spinal cord;
- side effects of drugs (most often, a decrease in potency can be observed after taking antidepressants, anticonvulsants, drugs to reduce pressure, steroids and antipsychotics);
- sedentary lifestyle;
- excessive drinking;
- drug addiction;
- overweight;
- prostatitis.
Without visiting and consulting a specialist, it is extremely difficult to determine the real cause of the violationerectile function. Therefore, it is worth understanding which doctor to contact with a decrease in potency.
Diagnosis and consultation of specialists
A doctor who studies the problems of erectile dysfunction is an andrologist. Andrology deals with the study of the following set of male problems:
- hypogonadism;
- infertility;
- pathology of ejaculation;
- inflammatory processes in the genitals;
- contraception.
A specialist in this field is able to study the he alth of a man, take into account all the factors that can affect the appearance of erectile dysfunction, determine the cause and prescribe the correct treatment for reducing potency in men.

However, not all medical institutions, especially those under state control, have a specialist in this area. In this case, you can contact a urologist.
During the initial examination, a doctor (andrologist or urologist) conducts a survey, evaluates the condition of the prostate gland, penis and inguinal lymph nodes. Further, the doctor may prescribe an ultrasound of the pelvic organs, biothesiometry of the penis, cavernosography, dopplerography of blood vessels, collection of blood, semen and prostate secretion.
For a complete study of the clinical picture, consultations with such specialists as an endocrinologist, nutritionist, cardiologist, sexologist and psychologist can be scheduled. Their conclusions will help to determine in the most accurate way which group the problem of potency reduction belongs to (psychological or physiological). And also it will help the urologist orandrologist to prescribe a more appropriate course of treatment.
Means to increase potency
Many drugs designed to increase potency receive a huge amount of positive feedback, both from those who use them and from doctors. However, it is worth remembering that not all drugs to increase potency can completely get rid of the problem. Some of them have a temporary effect, and without taking them, it is not possible to have sexual intercourse. And also it should be noted that you should not independently select medicines of this type. It is best to consult a doctor and, on the basis of his advice, purchase one or another drug.
So, the most popular and effective drug is Viagra. Its active substance is sildenafil. According to observations, the drug begins to act after 30 minutes and allows a man to have sexual intercourse and experience an orgasm. Clinical studies note that the drug acts for five hours. However, after intercourse, the erection disappears. Contraindications include diabetes mellitus, diseases of the cardiovascular system and hypertension. "Viagra" is considered a drug to increase potency without side effects, however, before using it, you need to consult a doctor.

Sealex is the second popular medicine. The advantage of this drug is the duration of the effect, which is 36 hours. According to experts, during the action of the drug, a man is able to experience up to 15 erections. Foreign practiceshows that regular use of the drug (up to 10 mg per day) helps a man to have sexual intercourse at any time. The components that make up the drug improve blood circulation and relieve the symptoms of adenoma. The dosage of the drug is calculated on an individual basis, so a doctor's consultation is necessary.
Another means to increase potency is Levitra. The drug, the active substance of which is vardenafil, takes effect within 30 minutes and maintains the effect for five hours. This drug has some serious contraindications. It is important that it cannot be combined with certain other medicines. Before taking it, you need to consult a doctor.
In addition to medications, some products are good for reducing potency. Their regular use in food can significantly improve the state of men's he alth. It is worth considering what you need to eat with erectile dysfunction.
This fish is rich in vitamin D and can increase testosterone levels in the blood of the male body by 90 percent. Scientists from Australia conducted research and proved that eating tuna has a positive effect on DNA molecules in sperm.
From fish you can make a salad or a steak. The main thing is to include it in your diet and try to use it as often as possible.
Turnip is recommended for use in many diseases, as it is rich in vitamins and nutrients. Turnip is one of the most useful products for increasing potency in men.
Turnippromotes the release of testosterone, and its seeds do an excellent job of increasing sexual desire. The product can be consumed fresh or boiled or prepared from it as a medicinal mixture. To do this, you need to grate turnips and carrots, mix them in a 1: 1 ratio, add a teaspoon of honey and take 3 tablespoons every day. Contraindications to the use of turnips are diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, hepatitis and diseases of the pancreas.
Quail and chicken eggs are one of the most important products for increasing potency in men. The norm for an adult male is 3 eggs per day. With this amount, the protein supply will be replenished in the body.

Quail eggs can be eaten raw, but raw chicken eggs should be discarded, as they may be infected with some kind of infection. Therefore, chicken eggs should be boiled before eating.
Some spices can have a positive effect on potency. These include:
- barberry;
- cinnamon;
- saffron;
- cardamom;
- coriander;
- garlic;
- red ground pepper.

All these seasonings have a general strengthening effect and are able to increase immunity, fill the body with the necessary elements and improve blood circulation. The latter is one of the key points for increasing potency. It is only necessary to add spices to food daily, and this will help in the treatment of erectiledysfunction.
This product is one of the main in reducing potency in men. Daily consumption of 200 ml of milk can increase the level of testosterone in the body, and remove the accumulated female hormone - estrogen.
In this case, the use of milk will be useful for the whole organism. However, it is worth remembering that it is best to give preference to milk bought at the farmers' market, as store-bought milk may not provide such benefits.
With the regular use of nuts, potency gradually increases. This fact is due to the fact that nuts contain vitamins E, B, zinc and magnesium. These are exactly the substances that a man needs to increase potency. In addition, nuts contain arginine, which is able to activate the production of nitric oxide, a substance that helps the appearance of an erection.
It is worth including a small portion of nuts in your daily diet and eating them for a long time. Walnuts, almonds, nutmeg and pine nuts, hazelnuts and cashews are best for increasing potency.
Erectile dysfunction is a problem that gives any man a huge amount of trouble. The most important thing is to get a consultation with a specialist in a timely manner and take the necessary actions - take treatment, start leading an active lifestyle and eat right. And if the problem is caused by a psychological factor, a qualified psychologist will help to cope with it. The most important thing is not to try to overcome the problem on your own and turn todoctor.