The structure of the male reproductive system has its own characteristics that ensure the stable production of seminal fluid necessary to realize the most important vital need for procreation. The location of the testicles in this matter plays an important role. The left testicle is lower than the right - perhaps any man paid attention to such asymmetry. Is this considered normal?
Features of the structure of the male reproductive system
The role of the reproductive system in the life of any man is invaluable. It is extremely important to monitor the he alth and work of all organs that are involved in the process of procreation. Only a stable and well-coordinated interaction of all organs can guarantee a man a successful natural conception of a child and a high-quality sex life.
A distinctive feature of the male reproductive organs is that they are located outside the body. The external location is not accidental, nature has provided for everything. This structure of the body allows you to maintain the optimal temperature necessary for the maturation of high-quality spermatozoa.
However, this arrangement of important organs increases the risk of injury. A man is advised to avoid unwanted damage, choose the right underwear (it should be loose and made from natural fabrics) and follow basic hygiene rules.

Testicular placement
The testicles or texticles are a paired organ that is located inside the scrotum. One testicle is always slightly larger than the other, and they are located asymmetrically, which also carries an important meaning.
Most often there are cases when the left testicle is lower than the right one. This structure is explained by the peculiarities of the blood supply in the genital area and allows you to maintain stability in the work of the reproductive system. The left testicle dangles lower than the right because it is supplied by the renal artery, which is longer than the right testicular artery connected to the abdominal aorta.
Another important reason why the testicles are located at different levels is to protect against friction during movement. If they were at the same level, then when walking they would constantly rub against each other, which would lead to injury and an increase in temperature inside them, which is unacceptable.
The role of the testicles in the reproductive system
The main role of the paired organ in the male reproductive system is the production of sperm. This is a kind of laboratory for the production of seminal fluid, important for any male representative.

The seed production process requires a special temperature regime, for this reason the testicles are locatedin the scrotum. The structure of the skin-muscular sac provides thermoregulation by contracting and stretching, thereby bringing the testicles closer and further away from the body (warming and cooling).
Again, placing the left testicle lower than the right one keeps the organs from overheating and allows them to better maintain the right temperature.
What kind of asymmetry is considered normal?
There are cases when the right testicle is lower than the left, and this is normal only in one case - if a person has a mirror arrangement of organs. Such an abnormal structure is very rare, therefore, if an atypical asymmetry is found in the testicles, you need to contact a specialist.
When the reproductive system is stable, the location of the left testicle below the right is considered the generally accepted norm and should not cause concern in a man if there are no symptoms of discomfort.
Pathological abnormalities
Cases where the asymmetric arrangement of textiles is a pathology must be considered separately. Why the left testicle is lower than the right is described above, but there are nuances in this matter.

- The difference in height between the testicles is more than 3 centimeters. This is considered a deviation, may indicate the development of pathologies (torsion of the spermatic cord). If blood circulation in the testicle is disturbed, this will lead to necrosis and death of the organ, which threatens infertility.
- If in the normal state in men the left testicle is lower than the right one, but for unclear reasons they changed places and appearedadditional discomfort, then this is a signal for a visit to the doctor. Such a phenomenon may indicate the development of a varicocele (dilation of the veins of the spermatic cord).
Pain in the scrotum and genitals should alert. Pathologies can develop unnoticed by a man, so it is important to undergo regular preventive examinations. If the right testicle is lower than the left and hurts, then this should not be left to chance, immediate medical attention is required, which will help to avoid unpleasant complications.
There are cases of congenital anomalies in the structure of the genital organs, such phenomena require medical supervision from childhood.
Diagnosis of the he alth of the reproductive system

During a visit to the doctor, it is important not to hide any information, there is nothing to be ashamed of in matters of he alth. Before prescribing the necessary diagnostic measures, the doctor must conduct an oral survey and examination of the patient:
- Which particular testicle has changed in size, which caused the visit to a specialist.
- How much discomfort is felt, is there pain.
- The doctor must find out if the genitals were exposed to external mechanical stress.
- Are there concomitant diseases of the genital area.
Only after collecting an anamnesis, the patient is sent for testing (blood and urine), ultrasound of the pelvic organs and scrotum, additional examination of the prostate gland. A competent doctor will establish the true cause and select the appropriate treatment. Self-treatment inreproductive he alth issues can be not only useless, but also dangerous.

Basic principles in therapy
According to the results of medical diagnostics, the necessary treatment is selected. Modern medicine offers several approaches to restoring he alth:
- Drug therapy.
- Surgical intervention.
- Monitoring the patient's condition without additional intervention.
The use of medicines is possible to treat infections of the reproductive system, which have a detrimental effect on the he alth of male testicles. Control by the attending physician will allow you to quickly restore he alth and avoid the return of the disease.

The operation is indicated in severe cases, as well as testicular torsion, which requires immediate intervention. Torsion must be corrected within 24 hours to avoid the death of the organ and its removal, which is likely to lead to male infertility. The symptoms of such a pathology are hard to miss, it is accompanied by quite acute pain in the scrotum.
The best prevention for men's he alth is vigilant attention to the signals of the body and timely access to a doctor for help.