Enlarged prostate: causes, treatment and consequences

Enlarged prostate: causes, treatment and consequences
Enlarged prostate: causes, treatment and consequences

Prostate is a gland in men. She is small in size. The shape of the prostate resembles a chestnut. This gland is located in the upper part of the urethra. Namely, in front of the rectum and behind the bladder. The prostate gland is of particular importance to men. Since it is responsible for their reproductive function. In addition to this, it also has other tasks of the body. Under the influence of certain factors, iron can increase in size. You should know that if the prostate is enlarged, then this signals the presence of any pathological process. Therefore, it is worth immediately taking measures to improve the body.

For an effective treatment process, it is necessary to make an accurate diagnosis and identify why the prostate is enlarged. To do this, first of all, you should contact a medical institution, where a specialist, based on the symptoms, will determine the treatment regimen. If a person self-medicates, then there is a possibility that he will move in the wrong direction. Thus, the healing process may be delayed or not come at all, and the prostate will remain enlarged. Her photo will not cause positive emotions in anyone, thereforetreatment is desperately needed.

Description of the gland. How is it developing?

When a baby is born, the prostate gland is very small. When a young man reaches puberty, his body begins to produce large amounts of a hormone called testosterone. Under its influence, the prostate gland becomes large.

enlarged prostate
enlarged prostate

A man becomes fully sexually mature at the age of seventeen. This value can change both up and down. Further, for 20 years, iron practically does not grow. There is a statistic that says that at the age of thirty the prostate is enlarged in 10% of males.

You should know that in the age period after 40 years, the prostate gland of men is involved in the second stage of its growth. But in the period over 60 years, the prostate is enlarged in 50% of the stronger sex. By the age of 80 or 90, 90% of the male population has an enlarged prostate.


Why is the prostate enlarged in men? The prostate gland is located in such a way that it surrounds the urethra. At the age of seventeen, the increase in this organ occurs evenly. Therefore, men have no reason to worry. But in other periods of life, this condition of the body requires medical assistance. The fact is that due to its location, with an increase in iron, it begins to put pressure on the urinary canal. It is being squeezed. As a result, it becomes difficult for a man to carry out the process of urination. This condition of the body is called benign hyperplasia. There is another common name for this problem, namely prostate adenoma. With the progress of such a disease as hyperplasia, the patient's condition worsens. If treatment measures are not taken, then the moment will come when the emptying of an organ such as the bladder will become impossible. In addition, a man may begin the process of thickening of the tissues of the bladder. It is necessary to establish as soon as possible why the prostate enlargement occurs. You should take the necessary measures to eliminate this problem.

What are the symptoms of an enlarged prostate?

Quite often a man does not feel that he has an enlarged prostate gland. The main symptom that indicates this is that he begins to have difficulty emptying his bladder.

In the beginning, the symptoms of this disease are almost invisible. This is due to the fact that the urinary canal has muscles that carry out the compensation process. You should pay attention to how urination occurs, namely to the flow of fluid. If it is interrupted and weak, then this is cause for concern.

The following are the main symptoms that indicate an enlarged prostate.

Signs of an enlarged prostate:

  1. Difficulty emptying the bladder.
  2. Patients have an unemptied bladderbubble.
  3. After a person goes to the toilet, the liquid comes out in small drops.

The more pressure on the urethra, the worse the symptoms will be. There are a number of other signs of an inflamed prostate. They occur due to the fact that the bladder does not empty and causes irritation. Let's take a look at them now:

  1. When a person goes to the toilet to empty their bladder, they experience pain.
  2. Man experiences frequent urge to urinate. Particular disturbance occurs at night.
  3. The patient has a feeling that he needs to urgently go to the toilet.
  4. There is also urinary incontinence.

What is the danger of the disease?

What is the danger of an enlarged prostate? If a man does not take any action to identify the causes of this phenomenon, and also does not carry out treatment measures, then severe complications may occur. Also, if the diagnosis is incorrectly made, this will lead to aggravation of the patient's condition. Urine that accumulates in the bladder and does not leave it for a long time will cause infections to develop. There is also a chance of stones appearing.

why is the prostate enlarged in men
why is the prostate enlarged in men

In addition, there will be damage to the inner walls of blood vessels. As a result, bloody discharge appears in the urine. Also, blood may indicate that the organ has sharply stretched. If the bladder does not empty, then the urine will again pass into the kidneys of a person. This situation, after a certain time, will lead to the developmentdisease such as kidney failure.

A man who sees the above symptoms in himself is recommended to immediately contact a specialist in a medical facility. Especially if the prostate is enlarged by 2 times. This is a lot, so in no case should you delay this problem. Since in the future it will not lead to anything good. The person must be treated promptly.

Treatment methods

How to treat an enlarged prostate in men? There are several treatment options:

how to treat an enlarged prostate in men
how to treat an enlarged prostate in men
  1. Observational method.
  2. Medication method.
  3. Surgical intervention.

The main criteria in the selection of treatment options are the reasons for which the prostate enlargement occurred, and the patient's condition. Namely, at what stage of the disease he turned to a medical facility.

Only a doctor can correctly assess the condition of a man. He will determine the treatment plan. Therapy is prescribed on an individual basis, taking into account the characteristics of a particular patient. It should be repeated once again that it is not recommended to self-medicate. Since it can be erroneous and harm the body.

how dangerous is an enlarged prostate
how dangerous is an enlarged prostate

The observation process is assigned to the patient if the prostate is slightly enlarged. And there are improvements after making certain changes in the patient's lifestyle. In other words, if it is possible to cope with the disease without the use of medicines, thenyou should use the above method.

When the observational method of influence did not have the desired effect on the prostate gland, it is recommended to switch to the use of drugs. This method of treatment is called medication. Do not delay with the transition to this recovery scheme. Since neglected situations can cause complications.

How is the observation phase of treatment carried out?

When a man's prostate enlargement symptoms are mild, actions such as limiting fluid intake should be taken. Especially care should be taken not to use it a few hours before the moment when a person goes to bed. Thus, a man will not feel anxious at night due to a full bladder. Drinks that contain alcohol should be avoided or reduced to a minimum. The fact is that they stimulate the formation of urine in the human body.

the prostate is enlarged by 2 times is a lot
the prostate is enlarged by 2 times is a lot

Make sure you urinate when you go to the toilet. If a man uses diuretics, then you should familiarize yourself with the possible side effects.

How is a medication regimen built?

When fluid restriction does not help to cope with the problem and the prostate is still doubled, it is necessary to include medications in the treatment regimen. There is a certain list of drugs that help in the treatment of the prostate gland.

the prostate is slightly enlarged
the prostate is slightly enlarged

In no case should you appoint them yourself. Since the wrong medicine can be harmful to he alth.


What groups of drugs are used in the treatment of the prostate?

  1. Medicines that contain hormones. Through these drugs, the process of prostate enlargement is regulated. This happens due to the effect on it of hormones such as androgens. Hormonal drugs reduce the effect of this group of hormones on the gland. Also, the action of these drugs is aimed at blocking the production of testosterone.
  2. You should know that in addition to the positive effect, hormone therapy has a number of serious side effects on the body. These include impotence and loss of sex drive. The positive effect of this therapy is to reduce the size of the prostate and normalize the urinary process.
  3. Alpha blockers. The action of these drugs is aimed at strengthening the vessels of the gland and normalizing the process of blood circulation. This group of drugs also has side effects. They include dizziness, low blood pressure, and rapid heartbeat. Patients who experience any side effects in their body are advised to stop taking the medication. You should be aware that alpha-blockers are quite quickly excreted from the human body. Your doctor will usually recommend taking these medicines several times a day. Their action is aimed at relaxing the bladder. This leads to pain during urination.sensations do not bother the patient. Positive dynamics is observed a couple of days after the start of the use of alpha-blockers. Patients note the normalization of the jet when going to the toilet and the absence of pain. It also increases the time between the process of urination. This also indicates the positive effect of the drug.
  4. Phytopreparations. This disease has been known since ancient times. Therefore, people tried to overcome it through medicinal plants. Currently, there are ready-made preparations. They are made from plants. Do not be skeptical about herbal medicine. In fact, these drugs have such an effect on the body as a decrease in the inflammatory process, inhibition of the development of inflammatory cells in the prostate gland.
  5. symptoms of an enlarged prostate
    symptoms of an enlarged prostate
  6. Drugs that target tumors.
  7. Antimicrobials.
  8. Antibiotics.
  9. Homeopathy.


What to do if prostate adenoma is doubled? A few years ago, through surgical intervention in the human body, this ailment was treated quite often. But now there is a trend that the prostate can be treated using modern dosage forms, avoiding the surgical method. However, there are cases when this method is used in treatment. These include the following:

  1. If the patient has bladder stones.
  2. Severe cases of urination.
  3. Presenceblood in urine.
  4. Prostate enlarged three times (prognosis, if no action is taken, unfavorable).

Surgery is an effective treatment. However, there are risks of complications. For example, narrowing of the urinary canal, problems with potency, incontinence.

Operation. Contraindications

There are also contraindications, in which it is impossible to carry out surgical intervention in the human body. These include:

  1. Heart disease.
  2. Pathological processes of the human kidneys and lungs.
  3. Mental disorders.
  4. Diabetes mellitus.

Operation. Readings

There are a number of indicators for which surgical intervention is prescribed. These include:

  1. Failure of drug treatment.
  2. Acute urinary retention.
  3. A large amount of urine left in the bladder, namely 50 milliliters, after going to the toilet.
  4. The appearance of complications such as stones, inflammation of the urinary tract, kidney pathology.


Now you know why the prostate is enlarged in men. We also considered the signs of such a condition. In addition, the treatment of the disease was considered.
