"Eh, we should have such an erection!" - sighed dominoes, looking at the chess pieces. Ashot Nadanyan.
Potency in adulthood
Every man wants to feel full of strength and sexual energy in old age. However, despite this desire on a subconscious level, we are still sure that after 50-60 years old age will come, and we will have to say goodbye to the sexual side of life. We are sure that the he alth of a man after 50 years, whose potency certainly leaves much to be desired, is inexorably falling. But is it?

Never think in patterns! Be sure that your potency will remain with you in your declining years, maintain this indescribable feeling of he alth and energy, so characteristic of young people. And of course… follow the tips below. We will discuss all the ways to increase potency that doctors practice.
Whypotency decreases in men after 50?
There are extremely many factors here and, alas, it is far from always possible to exclude them all. Doctors identify external and internal causes that reduce libido. These reasons lead to a deterioration in metabolism. As a result, potency in men after 50 years is rapidly falling.
External causes of potency reduction
Sedentary lifestyle. If you have a sedentary profession, and you are forced to spend most of your working day in a chair, it is not surprising that blood circulation in the pelvic organs will soon be disturbed. Poor circulation causes a lack of oxygen and deterioration of the prostate and testicles. And increasing potency in men after 50 is more difficult than reducing it.
Alcohol and smoking. Probably, comments are unnecessary here, because everyone knows how destructive nicotine and alcohol are for male power. And if nicotine acts slowly, then alcohol, if abused, can damage your male he alth very quickly.

Physical inactivity also causes excess weight, which puts pressure on the organs of the genitourinary system and displaces them. As a result, in addition to potency, general well-being also suffers.
Stress. "All diseases are from the nerves" - and this is true. Constant stress and mental stress negatively affect the internal organs and the condition of the back. Due to a change in the psychological state of men, the desire to have sex disappears, and rare sexual contacts do not savesituation. As a result, blood circulation in the pelvic organs is disturbed.
Muscular frame. With age, it loses strength, giving way to muscle weakness and, as a result, sexual failure. It is important to lead an active lifestyle, to do physical exercises.
Internal causes of potency reduction
The internal causes of potency reduction include problems with the organs and systems of the body. First of all, these include inflammatory diseases of the reproductive system, which are found in many in their youth, but do not receive proper treatment, as they occur in a chronic form. Over time, the prostate begins to have an extremely detrimental effect on such a fragile happiness as potency. In men after 50 years, it is more difficult to treat it than at a young age.
Besides, men are concerned about high blood pressure, hormonal disruptions, worsening metabolism. The latter is often the result of diabetes. Diabetes causes many complications, including a decrease in testosterone levels. In this case, you should contact an experienced endocrinologist who will prescribe the appropriate treatment.
Attention! A hernia of the spine can cause a violation of potency.
Of course, if you find yourself with a decrease in sexual function, consult a doctor and establish the cause. This will help to return to an active sex life much faster.
How to improve potency? Doctor's advice
Remember a few simple rules to follow strictly.
- Move more and be outdoors more often. Doctors advise choosing mobilesports that can improve blood circulation in the pelvic organs.
- Smoke less, and if possible give up this addiction altogether.
- Do not abuse alcohol. It lowers testosterone.
- Watch your weight.
- Keep your blood pressure and cholesterol from rising.
- Don't take anabolics. They can lead to impotence even at a young age.
- Stress free. You can't hide from stress - but you can learn to disengage from it.
Following these points, you will maintain a sufficient level of testosterone, and the problem of reducing potency will not affect you.
In addition, there are several other methods that cause an increase in potency in men after 50 - drugs, exercises and prostate massage. Let's take a closer look at each of these points.

Contrast bath for potency
If your potency has decreased after 50, try a contrast bath. It improves blood flow to the genitals through exposure to cold and hot water.
Take 2 basins and fill each of them with water. One is cold, the other is hot. First, sit in hot water, linger in it for half a minute, and then change into cold water. Repeat this procedure for about a quarter of an hour.
Eat… and increase libido along the way
It's no secret that some products cause an increase in potency in men (after 50 as well). These products include:
- Seafood as a source of zinc. In general, it is recommended to eat more protein foods - eggs, meat, cottage cheese.
- Beans.
- Nuts and seeds.
- Herbs, especially celery and parsley.
- Natural unrefined oil, which is useful for seasoning salads. It can be olive, sesame, linseed and other oils.
Try to focus on these foods and consume some of them daily. You will notice results very quickly.
Several folk recipes
In addition, herbalists suggest trying a few recipes below that help improve the he alth of the whole body in general and the prostate in particular.

Honey and nuts. Combine chopped walnuts and honey in equal proportions. Eat this mixture for a month, 2 tsp. half an hour after eating. Store the mixture in the refrigerator.
Red wine and dried fruits. Take dried apricots, prunes and raisins in an amount of 100 g, add sugar (1 tablespoon) and sprinkle the mixture with cinnamon, cardamom and cloves to taste. Pour the composition with red wine and cook over low heat for about half an hour without a lid. Then the same amount of time - with the lid closed. The syrup should be drunk in 1 tbsp. l. 3 r/day.
However, there is a more "chemical" way to increase potency.
Drugs to improve potency
Currently, a huge number of drugs based on "Viagra" have appeared on sale, which quickly increase potency.
The mechanism of action of these funds is based on the expansionvessels. This causes blood flow to the penis and a persistent erection. However, they have a list of side effects. Basically, a side effect is a rush of blood to other organs and tissues, which can adversely affect their work. As a result, taking the drug can lead to tinnitus and headache, nasal congestion and respiratory failure.

It is important for people with heart problems to know that nitroglycerin and other nitrates, which are usually prescribed by cardiologists, are not combined with Viagra and its analogues. The simultaneous use of these drugs can cause a sharp decrease in blood pressure.
Among the drugs that cause an increase in potency in men (after 50, their need increases markedly), we highlight the following:
- "Alprostadil". An analogue of prostaglandin, which is available as a solution for injection. It is injected directly into the penis area. The drug has a large number of side effects, therefore it is prescribed by doctors.
- "Viagra". The drug is considered one of the best of its kind. Valid for 4-6 hours.
- "Cialis". These pills immediately after the release gained wild popularity. They are considered even more effective than Viagra, and the duration of their action is amazing - as much as 36 hours!
- "Levitra" is good, first of all, because it does not interfere with the use of alcohol and fatty foods. It increases erection in the presence of a pathogen and increases the duration of sexual intercourse by 30%.
- "Vimax" is a 100% natural preparation based on herbal ingredients. It does not cause side effects due to its composition. Most often assigned as a course.
- "Avanafil". The drug began to be produced in 2012, but it has already won the love of men. It causes fewer side effects than other drugs in this group and increases the duration of sexual intercourse. Its only drawback is its high cost.
Massage and potency enhancement
How to increase the potency in men after 50 years, in addition to the above-described means? Of course, massage! But massage is different for massage.
Relaxing home massage. To carry it out, you will probably need the help of your beloved woman. Ask her to massage your feet and calves - this will relieve stress, help you relax and make you sexually aroused due to the impact on certain points. These most cherished points (there are 3 in total) are:
- at the base of the thumb;
- on the arch of the foot;
- between little toe and heel, on the outside of the foot.
In addition, biologically active points are located in large numbers on the back and abdomen. To carry it out, it is better to contact a professional massage therapist who will restart the body (and not just the genitals) for a full recovery. Massage relieves stress and helps to fill the energy necessary for life. Women notice that their men become more successful after a massage.
That is, not only chemical agents help - increasing potency in men after 50invokes such a safe method as massage.
Doctors also advise taking a course of prostate massage from time to time. It is advisable to do it with a specialist in a medical center. Prostate massage is a good prevention of impotence, but in the presence of prostatitis it helps quite a bit, although doctors actively recommend it to patients. If you have prostatitis, so that it does not develop into impotence, treat it from the inside, raising the immune system and destroying its pathogen.
Exercises to increase potency
Exercise for men over 50, whose potency is reduced, aimed at improving the blood supply to the pelvic organs.

Important! Exercises must be done regularly, otherwise they will lose their effectiveness. On average, in a month you will notice the result. However, it will last longer than the effect after the use of potency pills.
- Sipping on all fours. Get on all fours, back straight, arms outstretched. Then slowly sit with your buttocks on your calves with your face flat on the floor. Arms extended forward.
- Stand up straight, inhale and contract your potency muscles. Wait a few seconds and slowly relax as you exhale.
- Do squats, tensing your buttocks before squatting, and remaining in the final position for a few seconds. Arms extended forward.
- Lie down, put your hands behind the back of your head, inhale, lift your leg to a vertical position and describe circles with it clockwise (2-3 circles), then counterclockwise.
- Lie on your back, bend your knees,put your palms on top of them. Slowly spread your knees to the side with your hands, providing them with tangible resistance with the muscles of your legs.
- Lie on your back, bend your knees, arms extended along the body. Raise your pelvis off the floor and hold in this position.
Many argue that strength exercises with iron help them maintain potency at the right level. But this is the best medicine, the potency after the "reception" of which increases.

To cause an increase in potency in men after 50, drugs, of course, are taken, but there are safer and even more effective methods.
And remember that the main thing is to stay young at heart, and then your body itself will try to match your mood. Do not forget about sports, relatively proper nutrition (and it is much more difficult for men to adhere to it than for women), try to give up bad habits as much as possible. And, of course, love your woman!