Problems with low testosterone are well known to many: libido decreases, the figure of a man becomes more effeminate, cases of infertility and so on are possible. However, questions arise about what high testosterone in men means? An excess amount of such a hormone affects the unpleasant consequences for the body.
The blood may have high free testosterone in men. It has nothing to do with protein. When exposed to the cells of the body, it actively penetrates inside. In a normal state, the amount of such a hormone should not exceed 2%.
What can increase testosterone levels?

Any hormone that is produced inside our body must perform specific tasks. Testosterone is no different in this regard. Its main duties are the formation of the skeleton, muscle mass, it affects the erection, as well as the ability to fertilize. High testosterone in menmay be due to a large number of factors. The most harmless is the insufficiency and irregularity of sleep, improper and inconsistent nutrition. Intermittent sex life also has an impact on hormonal levels. Moreover, high testosterone levels in men can occur due to the uncontrolled use of a number of drugs.
If a man has had an increase in testosterone, then he is diagnosed with hyperandrogenism. Due to the fact that the adrenal cortex, as well as the gonads, is responsible for the formation of testosterone, a violation in the production of the hormone is associated with certain pathological conditions of the organs represented.
Testosterone above normal in men may occur due to the following conditions:
- Various tumor-like formations inside the testicles and adrenal glands.
- Excessive exercise.
- Androgen resistance.
- Reifenstein syndrome is a genetic pathology that is inherited. It is also often referred to as male pseudohermaphrodism. The syndrome is accompanied by a variety of anomalies of the genitals.
- Itsenko-Cushing's syndrome is a neuroendocrine pathology associated with a pituitary tumor.
- Dysfunction of the adrenal cortex, which is congenital.
- Very early puberty in boys. It often happens that the penis grows large, but the testicles remain in the same, underdeveloped size. Most often, such boys have excellent physical development, but their mental state remains at a low level.children's level.
Common signs of excess hormones

Signs of high testosterone in men are often in a low tone of voice, excellent physical development. Such people often take impulsive and risky actions, are characterized by high sexual activity. Such a man does not have a permanent sexual partner. These people have a tendency to become addicted to alcohol or drugs.
How does it affect character?

Symptoms of high testosterone in men also include aggressive behavior, extreme irritability and rapid excitability. Sometimes they have suicidal tendencies. Men are distinguished by an increased amount of hair along the entire surface of the body, and abundant rashes of purulent acne often appear. However, the hair on their head can fall out fairly quickly. This manifests itself in a not quite masculine and attractive bald head.
High testosterone in men can often occur in people who are professionally engaged in bodybuilding, building muscle mass using a variety of anabolic hormones. The use of these drugs affects the deterioration of the secretion of your own testosterone in the body. The body of a man begins to independently regulate the amount of the hormone, reducing its production. This affects the development of dysfunction of the gonads. In connection with such a restructuring of the body, inhibition of the work of the testicles can often begin to occur,even their atrophy. The process itself will inevitably move towards infertility.
Problems in the work of organs

High testosterone in men: good or bad? An excess of this hormone affects the development of disorders associated with the functioning of the cardiovascular system. Against the background of such disorders, various diseases such as vascular thrombosis, heart attacks, and arterial hypertension begin in the future.
Please note that too much testosterone has been associated with infertility, erectile dysfunction, and significantly increases a man's risk of developing prostate cancer.
Problems with the reproductive system
High testosterone in men affects the functioning of the reproductive system. The prostate begins to enlarge, which leads to unpleasant difficulties during urination. Men suffer from impotence, sperm activity is significantly reduced.
One of the main consequences of an increased concentration of testosterone is the development of cancerous tumors of the prostate. With such a hormonal state, a variety of hepatic pathologies can develop, edema and congestion in the small pelvis occur. Due to muscle tissue in men, weight begins to increase, the amount of cholesterol in the body increases significantly.
What's wrong with the nervous system?

Difficulties associated with disruption of the nervous system are possible. Men suffer from insomnia, there are sharp and frequent changes in mood, and very dramatic ones. There have been cases when a person from complete relaxation almost instantly reached unbridled aggression. Severe headaches also appear periodically.
Increased amount of testosterone affects the destruction of brain cells. Teenagers can grow much slower than their peers. It is much more difficult for men to focus their attention on a specific task.
What can be done?

There are many different drugs that help stabilize the amount of hormone produced. It is best to select natural remedies that will also have a complex effect on erectile dysfunction. Due to the natural composition, such a drug will be completely safe for use without side effects.
For teens, the most common treatment for high testosterone is hormone therapy. Special analogues of luteinizing hormone are used. Thanks to this therapy, testosterone levels normalize and fall to normal levels, which should be at the age of the patient.
If an adult man begins to notice an excess of testosterone in himself, then, first of all, you need to go to the doctor for an examination. The most obvious signs can be called the appearance of uncharacteristic irritability. There is frequent aggression, hair is actively growing all over the body, sexual desire is significantly increased, which is difficult to control. The examination will help to detect a violation in the body, in connection withwhich began the excessive formation of the hormone.
Patients who are actively involved in sports and use products that help build muscle, sometimes simply refuse to take such products. As a result, their testosterone levels return to normal.
In cases where the cause of the increase in testosterone in the body is the formation of a tumor in the adrenal glands, it is necessary to be treated only with the help of surgery. If such a formation is of a benign nature, then the forecasts are mostly favorable. Boys who are seen to have early puberty may suffer from tumors in the testicles. Such tumors also need to be removed by surgery. After that, it is noticed how the hormonal background stabilizes and corresponds to the age of the child.
It is worth noting that a large number of studies have shown that men with increased amounts of testosterone age much faster and have earlier mortality.
Easy Solutions
But do not think that you need to buy a lot of expensive drugs to stabilize the hormonal background. It may sound incredible, but in order to successfully reduce testosterone, first of all, you need to normalize your regimen between work, rest and sleep. It is extremely important not to overload the body so that it is always in good shape. Men also need to normalize their sexual relations: they should be constant, but not too frequent, and with only one woman. Masturbation in such cases is undesirable.
What to eat whenincreased testosterone?

If it is necessary to reduce the level of testosterone in the body, then it will be useful to adhere to a certain diet. However, such a diet should only last for a limited time, as long-term abuse of such a regimen can significantly harm your he alth.
If you need to reduce the production of testosterone, then get as many s alty foods as possible, as well as foods that have a high content of phytoestrogens. Such products are linseed oil, red grapes, soybeans. Phytoestrogens are female sex hormones that depress testosterone secretion. You can also make and use infusions of hops and clover, use eggs, as well as full-fat milk.
Less sugar
To reduce the amount of testosterone in the body, it is very important to completely eliminate foods that contain glucose or starch from your diet. The sugar that is contained in such dishes affects the body and increases the production of testosterone. Also, men are not advised to eat meat, which greatly affects the stimulation of the secretion of male hormones.
Caffeine has a damaging effect on free testosterone. Thus, you can drink coffee and tea to lower the amount of the hormone. In no case should you stick to such a diet for a long time, since your body should receive a variety of foods with useful vitamins and components. Such a diet affects the development of a large numberpathologies and disorders that are best avoided.