Health 2024, October

Drug treatment of conjunctivitis: scheme, reviews and consequences

Drug treatment of conjunctivitis: scheme, reviews and consequences

Inflammatory process in the mucous membrane of the eyes is called conjunctivitis. Signs of the disease are redness, burning of the eyes, swelling of the eyelids, itching and lacrimation. This disease affects both children and adults. In most cases, washing with various solutions is enough to completely heal. However, it should be remembered that the disease in some cases can become chronic

Dysplasia is a violation of the formation of tissues and organs. How dangerous is this pathology?

Dysplasia is a violation of the formation of tissues and organs. How dangerous is this pathology?

Dysplasia is a disease that is characterized by a violation of the process of formation of any organs or tissues. As a rule, this is understood as diseases of the musculoskeletal system or the process of a precancerous condition of the epithelium of the cervix. Let's consider these diseases separately

How to get rid of a wart at home? Several effective recipes

How to get rid of a wart at home? Several effective recipes

Warts are benign growths that can appear anywhere on the human body. Most often it is the arms, legs, face and back. By itself, the wart does not pose a particular danger to human he alth, but if it reaches a large size and is in a conspicuous place, then its presence can ruin the whole appearance. Therefore, people suffering from this disease need to know how to get rid of warts at home

Hypervitaminosis D: symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Hypervitaminosis D: symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Some diseases develop in the first years after birth and leave a mark for life. That is why you should pay special attention to the he alth of children

Intestinal atony: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Intestinal atony: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Intestinal atony is a fairly common problem that is diagnosed in both adult patients and young children. The disease is accompanied by a decrease in the tone of the intestinal wall, resulting in a serious violation of peristalsis. Patients suffer from persistent constipation

Festering atheroma: causes, symptoms, treatment

Festering atheroma: causes, symptoms, treatment

Atheroma festering is dangerous not only in itself, it can cause other diseases that negatively affect a person's lifestyle

Acne: types, stages of development, causes and methods of treatment

Acne: types, stages of development, causes and methods of treatment

There are many different types of acne, which can take the form of blackheads, acne, and scarring. Depending on the characteristics of the course of the disease, the doctor individually selects the method of treatment

Optical nerve atrophy: causes, symptoms and treatment

Optical nerve atrophy: causes, symptoms and treatment

Optical nerve atrophy or optic neuropathy is a partial or complete cessation of the functioning of the nerve fibers that transmit visual stimulation from the retina to the brain. Atrophy of the optic nerves leads, as a rule, to a significant decrease or absolute loss of vision, as well as to a narrowing of the visual field, impaired color vision, blanching of the ONH

Perforating veins of the lower extremities: definition, features and treatment

Perforating veins of the lower extremities: definition, features and treatment

One of the parts of the circulatory system located in the lower extremities of a person are the perforating veins. It is interesting that the blood through the veins in the legs moves from bottom to top. If a person has pathological changes, then this causes disturbances in blood circulation, and this leads to serious complications. So what are perforating veins and what role do they play?

Asterisks vascular: types, causes of appearance and methods of disposal

Asterisks vascular: types, causes of appearance and methods of disposal

Asterisks vascular, in medicine called telangiectasias, are an external manifestation of dilated vessels of the upper layer of the skin. They can appear on the face, especially on the wings of the nose, and on the legs. Most often, women have such a problem, in most cases those who have already given birth

Venous insufficiency of the lower extremities: symptoms, treatment, drugs

Venous insufficiency of the lower extremities: symptoms, treatment, drugs

As scientists say, the main root cause of venous insufficiency is upright posture. But there is no getting away from this, which means that you should know those factors that provoke this problem, but are controllable - at least to some extent. You can’t argue with gravity, it will always affect blood flow, but this is not a reason to give up. You can practice measures to prevent the disease, ways to treat it. Lack of adequate therapy leads to complications - up to death

Vascular diseases: symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

Vascular diseases: symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

Thanks to arteries, veins, capillaries throughout the body, nutrients and oxygen are supplied to all organs. Vascular diseases are the cause of early death. All often they are detected in children and adolescents. The symptoms of vascular diseases and their treatment are described in the article

How to choose an orthosis for the wrist joint: advice and feedback from doctors

How to choose an orthosis for the wrist joint: advice and feedback from doctors

The complex structure of the wrist joint allows us to abduct, bend and unbend the hand, make circular movements with it. It is considered the most traumatized part of the human body. In case of its damage and diseases of the articular-ligamentous apparatus of the hand, an orthosis is used for the wrist joint. How is it chosen, and what is its main purpose?

What is muscle feeling? Its meaning

What is muscle feeling? Its meaning

Few of us think about muscle feeling and endow it with exceptional importance. Meanwhile, thanks to him, even closing his eyes, a person unmistakably feels in what position his arm is in spatial relation - is it bent or raised up, in what position is his body - is he sitting or standing

Juvenile osteochondrosis of the spine: symptoms, causes and features of treatment

Juvenile osteochondrosis of the spine: symptoms, causes and features of treatment

In the article, we will consider how to recognize juvenile osteochondrosis at an early stage by symptoms, how to identify it and how to treat it. We also advise parents to pay special attention to the period of growing up of the child, since it is best to prevent the disease than to treat it

Kidney diet: forbidden and allowed foods, list of dishes, tips

Kidney diet: forbidden and allowed foods, list of dishes, tips

Proper nutrition for kidney disease is considered an integral part of therapy. It is prescribed exclusively by the attending physician, depending on the diagnosis and the results of the examination. But not everyone knows what kidney diet is necessary

Distorted face: causes, possible diseases, treatment

Distorted face: causes, possible diseases, treatment

Such a symptom as a distorted face is not uncommon in medical practice. This is not just a cosmetic defect, various neurological diseases can be hidden behind this symptom. They can be both non-serious, not requiring specific treatment, or severe, requiring immediate consultation with a specialist

What to do at home if the liver hurts?

What to do at home if the liver hurts?

The liver is an essential element of the digestive and metabolic system, which is also involved in blood circulation and bile production. It is located in the area under the ribs on the right. Sometimes people, feeling pain in that place, decide that the liver hurts. If the sensations are disturbing, then you need to urgently consult a doctor, as the problem can be very serious. This is understandable, but now it’s worth talking about how to recognize liver pain, as well as what actions you can take on your own to alleviate it

Liver disease: symptoms, signs and treatment

Liver disease: symptoms, signs and treatment

The liver is one of the main unpaired vital internal organs of a person, located in the abdominal cavity and performing a huge variety of physiological functions. The article presents the symptoms and signs of liver disease. Treatment is also described

Paroxysmal myoplegia: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Paroxysmal myoplegia: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Paroxysmal myoplegia is a neuromuscular disease characterized by a sudden increase in pain localized in the skeletal muscles. The disease is very serious, causing immobility. What is the reason for its appearance? Are there any prerequisites? What symptoms can be considered alarming?

Extrasystole: symptoms and treatment

Extrasystole: symptoms and treatment

Depending on the place of occurrence of extraordinary impulses, ventricular and supraventricular (supraventricular) extrasystoles are determined. If such contractions come from the same source, they are called monotopic, if from different - polytopic extrasystoles

Diseases that cause bone inflammation

Diseases that cause bone inflammation

A story about the causes of bone inflammation. Description of common diseases of the skeletal system, methods of their treatment

Spine surgery and rehabilitation period

Spine surgery and rehabilitation period

Article about the methods of surgical treatment of the spine. What happens after spinal surgery, how to behave during the rehabilitation period

Paralytic ileus: symptoms, treatment and consequences

Paralytic ileus: symptoms, treatment and consequences

Intestinal obstruction, or paralytic ileus, is a rather severe pathological condition in which substances are much worse excreted from the intestines. As a rule, people who prefer to completely abandon meat usually suffer from such an ailment. It is in vegetarians that this pathology is diagnosed most often

Spinal cord injury: first aid, treatment, consequences

Spinal cord injury: first aid, treatment, consequences

Today you can find out what a spinal cord injury is, how it is treated and what are the consequences of this injury. I would like to note right away that these injuries are very dangerous for human he alth and can permanently tie the patient to a wheelchair

First aid for arrhythmia: the need, the algorithm of actions, the timing, indications, the specifics of the procedure and the obligatory consultation of a doctor

First aid for arrhythmia: the need, the algorithm of actions, the timing, indications, the specifics of the procedure and the obligatory consultation of a doctor

Under arrhythmia is meant a whole group of pathological processes associated with a violation of the heart rhythm. The disease requires timely and proper treatment. Refusal of therapy can lead to the development of serious complications that threaten life

Angiospasm of cerebral vessels: treatment, symptoms, early diagnosis, prevention

Angiospasm of cerebral vessels: treatment, symptoms, early diagnosis, prevention

Angiospasm of cerebral vessels: varieties; the main causes of the disease; symptoms; methods of instrumental diagnostics; first aid; various methods of treatment; preventive measures; possible complications and consequences

Vertebral syndrome: symptoms, diagnosis, treatment methods, reviews

Vertebral syndrome: symptoms, diagnosis, treatment methods, reviews

Vertebral syndrome includes a whole range of different pathologies. A similar problem occurs mainly when the arteries, nerve endings and vessels of the cervical region are pinched. All this leads to the appearance of characteristic symptoms, requires urgent diagnosis and complex treatment

Verebral artery syndrome with cervical osteochondrosis: symptoms and treatment

Verebral artery syndrome with cervical osteochondrosis: symptoms and treatment

Vertebral artery syndrome: how pathology manifests itself, how to recognize it. What factors will contribute to the deterioration of the condition? Is it possible to fight this pathology? What to do to avoid deterioration?

Nausea and belching: main causes, symptoms, treatment

Nausea and belching: main causes, symptoms, treatment

Disorders and diseases of the digestive system are accompanied by pain or discomfort in the abdomen, nausea and belching, vomiting, bad taste in the mouth or difficulty swallowing. Some of these symptoms appear as a result of errors in the diet, while others are signs of the disease. This publication will help to understand the meaning of the symptoms and the tactics of the patient who felt them

Catarrhal syndrome: first signs and treatment

Catarrhal syndrome: first signs and treatment

Catarrhal syndrome involves inflammation of the mucosa of the respiratory canals with the process of secretion hyperproduction and activation of local defense reactions. Against the background of inflammation of the mucosa above the vocal cords, symptoms of rhinitis, pharyngitis or tonsillitis may occur. In the area below the vocal cords, the appearance of laryngitis is not excluded, as well as tracheitis, epiglottitis, bronchitis and pneumonia

Catarrhal otitis: symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Catarrhal otitis: symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Catarrhal otitis is a pathological process of an inflammatory or infectious nature that occurs in the middle ear. This disease is characterized by damage to the tympanic cavity, auditory canal and the cellular structure of the mastoid process. Catarrhal otitis, the most common pathogens of which are pneumo-, strepto- and staphylococci, occurs in representatives of all age groups, but most often affects the children's body

Why and how do the lungs hurt? Lungs hurt when inhaling: causes, diagnosis and treatment

Why and how do the lungs hurt? Lungs hurt when inhaling: causes, diagnosis and treatment

According to statistics, about 90 percent of the population suffers from back pain. This also applies to older people and teenagers. This is often caused by pain in the lungs. It can occur as a result of certain diseases or damage to the thoracic spine or muscles that relate to it. Only a doctor can determine the exact cause

Encopresis in children: causes and treatment

Encopresis in children: causes and treatment

Problems such as enuresis and encopresis in children cannot arise without a reason, and are certainly not the norm. This article will focus on the second of the mentioned diseases. Consider what is encopresis in children, causes, treatment and symptoms of the disease

Why do light spots appear on the skin?

Why do light spots appear on the skin?

Well, who among us doesn't like to bask in the sun?! Probably, such people, if they exist, are in very small numbers. Summer is the time for bronze tans that look so beautiful on the skin and attract the attention of the opposite sex. But problems also happen - instead of an even brown color, light spots appear on the skin. What's this? Let's figure it out together

How to get rid of lice: traditional and new remedies

How to get rid of lice: traditional and new remedies

For a very long time there was an opinion that lice can appear only in those people who, for one reason or another, do not follow the rules of personal hygiene, in other words, do not wash. However, this assumption does not at all reflect the essence of the problem, since everyone can become infected with pediculosis

Kinetosis: what is it? Causes, symptoms and treatment of kinothesis

Kinetosis: what is it? Causes, symptoms and treatment of kinothesis

Troubles on the road, such as nausea, vomiting, dizziness, excessive sweating, are signs of kinetosis. This condition is most commonly seen in children. Adults usually outgrow kinetosis without any treatment

Papillomas in the mouth: causes, treatment, laser removal

Papillomas in the mouth: causes, treatment, laser removal

Papillomas in the mouth - just like on other parts of the body - appear suddenly. If a person has a growth, then we are talking about HPV - the human papillomavirus. It is he who provokes the appearance on the tongue, lips, palate, tonsils of benign formations - papillomas. Today we will find out the causes of growths in the mouth, how to remove them and preventive measures to prevent re-infection

Bechterew's disease: prognosis for life in women and men, reviews, photos. How to treat ankylosing spondylitis?

Bechterew's disease: prognosis for life in women and men, reviews, photos. How to treat ankylosing spondylitis?

The disease of the joints, which is of a chronic systemic nature, is ankylosing spondylitis. Forecast for life, photos of this disease are presented in this article. Also today we will find out how this disease is called differently, what are its symptoms, and also how you can stop its progression

Mycobacterium tuberculosis: features of these microorganisms

Mycobacterium tuberculosis: features of these microorganisms

The article describes Mycobacterium tuberculosis, their cultural characteristics, morphological types and pathogenicity, and also mentions a method for diagnosing tuberculosis using polymerase chain reaction