The rhythm of the contraction of the heart is provided by its muscles, grouped into knots and bundles. For example, the sino-atrial node starts the heart rhythm, and the atrioventricular node sends the impulse further - to the ventricle. Rhythm disturbance occurs quite often, and sometimes it becomes the first sign of a serious illness. One type of arrhythmia is extrasystole. Symptoms

usually manifest as follows: there is a push in the chest, followed by a feeling of a sinking heart or even its short-term stop for 1-2 seconds. With such a violation of the rhythm, premature contraction occurs - extrasystole. It does not occur in the sinus node, which is the source of impulses, but in other parts of the heart muscle, in the excited myocardium. After an extraordinary contraction, the heart has not yet completely filled with blood, there is a certain pause, due to which it is recruited more than necessary. Then follows a strong impulse, an outburst. It is these shocks that are very palpable by a person. If the myocardium is affected, severe extrasystole develops, the symptoms are sufficientspecific: lack of oxygen, dizziness, weakness, acute pain in the heart.
Types of extrasystoles

Depending on the place of occurrence of extraordinary impulses, ventricular and supraventricular (supraventricular) extrasystoles are determined. If such contractions come from the same source, they are called monotopic, if from different - polytopic extrasystoles. Premature impulses can go one after another - they are called paired - or two or three in a row - volley. Frequent extrasystole is very dangerous because the efficiency of the heart is reduced. Heart failure may develop. If extrasystoles are ventricular (come from the ventricles of the heart), then their frequency and volley can provoke fibrillation. Such a violation of the rhythm is called "fatal". Ventricular fibrillation is a dangerous condition. It is characterized by erratic activity of the heart, in which there are no effective contractions and emissions. If fibrillation lasts 5-7 minutes, it will inevitably lead to death.
Diagnosis and treatment

Electrocardiography can detect heart rhythm disturbances and determine the place where extrasystole occurs. In this case, the patient may have no symptoms. It is very important to conduct a complete examination of the body in order to understand the cause of extrasystoles. After all, they appear not only due to heart disease. Extrasystoles can be caused by stress, nervous diseases, brain injuries andtumors. Treatment in this case should be directed to the underlying disease, and sedatives are suitable to maintain a normal heart rhythm. When the disease becomes chronic, antiarrhythmic drugs are prescribed. This is especially true if the patient has supraventricular extrasystole, the symptoms of which give him unpleasant and painful sensations.