Catarrhal syndrome involves inflammation of the mucosa of the respiratory canals with the process of secretion hyperproduction and activation of local defense reactions. Against the background of inflammation of the mucosa above the vocal cords, symptoms of rhinitis, pharyngitis or tonsillitis may occur. In the area below the vocal cords, the appearance of laryngitis is not excluded, as well as tracheitis, epiglottitis, bronchitis and pneumonia.
Diseases that are accompanied by catarrhal syndrome belong to the group of acute otolaryngological infections. Most often, their main pathogens are various viruses, less often bacteria. Causes of catarrhal syndrome may be exposure to allergens and irritants of a cold nature. Very often, the impact of various factors is expressed, for example, colds and viruses.

The main pathogens are considered to be viruses that have a high tropism in relation to certain parts of the respiratorychannels.
What causes illness
The clinical forms of catarrhal syndrome include the following manifestations:
• Acute rhinitis is an inflammation of the mucous membrane in the nasal cavity. The characteristic symptoms of this are sneezing with separation of mucus from the nose and impaired nasal breathing. The process of the outflow of mucus along the back of the throat, as a rule, causes a cough.
• Pharyngitis is an inflammation of the pharyngeal mucosa. For him, suddenly appearing sensations of perspiration with dryness in the throat, as well as pain when swallowing, are typical. Catarrh of the upper respiratory tract may be accompanied by fever, weakness, refusal to eat.
• Tonsillitis is expressed by local changes in the palatine tonsils, which have a bacterial (often streptococcal) or viral etiology. This condition is characterized by intoxication with hyperemia and swelling of the tonsils, as well as palatine arches, uvula, posterior pharyngeal wall. May be accompanied by loose overlap in gaps.
• Laryngitis is an inflammation of the larynx that involves the vocal cords and infraglottic space. The first symptoms in this case are dry and barking cough with hoarseness.
• Epiglottitis is an inflammation of the epiglottis with a characteristic and pronounced disturbance in the work of breathing.
• Tracheitis. The disease is an inflammatory process of the mucous membrane of the trachea. Symptoms in this situation are manifested in the form of a dry cough. Most often, with infectious diseases, catarrhal syndrome is observed.
• Bronchitis. This disease servesbronchial lesions of any caliber. The main symptom is coughing. At the very beginning of the disease, the cough is usually dry, and after a few days it becomes wet and is characterized by an increase in the amount of sputum, which often has a mucous character. In the second week of the disease, sputum secreted with a cough may acquire a greenish color due to the admixture of fibrin. The cough may persist for fourteen days, and sometimes up to one month. Cough, as a rule, is delayed in the presence of adenovirus, respiratory syncytial, mycoplasmal and chlamydial factors. Symptoms and treatment in adults of acute respiratory infections and influenza will be discussed below.

What are the main symptoms of the disease? When examining patients against the background of catarrhal syndrome, as a rule, the following phenomena are observed:
• The nasal mucosa looks swollen and hyperemic. It can often be covered with crusts.
• Tracheitis can be manifested by discomfort in the form of chest pain, cough of varying intensity, which is dry or with some sputum.
• Pharyngitis may be accompanied by a sore throat and difficulty swallowing.
• The mucous membrane of the pharynx is thickened and hyperemic.
• The main manifestation of laryngitis is a change in the timbre of the voice, its hoarseness occurs, speech can become difficult to distinguish. In rare cases, the voice disappears completely.
The catarrh of the upper respiratory tract is able to spread to the lowerareas. In this case, patients develop acute tracheobronchitis. For a complete characterization of the catarrhal syndrome in infectious diseases, a detailed examination of the pharynx is considered informative. An important condition is directional lighting through the use of a reflector or table lamp. The symptoms of catarrhal syndrome are very unpleasant.

Temperature rise
A disease that has an infectious nature of origin, as a rule, is very often combined with fever. The development of intoxication is not excluded. Respiratory diseases can be viral, bacterial and mixed viral-bacterial in nature. The first group is considered the most extensive, which includes influenza and other acute respiratory infections, which also include mycoplasmosis. The second group of diseases combines bacterial catarrhs of the upper respiratory canals, as well as associative viral elements that complicate the pathology.
It must be borne in mind that within the framework of diagnosis, taking into account various approaches to treating patients, one should strive to conduct a preliminary nosological examination.
Almost always catarrhal-respiratory syndrome manifests itself in the group of acute respiratory infections. Influenza occupies the leading place in the SARS category.
This disease is still considered one of the unresolved problems, due to the fact that the total number of sick and infected (mainly during epidemics) flu surpasses allinfectious diseases combined.
Influenza, as a mass disease, has been known since ancient times. The first pandemic was recorded in 1580. In the twentieth century, several epidemics were described that went down in history. One is known as the "Spanish flu" and the other as the "Asian flu". During pandemics, the number of patients was not in the hundreds of thousands, but in the millions. The disease got its name in the eighteenth century from the French word "gripper", which means "to grasp".

Influenza is caused by viruses, which are divided into three genera: "A", "B" and "C". Influenza A has the highest pathogenicity. The main source of infection in this case is a sick person with a clinically pronounced form of the disease. The mechanism of transmission of this infection, as is the case with most SARS, is the airborne route of transmission of viruses. Human susceptibility to this disease is absolute. This virus is very widespread among the population. This affects the fact that newborns are found to receive anti-influenza antibodies obtained from the mother through milk, due to which temporary immunity to this infection is caused. Catarrhal syndrome in children from 3 years old is as common as in adults.
Influenza clinic varies significantly, depending on the age of the patient, on the state of his immunity, the serotype of the virus along with virulence and many other reasons. Influenza can develop in complicated or uncomplicated forms. According to the severity of his course, hemay be mild, moderate or severe.
Treatment of catarrhal syndrome with influenza
As part of influenza therapy, patients are prescribed strict bed rest, a fortified diet and frequent drinking, such as herbal tea, raspberry drink (can be prepared from fresh berries or from frozen, dried, canned). Lemon tea and fruit juices are also great.
Of the currently existing antiviral agents, doctors most often prescribe Remantadin. To reduce temperature, reduce headache and muscle pain, the use of such classic remedies as Analgin, Askorutin and Amidopyrin is suitable.
In debilitated patients
For patients suffering from severe influenza, as well as people weakened by concomitant ailments, it is recommended to administer anti-influenza gamma globulin. Antibiotics are prescribed by doctors only in cases of complications, as well as to patients in whom the disease is severe. The use of antibiotics is considered appropriate in the presence of severe comorbidities, such as rheumatism, diabetes, tuberculosis, and so on.

This disease can be prevented in many ways. Influenza prevention is reduced to the isolation of patients from he althy people. Frequent ventilation of the rooms in which the patients are located is necessary. Wet treatment with a solution of chloramine will not interfere either. Dibazoloprophylaxis can give a good result. In recent years, there has been an increasing use of liveinactivated vaccine, which is made on the basis of strains "A" and "B". Live vaccines are administered intranasally or orally, and also administered subcutaneously.
A great way to prevent flu is:.
- Hardening.
- Quality food.
- Sports.
These simple ways help strengthen the immune system, which must resist the entry of microbes into the body.
This is the name of an acute anthroponotic infection, which is caused by four types of viruses. It is transmitted by airborne droplets. In this case, the virus is able to stand out with nasopharyngeal mucus. This is especially intense in the first days of illness during coughing and sneezing.
Parainfluenza accounts for about twenty percent of SARS among adults and the same in children. Parainfluenza, as a rule, occurs all year round and is marked by a slight increase in the incidence in cold weather. The disease can begin with a slight runny nose and be accompanied by cough, dryness, sore throat and low-grade fever. Intoxication is expressed moderately or not at all. The overall picture of the disease may be dominated by symptoms of laryngitis, which will be accompanied by hoarseness or hoarseness, as well as a barking cough.

Let's consider how to identify acute catarrhal syndrome.
A decisive role in confirming the diagnosis of diseases accompanied by a respiratory syndrome is played by the method of laboratory diagnosis,which includes the following tricks:
• Methods aimed at identifying pathogens.
• Techniques that detect specific antibodies in patients' serum.
It should be noted that the immunofluorescence method is currently the most preferred method for catarrhal bronchitis, as it allows for accurate morphological analysis with high specificity. This method is fairly easy to reproduce and provides results in just a few hours. The presented method is widely applicable in order to establish specific antibodies in the blood serum of patients suffering from viral or bacterial diseases. During the diagnosis, patients are also given a chest x-ray.
Symptoms and treatment in adults of ARI and influenza are often interrelated. The diagnosis of respiratory diseases is established in the absence of a clear predominance of a special nosological form. It suggests not only the bacterial, but also the viral nature of the disease. Directly, the term "ARVI" means the presence of a viral etiology of the disease.

The strategy for the treatment of catarrhal-respiratory syndrome is determined according to the mechanism of pathogenesis, etiology and common clinical manifestations of the pathology.
For etiotropic treatment, doctors use drugs from the category of adamantane series, for example "Rimantadine". Also widely used drugs from the group of indoles, inexamples in this case include Arbidol and Oseltamivir, which is often prescribed for influenza.